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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition

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    • Orders Sent

      Blown up by a stray nuclear bomb last turn, and killed by the Mafia this turn not sure what to expect next

      /me "The Great Detective"
      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


      • Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
        Orders Sent

        Blown up by a stray nuclear bomb last turn, and killed by the Mafia this turn not sure what to expect next
        whatever it is, I hope it means I finish next to last.


        • Sent.

          /me puts sand goggles on
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Sent.


            • Turn 32: "Breakdown, go ahead and give it to me."

              Kassi continues his success in finding the hidden sandbags, but maintains his lead.

              Jonny starts breaking for the next turn, and Rah burns a wild card and follows Kassi through the hidden sand bag.

              Sparrow raps around the corner, while Ramsey is totally hosed by an uncovered sandbag which negates his last L, leving him in a bad way to make it around the corner (Why he did not accelerate is beyond me).

              In other news, Rah is banned for a week from also suffers a 10% PCR...Ooops...maybe that is not funny?

                    |*********|        /----\                  /------\
                    |*********|       /******\                /********\
                    |*********|      /********\              /******o***\
                    |*********|     /***ooo****\            /**ooooooo***\
                    |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
                    |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
                     \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o*o**|      |***|
                      \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                       \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                        \**********/    /o**/      |*5*6**\  \oo**|    |...|
                   /-------------------/o**/       |**oo***\ |o***/    |...|
                  /*********ooo***********/        |***|*o*| /o**/     |^^^|
                 |******o******s***ooo***/         |*o*|***|/***/      /***|
                 |***oo***o*************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
                     Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|o**|***|       /***/***/
                                    /*****\ /*****\|***|o**|***o\-----/o**/*o*/
                                   |***o***|***o***|***| \**o\**********/***/
                    --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/o**/
                    F******************|***o***|***o***|   \*o*\------/***/
                    F*****************/|******/|******/     \**s******o**/
                    F****************/  \****/  \****/       \***oo*****/
                    ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
              NASCAR 8
              Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
              2 Rah 8 1 S A(A+1)(M2)LL(M5)
              3 Kassiopeia 7 2 S A(2L)(6M)
              4 Jonny 7 2 S BL(m1)L(m4)
              5 Sparrowhawk 7 3 W A(M2)LML(M2)
              6 gjramsey 5 2 NW (M3)LML
              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


              • Sent.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • Sent, and now we pray.
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • figures that trying to play safe and not crash will hose me in the long run.

                    An A and no sandbags would have piled me into Sparrow.

                    and sent


                    • Second Last

                      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                      • Sent.


                        • Turn 33: "Oil slick dead ahead!"

                          Rah demostrates a brilliant piece of racing as he dirves straight ahead and onto the grass, taking a slim lead.

                          Kassi continues to find sand bags as he plows through the second to last double sandbag on the outside wall.

                          Jonny follows him through the double and is sitting on top of one.

                          Sparrow burns a WC and hold the speed edge...for now.

                          Ramsey goes into the wall, and rights himself headed south

                                |*********|        /----\                  /------\
                                |*********|       /******\                /********\
                                |*********|      /********\              /******o***\
                                |*********|     /***ooo****\            /**ooooooo***\
                                |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
                                |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
                                 \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o*o**|      |***|
                                  \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                                   \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                                    \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \oo**|    |...|
                               /-------------------/o**/       |**oo***\ |o***/    |...|
                              /*********ooo***********/        |***|*o*| /o**/     |^^^|
                             |******o******s***ooo***/         |6o*|***|/***/      /***|
                             |***oo***o*************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
                                 Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |5**|o**|***|       /***/***/
                                                /*****\ /*****\|***|o**|***o\-----/o**/*o*/
                                               |***o***|***o***|**4| \**o\**********/***/
                                --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/o**/
                                F******************|***o***|***2**3|   \*o*\------/***/
                                F*****************/|******/|******/     \**s******o**/
                                F****************/  \****/  \****/       \***oo*****/
                                ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
                          NASCAR 8
                          Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                          2 Rah 8 1 W AM7RR
                          3 Kassiopeia 7 2 S ALR(4M)RM
                          4 Jonny 4 2 S BL(m1)R(m3)
                          5 Sparrowhawk 9 2 S A(A+1)LL(M7)
                          6 gjramsey 4 2 S AL(L+1)(M4)
                          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                          • I surprised, I expected to met Jonny on that square.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • Not only do you have a 3 square lead, but you now have a one turn directional lead, which is going to prove to be hard to overcome.
                              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                              • Sent, but please review in terms of my question before it becomes official.

                                And don't say anything about hard to overcome. My car is so splattered in oil that being in the lead at this point may not be the optimal place.
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

