I thought it was 6.0?
One thing i notice is with 6.0 on my system, when i get a game crash - MS Visual C++ 6.0 often springs into debug mode all by itself. I just dont know enough about it to actualy attempt to fix the suspected bug.
When i'm brave enough to download the source code, any advice for bug fixing? I've used the pull down menu to select 'run debug' but it doesn't appear to fix or run anything?
I'm waiting untill i upgrade my p166 - the thought of debugging on this machine doesnt fill with confidence
One thing i notice is with 6.0 on my system, when i get a game crash - MS Visual C++ 6.0 often springs into debug mode all by itself. I just dont know enough about it to actualy attempt to fix the suspected bug.
When i'm brave enough to download the source code, any advice for bug fixing? I've used the pull down menu to select 'run debug' but it doesn't appear to fix or run anything?
I'm waiting untill i upgrade my p166 - the thought of debugging on this machine doesnt fill with confidence
