Originally posted by Tamerlin
Please, never use this kind of solutions. As far as I am concerned, war in Civ4 is so long that it becomes boring. I have modded my Civ4 files so that all the units can use ennemy roads and railroads.
Please, never use this kind of solutions. As far as I am concerned, war in Civ4 is so long that it becomes boring. I have modded my Civ4 files so that all the units can use ennemy roads and railroads.
CtP2 is still too easy to attack, than to defend though. Mostly because units are too fast in general, but also because you can only have 12 units defending a tile/city/location/whatever, which makes it pretty easy to calculate what you need to conquer that tile/city/location/whatever.
The only thing i can think of at the moment, is making movement of all units much closer to each other. Of course the Knight would still move faster than a Pikemen, but a 2 to 1 difference is better than 4 to 1.