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Assassins II: Eye of the Beholder

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  • Assassins II: Eye of the Beholder

    Assassins II- Eye of the Beholder

    DAY 1 (12-Nerul-13733)

    The Histories of The Forgotten Realms LXII: Chapter I- Azoun's Grand Quest Begins

    And, on the 23rd of Faran in the nation of Cormyr, the Great King Azoun IV sent out a call for adventurers across the realms- petitioning powerful mages and barbarians from the Dalelands, Anauroch, and from locations as far distant as Calimshan and Luskan.

    These heroes and adventurers, blackguards and fools gathered in the Court of Azoun- brought hither by promises of untold wealth should they accomplish their mission.

    And yet, as they gathered in the antechamber, some began to wonder... "Why would Azoun not send his troops out into the caves themselves? Why would he hire adventurers to do the work for him... Were his troops not strong enough?"

    Azoun dismissed these fears with a flick of his wrist and a shake of his head. "My dear friends." He began. "I send ye and not my army because of both the cost and the dangers."

    The adventurers looked around at each other, puzzled. The reward was said to be great. How could the cost be less if they, and not the army were sent.

    "You see," Azoun continued. "Only the survivors will be rewarded. And I cannot risk the decimation of my army. Nay, with the contested lands of Anauroch to the North and with the Dalelands foul predations, I have much to fear. Therefore, I asked you- all 300 of you to come to my side and travel into the Underdark to destroy Sschindyrlryn, the city of the Drow so that those foul creatures will no longer trouble our fair town and forest."

    Those gathered nodded at Azoun's wisdom.

    "You must understand." Azoun began. "You will be segmented into groups of 20 or so for adventuring. That way, no Drow Wizard will be able to destroy you all in a cave collapse."

    The adventurers, gathered from throughout the Forgotten Realms (r) grumbled at that suggestion.

    Azoun affixed them with a deadly glare and they fell silent.

    Over the following days, Azoun's Lord Chamberlain divided the personages into groups.

    The Times Of the Journey Into the Hated Drow Wastes

    ...The cave-in caught us all unawares. Methinks the blasted Dark Elves set the trap to trigger moments upon our entrance. Mealso thinks that the damned Halfling from Calimshan- that fiendishly evil Zopperoni with his tight fitting purple tunic and shining silver daggers was the idiot who triggered the slide with all his mindless darting ahead and searching for hiding holes and concealed areas.

    Thankfully, more or less, all of us survived the collapse. Our adventuring party survived intact without so much as a lost arm or damaged foot between us- save that of the self-reknowned "Great" Wizard.

    The ancient Tuberski Majere had held back safely behind the group, moving slowly along, accompanied by his assistants, the sturdy dwarven ranger- Urban Ranger and the helpful human monk Joncha. However, his very caution was his downfall as the rocks slid and his assistants scampered out of the way, leaving him to fall upon the ground and be struck by several large boulders, pinning his leg.

    We all gasped, seeing the indemnity that he suffered. Then strong-bodied Gheneral Ludd and Ljube ljcvetko rushed forth to lift him from the ground. After clearing the rock with strong straining pushes, they each took an arm and pulled The "Great" Wizard to his feet.

    The man was disoriented and delirious. Indeed, he seemed to have forgotten why he was accompanying us on our adventure.

    With the exception of the strange Bard from Amn... Jon Miller, who was compiling odes to Gheneral Ludd and Ljube ljcvetko's fortitude and who, I believe, was perversely hoping that our "Great" Wizard would die so that he could sing an epic about the instance, we all prayed that Tuberski would improve.

    -Siddiqui Il-Artir

    Schematic Inventions and Drawings: Chaunk Makerofthings... Volume XII Edition I

    ... Unlike my companions who cursed it, I gave thanks for the cave-in. The accident itself presented numerous possibilities for my inventiveness to show forth.

    Indade- after hearing the first crumbling of the rocks and the first painful screams, I immediately set about constructing a oracular device withwhich I could determine the injured persons' temperature of his mouth- for we all know as the great Gnomic Inventor Hewhoknowsmorethanyouknowandwhoinventedalotofstuff andwhosetruenamewouldtakenearlyfourteendaystorepea t... discovered in the year 13701 that the body of most mammalian animals sweat profusely through their mouths and therefore oracular infections have a way of causing gangrene- for if the mouth can not radiate excess heat, then the body is doomed, and if the body is doomed, then the soul is dead.

