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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition
I have to agree. We actually had a couple of turns in a single day. I don't think that has ever happened before.It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
Turn 35: "Light at the end of the tunnel!"
Rah takes a clear lead as Jonny and Sparrow lock bumpers.
There are only a few sandbags between Rah and the finish line.
Rah wins the race handidly on the turn after next. Even burning all the wildcards, no one can catch him.
Code:|*********| /----\ /------\ |*********| /******\ /********\ |*********| /********\ /******o***\ |*********| /***ooo****\ /**ooooooo***\ |*********| /***ooooo****| /***oo/---\o***\ |*********| -/****/---\****| |***oo/ \o***\ \********o\/o****/ /***/ |o*o**| |***| \*******ooo****/ /***/ /---\ \o***| |^^^| \************/ /*o*/ /*****\ \o***\ |...| \**********/ /o**/ |******\ \oo**| |...| /-------------------/o**/ |**oo***\ |o***/ |...| /*********ooo***********/ |***|*o*| /o**/ |^^^| |******o******s***ooo***/ |*o*|***|/***/ /***| |***oo***o*************/ |***|***|***| /o***|---\ |**oo-----------------------------|***|***|---------/oo***/****\ |***oo*******oo****o***>.....>*ooo|***|***|....>******s**/*s*o**\ \******oo*******o*****>......>***|***|***|.....>*******/***/***/ \-------------------------------|***|***|------------/***/***/ Sand Bag Alley /---\ /---\ |***|o**|***| /***/***/ /*****\ /*****\|***|o**|***o\-----/o**/*o*/ |*******|*******|**o|\***\***ooooooo*o/***/ |***o***|**3o***|**o| \**o\**********/***/ --------------/****|***|***|***|***| \***\********/o**/ F******************|**45*o*|***6***| \*o*\------/***/ F***************2*/|******/|***s**/ \**s******o**/ F****************/ \****/ \****/ \***oo*****/ ----------------/ \--/ \--/ \--------/
Code:NASCAR 8 Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders 2 Rah 8 0 W A(A+1)MRMLML(M2) 3 Kassiopeia 6 2 W (2R)M(2L)A 4 Jonny 3 0 W A(A+1)(m2)LL(m2)RR 5 Sparrowhawk 3 2 W ARMLLMRM 6 gjramsey 5 2 W A(M4)(R2) We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.