1000 AD
1000 AD
Turn #7
Stock Market slowdown, recession expected
Trading has been down recently with only 3 societies sending shipments to their neighbours. The Dudes sent their entire supply of Snowfire Gems to the Most Evil Empire. The Paragon of Empire split their collection of Vovan Oil between the Dudes,
and the Most Evil Empire. Meanwhile the newly elected leader of Ljubium sent all their Jamski Hides to the Paragon of Empire.
King Who? and see if your still Smiling after this!! 
With many of the people of the Most Evil Empire being unaware of Whoha their despot was, they decided that a Monarch would be more appropriate to lead the Empire of Evil and when all was said and done, none other then King Whoha sat upon the throne of the Most Evil Empire.
Similarly in a land of
a council was formed to lead the people and their first decision was to wipe the Smile off of their despots face by desposing him and placing of their own choosing as the new leader of their Republic of
. Both the Council and the people were quick annoyed to discover that the new leader also had a habit of
too much.
Land, Land everywhere, and not a spot to think!
Every Society decided that with land at a premium that their first priority had to be the construction of new cities. When all was said and done, not a city site remained for future devolopment (and many of the Societies with plans for cities were left wondering what happened to the vast empty fields that were there when they started their plans).
Many developers were rumoured to discuss plans for colonization of a new planet while some of their counterparts were said to be looking into the cost of recovering land that has been exposed to nuclear activity. Scientists explained to all of them that while their options were both possible that neither was likely to be possible in the near future.
Not so fast, this Science race is still a race
With the high demand for labourers and construction material for the new cities that were constructed, little funding was left in the Societies for Scientific Research but seizing the opportunity to get ahead of the Land of
(whom many found to be revolting) the Land of Ljubium advanced their society with knowledge of Nuclear Fission. With their Republic pleased with this discover and in a spirit of goodwill towards their most distant neighbours to also share in this, they gifted this knowledge to the Paragon of Empire.
Silk Road full of Potholes
The Empire of Ljubium constructed the most economical of the available wonders, the Silk Road, only to discover that the road had been replaced by newer more efficient forms of trasportation for trade goods. When told of the White Elephant purchase, the new Ljubium leader was heard to say "It may not help our trade, but our fledgling republic could use the culture enhancement that the Silk Road will bring". Amid the public outcry and voilence that followed this gross misappropriation of public funds, the Consul intended to announce the construction of National Rifle Association, but decided that a University might be a safer form of wonderous demonstration in Ljubium (only to discover that the demonstrators promptly used this University as their site of demonstrations).
The Paragon of Empire had no such fears of Guns however and were pleased to add the National Rifle Association to their Wonders of their World (though disappointed that they could not unveil the National University Rifle Association that they had intended).
Free Military Training to the Homeless
With no room for more cities and population growth out of control, the Societies of the Dudes, the Paragon of Empire and Ljubium all put their homeless into training programs and as a result greatly expanded their Military forces.
Wonders of the World
The Smiles High Tower (E2)
The Cubic Colosseum (B7)
The Trojan Horse of
The Cubium Acropolis (C7)
The Silk Path of Ljubium (B9)
of Jihad (E4)
The Mafia of Paragon of Empire (H2)
The Trans-siberian Railroad of
The NRA of the Paragon of Empire (H3)
The University of California is Ljubium (A9)
Future Techs
Cost of Tech 8 (Industrialization) is now 17 Gold
Cost of Tech 9 (Representative Government) is now 28 Gold
Cost of Tech 10 (Mass Education) is now 88 Gold
Cost of Tech 11 (Nuclear Fission) is now 214 Gold
1000 AD
Turn #7
Stock Market slowdown, recession expected
Trading has been down recently with only 3 societies sending shipments to their neighbours. The Dudes sent their entire supply of Snowfire Gems to the Most Evil Empire. The Paragon of Empire split their collection of Vovan Oil between the Dudes,

From Cost Revenue To Revenue Spaced (9 caravans) 144 567 Whoha 567 Jonny (3 Caravans) 51 216 Spaced 216 Jonny (3 Caravans) 54 240 Smiley 240 Jonny (2 Caravans) 112 30 Whoha 112 Ljube (6 Caravans) 84 576 Jonny 288

With many of the people of the Most Evil Empire being unaware of Whoha their despot was, they decided that a Monarch would be more appropriate to lead the Empire of Evil and when all was said and done, none other then King Whoha sat upon the throne of the Most Evil Empire.
Similarly in a land of

Land, Land everywhere, and not a spot to think!
Every Society decided that with land at a premium that their first priority had to be the construction of new cities. When all was said and done, not a city site remained for future devolopment (and many of the Societies with plans for cities were left wondering what happened to the vast empty fields that were there when they started their plans).
Many developers were rumoured to discuss plans for colonization of a new planet while some of their counterparts were said to be looking into the cost of recovering land that has been exposed to nuclear activity. Scientists explained to all of them that while their options were both possible that neither was likely to be possible in the near future.
Not so fast, this Science race is still a race
With the high demand for labourers and construction material for the new cities that were constructed, little funding was left in the Societies for Scientific Research but seizing the opportunity to get ahead of the Land of

Silk Road full of Potholes
The Empire of Ljubium constructed the most economical of the available wonders, the Silk Road, only to discover that the road had been replaced by newer more efficient forms of trasportation for trade goods. When told of the White Elephant purchase, the new Ljubium leader was heard to say "It may not help our trade, but our fledgling republic could use the culture enhancement that the Silk Road will bring". Amid the public outcry and voilence that followed this gross misappropriation of public funds, the Consul intended to announce the construction of National Rifle Association, but decided that a University might be a safer form of wonderous demonstration in Ljubium (only to discover that the demonstrators promptly used this University as their site of demonstrations).
The Paragon of Empire had no such fears of Guns however and were pleased to add the National Rifle Association to their Wonders of their World (though disappointed that they could not unveil the National University Rifle Association that they had intended).
Free Military Training to the Homeless
With no room for more cities and population growth out of control, the Societies of the Dudes, the Paragon of Empire and Ljubium all put their homeless into training programs and as a result greatly expanded their Military forces.
Society | Cities | Tech | Army | Nukes/SDI | SS Parts | Gold |
Spaced Cowboy - Despotism | 20 | 9 | 47 | 0/0 | 0 | 760 |
:) Smiley - Republic | 20 | 10 | 33 | 0/0 | 0 | 1337 |
Jonny - Despotism | 14 | 11 | 45 | 0/0 | 0 | 909 |
Whoha - Monarchy | 13 | 7 | 23 | 0/0 | 0 | 1146 |
Ljube - Republic | 14 | 11 | 49 | 0/0 | 0 | 1689 |
The Smiles High Tower (E2)
The Cubic Colosseum (B7)
The Trojan Horse of

The Cubium Acropolis (C7)
The Silk Path of Ljubium (B9)

The Mafia of Paragon of Empire (H2)
The Trans-siberian Railroad of

The NRA of the Paragon of Empire (H3)
The University of California is Ljubium (A9)
Future Techs
Cost of Tech 8 (Industrialization) is now 17 Gold
Cost of Tech 9 (Representative Government) is now 28 Gold
Cost of Tech 10 (Mass Education) is now 88 Gold
Cost of Tech 11 (Nuclear Fission) is now 214 Gold