    As I worked, I found myself under the watchful eye of Jonny, the Halfling Wizard from Sundabar. I don’t know why he would stare at me so, excepting that he is one of those old blackguard fools who remember the Great Miniature War between Halflings and Gnomes over the Smalllands across the oceans. No, I fear the man was eyeing me speculatively and watchfully, intent was he on stealing my invention.

    Seeing this, I halted in my drawing of the schematics and retreated into a corner, by myself.

    -Chaunk Makerofthingsblowingupanddestroyingalotofotherstuf fandusingfuselagestodestroydragonsandwhohaskilleda tleastonedragonalbeitasmallgolddragonbabyeggbuthed estoryeditandthatisnotwherethestoryendsbecausethen heattackedthemotherbutdidnotkillherbutdidsurviveth eflamesdartingaroundhimselfbecauseofthecraftedmagi calarmorwhichhewoninagamblingcontestwiththevenerab le-Destroyerofsmallobjectsofdubiousworthandwhodidsode stroythegreatgnomeslayertharallvaneusthebarbarian. .. etc.

    From the Diary of Lady Anita Blake of Luskan City

    The Lady Aluria sent me on this journey for Mardadril knows what reason. Sigh. I wish I had been accompanied by allies. But, the Lady was most adamant. One representative and only one. More might firghten Azoun.

    And, as I hath come of age and reached my 120th year, I must needs be prove my worthiness to the blood.

    Therefore, I must grit my teeth and gird up my- (blushes)- nevermind. I hath read tooo much male-dominated works of fiction, methinks.

    But regardless, I must show fortitude and rectitude in this venture as in all else and do honor by my elven Matriage.

    (signed in a flourish)

    -The Lady Anita Blake

    The Histories of The Forgotten Realms LXII: Chapter II- The Cave-In at the Forest of Cormyr

    ... As the heroes dragged the limp body of Tuberski Majere from the rock-collapse, the half-elven ranger, Octavius X started to search for some way out of this cave. Despite the exertion of his greatest tracking skills, the learnéd Octavius discovered nothing and sat down to brood.

    Meanwhile, Sir Spacéd C’owboy, the loyal Helmite and companion of the Bard Jon Miller, approached the shattered body of Tuberski and laid his hands upon the man’s appendage, attempting to heal the shattered leg. Siddiqui Il-Artir, the Elven Druid scowled, watching the pitiful human attempt to cure the great wizard. He had little respect for the one who called himself Tuberski the Great, for as Siddiqui well knew, true knowledge can only be attained by Elven-kind, and that human’s puny lifespans limits them to only minimal achievement. Indeed, Siddiqui held a deep distrust of all human-born magic-users.

    While Siddiqui watched the Paladin heal the Wizard, Trokair T’Shandbar, a Half-Elven Wizard, studied his spellbooks intently, and “Doctor” Spike leerily eyed the group’s jangling coin-purses.

    Master Nuclearus, a spoiled brat from the docks of Calimshan, loitered about, leering at the Elven Lady and winking at her ever so often. She returned his leers with deathly glares. Siddiqui noticed this and rose to speak with the Master. After a few raised words, the Master retreated from the Lady and the Druid, and Siddiqui went to the Lady’s side to give her comfort. She testily shook him off.
    Last edited by DarkCloud; June 11, 2004, 22:54.
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  • #2
    (Imran Siddiqui)
    Siddiqui Il-Artir
    Elven Druid
    Lawful Neutral
    [From Neverwinter]

    Halfling Wizard
    Chaotic Good
    [From Sundabar]

    Trokair T'Shanbar
    1/2 Elven Wizard
    Chaotic Neutral
    [From Sundabar]

    Human Monk
    Chaotic Neutral
    [From Castellvanellius Keep in Northern Icewind Dale]

    Tuberski Majere
    Human Wizard
    Chaotic Neutral
    [From Castellvanellius Keep in Northern Icewind Dale]

    (Urban Ranger)
    Urban Ranger
    Dwarven Ranger
    Neutral Good
    [From Old Mithril Hall]

    Zopperoni El Magnifico-Star of Anauroch and Scourge of the Dalelands-Reknowned Robber of Wizards and Confounder of the Guilds
    Halfling Rogue
    Lawful Evil
    [From Calimshan]

