As far as I am concerned we should be aware that reducing the movement allowances will dramatically lengthen the military operations. One of the few things I don't like in unmodded Civ4 is the fact wars are too long because the units can't use ennemy roads (which is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of, IMO). If we reduce the movement allowances, we are increasing the time spent moving units simply to reach their target. The more turns a unit will need to be moved, the sooner it will become obsolete before it has actually fought. The more time a unit need to reach a point on the map the more the situation will have changed and the unit will have to face an unknown situation. Strategy is about planning and you can't plan anything when you are so "blind". With such long travel, the best thing to do is thus to send two 12 units stacks able to face anything.
Needless to say it will have an effect on exploration and scouting.
I would prefer naval movement allowances to be slightly increased.
Nevertheless we should remember that turns are years long.
About the upgrade paths, are the new paths designed for the AE mod or are they designed in order to be incorporated in the vanilla game with new units ? As far as I am concerned, I am happy with the current units and I like the current Upgrade paths.
I think that the new projects and tweaks should be clearly identified as being "AE mod" or "vanilla game"... or "both".
Needless to say it will have an effect on exploration and scouting.
I would prefer naval movement allowances to be slightly increased.
Nevertheless we should remember that turns are years long.
About the upgrade paths, are the new paths designed for the AE mod or are they designed in order to be incorporated in the vanilla game with new units ? As far as I am concerned, I am happy with the current units and I like the current Upgrade paths.
I think that the new projects and tweaks should be clearly identified as being "AE mod" or "vanilla game"... or "both".