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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition

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  • Yes, but I'll update on Monday by the latest since Rah won't get new orders in until then. I might do it tomrrow, but got a lot of stuff on me plate.
    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


    • Okay just to let you know, I am doing the return trip (another 2 days of travel today-Sunday and tomorrow-Monday) so I am not sure I will get new orders in before Monday night at the earliest.

      Fortunately Western Canada isn't quite in the deep freeze it was in when I did the first leg.

      "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


      • Turn 26: "Yawn."

        A pretty bland turn this time out. The "fun" will resume on T28.
              |*********|        /----\                  /------\
              |*********|       /******\                /********\
              |*********|      /********\              /******o***\
              |*********|     /***ooo****\            /**ooooooo***\
              |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
              |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
               \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o*o**|      |***|
                \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                 \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                  \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \oo**|    |...|
             /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
            /*********ooo***********/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
           |******o******s***ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
           |***oo***o*************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
               Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/**2/
                              /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/***/
                             |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/
              --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/**6/
              F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/**5/
              F*****************/|******/|******/     \************/
              F****************/  \****/  \****/       \**********/
              ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
        NASCAR 8
        Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
        2 Rah 4 3 S BRRMA
        3 Kassiopeia 5 3 SE A(4M)RR
        4 Jonny 3 2 S B(B+1)RR(m1)
        5 Sparrowhawk 4 3 SW A(M4)
        6 gjramsey 4 2 SW A(M4)
        We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


        • orders sent


          • Sent.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • Sent
              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Sent.


                • Sent!

                  "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                  • Turn 27: "More Sand bags? I thought we were done with sand bag alley!"

                    Sparrow stretches his lead as Ramsey finds another sand bag (he is sitting on it).

                    Kassi slips by Rah (who went out of his way to hit the sand bag two squares behind him) and Jonny.

                    Kassi has a lot of momentum as he swings out of last place with some speed and missed obstances.

                    OMG!!!...Is that more oil up ahead?....look out!

                          |*********|        /----\                  /------\
                          |*********|       /******\                /********\
                          |*********|      /********\              /******o***\
                          |*********|     /***ooo****\            /**ooooooo***\
                          |*********|    /***ooooo****|          /***oo/---\o***\
                          |*********|  -/****/---\****|         |***oo/     \o***\
                           \********o\/o****/    /***/          |o*o**|      |***|
                            \*******ooo****/    /***/     /---\  \o***|      |^^^|
                             \************/    /*o*/     /*****\  \o***\     |...|
                              \**********/    /o**/      |******\  \oo**|    |...|
                         /-------------------/o**/       |***o***\ |o***/    |...|
                        /*********ooo***********/        |***|***| /o**/     |^^^|
                       |******o******s***ooo***/         |***|***|/***/      /***|
                       |***oo***o*************/          |***|***|***|      /o***|---\
                           Sand Bag Alley  /---\   /---\ |***|***|***|       /***/***/
                                          /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o**/*o*/
                                         |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/*24/
                          --------------/****|***|***|***|***|  \***\********/**3/
                          F******************|***o***|***o***|   \***\------/***/
                          F*****************/|******/|******/     \*********6**/
                          F****************/  \****/  \****/       \******5***/
                          ----------------/    \--/    \--/         \--------/
                    NASCAR 8
                    Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                    2 Rah 4 3 SW ARRL(M2)
                    3 Kassiopeia 6 3 SW A(2R)(4M)
                    4 Jonny 4 2 SW AR(m3)
                    5 Sparrowhawk 5 3 W A(M2)R(M2)
                    6 gjramsey 4 2 W A(M2)R(M2)
                    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                    • I can't catch a break, thought i was being clever to avoid Jonny getting a slip for this turn. I end up hitting the sandbag and he gets a slip of KAS.

                      I guess I'm fated to finish last which will be tough considering how well I raced the first sections. But I'm not going down without a fight.

                      Sent (let's see how clever screws me this time.)
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Sent.
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • I knew I should of stayed on the outside line....



                          • please ignore this double post...not sure how it happened, I only hit the button once! really.


                            • Sent.

                              And this is the first turn in the last three that I haven't planned for gjramsey sliping, the last two have worked out well for me, not so sure about this one now...any chance I can miss the oil and leave it for those behind me to discover

                              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                              • I didn't want to risk a ram, and allowing to others to overtake us before the U turn.