    Ljube ljcvetko
    Human Barbarian
    Chaotic Evil
    [From Anauroch Wastes]

    (General Ludd)
    Gheneral Ludd
    Half-Ogre Bard
    Neutral Evil
    [From Anauroch Wastes]

    Chaunk Makerofthingsblowingupanddestroyingalotofotherstuf fandusingfuselagestodestroydragonsandwhohaskilleda tleastonedragonalbeitasmallgolddragonbabyeggbuthed estoryeditandthatisnotwherethestoryendsbecausethen heattackedthemotherbutdidnotkillherbutdidsurviveth eflamesdartingaroundhimselfbecauseofthecraftedmagi calarmorwhichhewoninagamblingcontestwiththevenerab le-Destroyerofsmallobjectsofdubiousworthandwhodidsode stroythegreatgnomeslayertharallvaneusthebarbarian. .. etc.
    Gnomic Sorceror
    Chaotic Good
    [From Across the Ocean]

    (Anita Blake)
    Lady Anita Blake
    Elven Sorceress
    Neutral Good
    [From Luskan]

    (Octavian X)
    Octavius X
    Half-Elf Ranger
    True Neutral
    [From Luskan]

    (Spaced Cowboy)
    Sir Spacéd C'owboy
    Human Paladin “Helmite”
    Lawful Good
    [From Amn]

    (Jon Miller)
    Jon Miller
    Human Bard
    Chaotic Good
    [From Amn]

    (Dr. Spike)
    "Doctor" Spike
    Human Rogue
    True Neutral
    [From Calimshan]

    (Nuclear Master)
    Master Nuclaeus
    Human Fighter
    True Neutral
    [From Calimshan]
    Last edited by DarkCloud; June 11, 2004, 23:15.
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    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      Siddiqui Il-ArtirElven Druid (Neutral Good) &nbsp Zopperoni ...Halfling Rogue (Lawful Evil)
      Gheneral LuddHalf-Ogre Bard (Neutral Evil) &nbsp JonchaHuman Monk (Chaotic Neutral)
      Trokair Al-SistaniHalf-Elven Wizard (Chaotic Neutral) &nbsp Urban RangerDwarven Ranger (Neutral Good)
      Jon MillerHuman Bard (Chaotic Good) &nbsp Chaunk ...Gnomic Sorceror (Chaotic Good)
      Lady Anita BlakeElven Sorceress (Neutral Good) &nbsp "Doctor" SpikeHuman Rogue (True Neutral)
      Ljube LjcvetkoHuman Barbarian &nbsp Spaced CowboyHuman Paladin (Lawful Good)
      TuberskiHuman Wizard (Chaotic Neutral) &nbsp JonnyHalfling Wizard (Chaotic Good)
      Octavius XHalf-Elf Ranger (True Neutral) &nbsp NONENONE
      Cause of Death
      Cause of Death
      Master NucleausAxed to Death &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp
      &nbsp &nbsp
      Last edited by DarkCloud; June 11, 2004, 22:51.
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      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        *NOTE: each person should send 2 names to kill #1 and #2 in case someone is immune.

        *NOTE: the assassin should send 3 names #1,2,3 in case someone's immune.

        *NOTE: Just so you know ahead of time, the story I wrote above is just setting the scene, so please read at your leisure. Nothing is a clue YET. However, after the murders start, you can double check those stories against this intro for buried clues.

        *NOTE: Assassin killed before/during round 3 will be replaced.
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        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #5
          For Reference:


          RED Font= Power that is secretly activated. Remember, you can still say "VOTE SENT" even if your character really can't vote that round.
          BLUE font = Power that is revealed to all.

          (The warrior for good- the Paladin is pure of heart and must always act to nourish the weak, and correct injustice where it exists.
          The Paladin can cast PRAYER, and healing spells to bless the troops...)
          [Can Petition a god for guidance in voting ONCE per game.
          (and the petition for guidance will result in myself voting for the correct assassin for your character- however your character will have no idea who they voted for)

          [WARNING: Paladins, being Lawful Good, feel compelled to tell the group who they voted for if someone asks them.
          They must search out evil wherever it exists- and, they figure, someone who kills, must be evil. Therefore, others should vote as they do. They fear no retribution. Their God will look over them.
          Their votes will not be secret]

          [NOTE: Only THREE Paladins per group of 20]

          (The scout. A great archer)
          (The Ranger has the ability to Look for Clues which can be used TWICE per game. When used, the GM will inform the player, in private, which hints are real and which are red herrings for that round and that round only.

          (The generic warrior)
          (The Fighter has the ability to SLAY assassin for ONE round... If the assassin targets him that round, the assassin auto-dies because of the Fighters alert skills.)

          (Man of the Wild- ferocious fighter)
          [ONCE Per game can determine one player to die whom he acuses of being the Assassin. None will oppose the Barbarian as he goes into his rage.
          HOWEVER, the next 3 turns the Barbarian is withheld from the voting circle.]

          (The Barbarian has the Unique Ability to resist all Influence from Magical people: Clerics/Wizards/Sorcerors/Druids/etc. This is Auto-Activated)
          [Limit: TWO Barbarians per group of 20]

          (Naturally attuned to magic)
          [ONCE per game can make his/her vote count double...but the same round that this is invoked- S(he) will receive an additional 2 votes against him/herself]
          (Sorcerer has the ability to Influence. Once per game he use it on another player, who will automatically vote for the person the sorcerer names. However, the player so influenced will automatically vote against the sorcerer the next round because of the wills of magic. However, this power cannot occur when there are less than 4 survivors left. The GM does the switching behind the scenes both times)

          (Researcher of Magic)
          [ONCE per game can cast a diviniation and discover all the votes made by everyone the previous round... however, the Paladin's secret power vote will always be shielded from him by his gods.]
          (The Wizard can magically alter one persons vote ONCE per game unbeknownst to all, but will have 2 votes accure against him the next round)

          [ONCE per game can change one person's vote to whatever he/she desires...but LOSES own vote next round. (fatigue/hiding from the other person's anger)]
          (ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at start of round before assassin strikes. Loses vote next turn.)
          (RESTRICTIONS- Lawful Good)
          [Limit: THREE Rogues per group of 20]

          (Like a Skald. His magic comes from his music.)
          [ONCE per game can negate two votes for him... the next round however, the spell wears out and three votes come against him]
          (ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at the start of the round)
          (RESTRICTIONS- Lawful Good)
          [NOTE: Only TWO Bards per group of 20]

          (Servant of a God)
          [ONCE per round can protect ONE player from the Assassin. The next round, the cleric loses his vote because he is tired]
          (The Cleric has the ability to Ask the Dead. ONE time each game he can direct specific Yes/No questions to the dead (either assassinated or executed). The GM determines if the dead person knows the answer, and if so, will answer it honestly.)

          (Servant of Nature)
          [ONCE per game can raise one player from the dead. After this however, the Druid loses all ability to vote and falls into a coma for 3 days. The person who is raised gains a special hint about the assassin.]
          (ONCE per game the Druid can ASK NATURE for a clue)
          [NOTE: Only THREE Druids per group of 20]

          (Hand-to-hand fighter. The Monk disdains weapons)
          [ONCE per game gains a specific hint about ANYTHING from the Gods... This is a question/answer and must be along the lines of "is X a hint?" or "what does X mean?"
          The next turn, the Monk falls comatose and cannot vote.]

          (ONCE per game the Monk can chose to stay awake for 24 hours and be immune from assassins. However, he will lose the ability to vote next turn.)
          [NOTE: Only ONE Monk per group of 20]
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          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #6
            The Histories of The Forgotten Realms LXII: Chapter II- The Cave-In at the Forest of Cormyr

            ...In the morning... everything was quiet. A dead calm breeze swept through the caves. The injured Tuberski had made it through the night. The Amnian Paladin, Sir Spacéd C’owboy had seen to his wounds and stayed alert by his side the whole night through.

            During the night, Octavius X had continued his scouting through the caves, doing battle with several Sword Spiders and slaying them both, then returning several hours later- defeated. The only way the party could go was down and east- closer to Sschindyrlryn and not knowing whether the Dark Elves had triggered the rock collapse and were expecting them, or not.

            As a small sliver of sunlight cut down through the piled rocks, refracted many times over, The Elven Druid, Siddiqui Il-Artir bent down in prayer in the midst of the light and mumbled a prayer to the earth to protect the party from evils and deliver them from this travail. Jon Miller watched bemusedly, holding his lute and plucking the strings, compiling an ode to Siddiqui’s faith and refusal to trust humans.

            What the man did believe-
            the man did believe-
            but Siddiqui was no man-
            he was no man-
            he was more than a man-
            and less than a man-
            he was made an elf-
            and could never understand-
            he could never understand-
            his compatriots were mysteries-
            wrapped within enigmas-
            held within riddles-
            of their own minds-

            And Siddiqui never sought-
            he never sought to know-
            he retreated in himself-
            and prayed with his soul-
            the earth was his shield-
            the earth was his strength-
            the earth was his rest-
            the rest would have to wait.

            He would never understand-

            Until he gave up his land.

            Until he understood that man-
            just like the plant-
            would crumble into dust-
            would become dead as rust-
            oh, but he must.

            Just like an elf-
            man is tied to the land.

            where he makes.
            his final stand.

            Jonny, meanwhile, was discovered to have fallen asleep on his watch, a bit of drool dripping down his chin. Indeed, it seemed that someone in the party had taken liberties with his sleep during the night. Waking, he found himself berated and assaulted by a much angered Ljube Ljcvetko smacking him across the face and lecturing him on the dangers of neglecting his duty. After recovering from his trauma, the good Wizard looked down at his clothes and cursed, his purse had been cut and naught a coin had been left. He thought to complain, but decided that he had caused enough trouble for the group already, and instead shamefully retreated to a corner to think just who might have stolen his purse.

            Surrounded by his faithful, Tuberski Majere coughed and nodded, acknowledging Joncha and Urban Ranger’s staunch support of him in his time of injury. Thanking them and the Paladin, Tuberski asked for his spellbook. Perhaps he could cast a fireball and melt the rocks, if he was feeling up to it, he thought.

            Joncha reached into the man’s brown, dusky-colored backpack and pushed aside his coinpurse, reaching down, down, down into a Bag of Holding until he grasped something he felt appeared bookish. Retrieving the book, he showed it to Tuberski, whose face immediately darkened. ”sissthil thor akalabeth!! You Fool!” He shouted, first in Magus, then in Common and immediately ordered Joncha to replace the tome. Joncha did, his face clouding over with regret. After he had replaced the tome, Urban Ranger reached into the bag with his squat hand and drew forth the Mage’s Book of Spells. Speaking in a gruff voice, he solicitiously asked, “Master, this is the correct tome?”

            Tuberski smiled wryly and shut his eyes. “Yes my friend. It is.” His hands closed over the book. Urban Ranger looked sideways at Joncha.

            “The Master is behaving strangely.” He whispered. “Is he always like this?”

            Joncha nodded darkly.

            “I don’t see why I’m drawn to him so, then.” The Ranger muttered to himself maliciously. “Why, the man’s half mad.” Rising, he put his hand on his axe to push himself from the ground.

            Off in a corner, the Barbarian, Ljube Ljcvetko, sharpened his axe on a outcropping of rocks, speaking in hushed tones to his fellow Anaurochian, the half-orc Gheneral Ludd. Every so often, the General gave a massive shake of his hairy head, then spoke a few words. Ljube would frown hearing those words, then resume his sharpening.

            Trokair, meanwhile, continued studying his spellbooks.

            Zopperoni, interested in the books, crept alongside the Half-Elven Wizard and peered behind his shoulder unnoticed. As best he could, he attempted to read the page. “Ipsa Tenser el ardmani... smakatah... aqsah el sartani, nodos knodos, rhodos...?” He wondered. “Blast,” he cursed. “Elvish.” Thinking, he did his best to decipher the words- “Guidelines for Tenser’s greatest occuring... teleport... requires... gold, iron, ore.”

            “Ah,” Zopperoni thought, “He’s trying to teleport us out of here, or my name isn’t Zopperoni El Magnifico-Star of Anauroch and Scourge of the Dalelands-Reknowned Robber of Wizards!” He winked, then ran away.

            From the Diary of Lady Anita Blake of Luskan City

            What strange and despicable men I have found myself thrust in with. I wish that less of them were like that horrid human, Nuclearus and that annoyingly solicitous Siddiqui. Hmph. Even the Elves have no honor where my beauty is concerned.

            Oh well, I suppose that is my trouble to bear. *sigh*

            And anyways, mayhaps I worry too much... despite his failings, I have no doubt that Siddiqui will defend my honor if needs be.

            And at least not everyone is giving me lewd glances. In fact, the Gnomic Sorceror is too preoccupied with his inventions to bother me.

            Why, that creature really is the craziest thing, before we slept, I heard him mumbling something about an axe he needed for one of those inventions he was going to make. I asked him about it and he gave me a sketch and grew quite garroulous, telling me at length about a melted gold-operated rock smasher he was just dying to invent. I smiled at his suggestion and asked him where he was to find melted gold. He merely shook his head, mumbled something about “unbelievers”, grabbed his schematic sketch from my hands and stated that “he’d find the gold somehow.”

            Ode well, I hear someone calling now- and it sounds urgent- I’d write more but I had best leav-

            The text breaks off here

            The Histories of The Forgotten Realms LXII: Chapter II- The Cave-In at the Forest of Cormyr

            ...“Doctor Spike” was the first to discover the body.

            The man, Master Nuclearus, had bedded far away from the others, because of his quarrel with Siddiqui, and had been dead quite some time before Spike had discovered him.

            Spike claimed he came running as soon as he found the body, and yelled something about Drow probably slaying the man.

            Sir Spacéd C’owboy immediately brushed past Spike and his tawdry brown robes, heading toward the body, seeing if there was anything he could do. Before he reached the body however, he noticed Octavius X standing above it, frowning. “The man’s dead.” Octavius stated, not even looking at the body.

            “How do you know, man?” Sir Spacéd demanded anxiously, bending beside the shattered body.

            “I know.” Octavius frowned, turning.

            Spike ran to his side, showing Octavius the blood. “Look at this, it’s almost dry.”

            “He has been dead quite some hours.” Octavius stated, sniffing the air.

            “Wait a second...” Spike glared at him suspiciously, his hand going to his knife. “How did you get here? You didn’t pass me”

            “I found a shortcut during the night.” Octavius stated.

            Spike glared. “...During the night?”

            Before Octavius could respond, the others came running.

            Pronouncing the man dead, Spacéd rose, showing all the body, which had been sliced not with drow blades or scimitars, or sucked dry by spiders, or with a shattered mind by an illithid, but with an axe, cutting straight down the center of the neck- not levied like a bludgeon, but used to slice, so that the blood would not spurt.

            Sir Spacéd snarled with disgust, looking at the gathered. “Once of you slay this man.” His hand went to his swordhilt. “My God Helm demands justice now... We will allow him to guide us in determining the killer. Everyone must be accounted for last night-” His eyes traveled to Octavius, whose vision dropped. Spacéd coughed. “Everyone.”

            Jonny shifted uneasily. Ljube fixed him with a deathly stare, realizing that if he hadn’t fallen asleep, the Human Fighter wouldn’t be dead right now.

            And so, on the 13th of Nerul, the Voting to Determine the Killer (with Helm's Blessing) began.
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            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • #7
              whew. you guys might want to discuss the clues in this game. there certainly are enough

              Please read my short posts that don't deal with the story above before you read the story so that you don't get frustrated.
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              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                My gods, what have we wrought?
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  Unless I've misinterpreted the rules...I vote publicly, hence I can influence the voting a bit by posting asap after the novels....err I'm stories are posted.

                  Both Ljube and Octavius are looking pretty guitly right now, but of the lesser, Ljube welds an axe, so he gets my vote.
                  We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                  • #10
                    Maybe I shouldn't have joined at all


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy
                      Unless I've misinterpreted the rules...I vote publicly, hence I can influence the voting a bit by posting asap after the novels....err I'm stories are posted.

                      Both Ljube and Octavius are looking pretty guitly right now, but of the lesser, Ljube welds an axe, so he gets my vote.
                      Ah, but you see, sir knight, I became immune to persuasion several levels ago.

                      And while generally up to docpiling LL cool JJ, I swore to put our blood-feud aside in the previous campaign.
                      ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


                      • #12
                        I think it's too obvious that the victim was killed using an axe and some of us use axes.
                        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                        • #13
                          Said the dwarf, leaning on his axe.
                          ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


                          • #14
                            That's right -- anybody can take my axe away when I am sleeping. That includes you.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joncha
                              Said the dwarf, leaning on his axe.

                              Nice write up DC.

