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  • I dont know if you are still working on CTP2 but i'll give it a try...


    #include "Countries.h"

    //a globar variable someone should fill in
    bool isAccepted;

    class Programmer
    CString m_nick;
    unsigned char m_age;
    CString m_profession;
    CString m_skill;
    Country m_country;

    CString merits;
    CString flaws;

    Programmer (CString nick, unsigned char age, CString profession, CString skill, Country country) :
    __m_nick(nick), m_age(age),
    __m_skill(skill), m_country(country),
    __merits(""), flaws("")

    void LikesToDo (CString things)
    __merits = things;
    void Likes (CString things)
    __merits = things;
    void DoesntLike (CString things)
    __if (flaws != "")
    ____flaws += things;
    ____flaws = things;

    void DoesntLike (CString things)
    __if (flaws != "")
    ____flaws += things;
    ____flaws = things;

    bool IsHappy()
    __return isAccepted;

    Programmer Loop("Looping", 25, "Graduating Student", "Apprentice ");

    Loop.Likes("optimizing code,
    making user inerface ergonomic adjustments,
    naming variables by their meaning
    tool tips,
    generalizing as much options as posible for user to modify,
    playing turn based strategies")

    Loop.DoesntLike ("commenting every line of code ,
    unreadable code,
    x86 floating point bug,
    unneccesarry in game animations,
    huge hardware requirements for new turn based strategy games,
    civic advisor telling me to build aquaduct or hospital every few truns,
    phalanax that killed my modern armor at full health,
    ai that is not afraid of 10 times stronger opponent ,
    existance of diety dificulty,
    sport simulation games");


    i think that should complile well, please inform me of method IsHappy() result

    note: i used __ (double underscore) instead of tabs and wrote that code just now


    • Welocme Lopping,

      a good place for the code (to start) is

      unfortunately we have iy in a repository now (ending in February) so the latest revisions arent available for download but will be on again in february. how familiar are yoou with ctp2? The AI is an area that still needs work and we'd appreciate the help.
      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

      See me at


      • Originally posted by E
        a good place for the code (to start) is
        i already have the code
        Originally posted by E
        unfortunately we have iy in a repository now (ending in February) so the latest revisions arent available for download but will be on again in february. how familiar are yoou with ctp2? The AI is an area that still needs work and we'd appreciate the help.
        i am well familiar with all civs and both ctps

        i could work on AI but i will need some guidelines to get me started when i get the latest revision

        untill then i'll get ctp2 from my friend to refresh my memory a bit

        i have 2 GHz proc, 512 MB RAM, and VS .NET 2003, i hope that it will be enough for working with ctp2 source files

        one more question
        is that "latest revision", a buildable project? cause i have some problems putting all downloaded ctp2 source files in a project


        • There is a "getting the source code to compile thread" (last post)

          go through there should help. But to answer your question yes it does compile on MSVC++

          As for AI, probably the two big things would be diplomacy, but we still have some work left to do on Army movement (see:

          Really the AI complaints I'd have now would be that the AI occasionally attacks with settlers and when you go to war the AI never mounts a real invasion threat, it depends ok and it may attack but it doesnt really put a force out there. THe Frenzy SLIC in Ages of Man (which sends a massive hord and the AI gets more aggressive if the player plays aggressively) would be a good model.

          This is a link to Revision 422

          As far a I can recall there havent been any major changes to AI since then, if anything it would be a good start. I look forward to your stuff!
          Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

          See me at


          • Hi folks,
            I'd like to join you :-) Here are my data:

            SECTION: Programming

            COMPILER: GCC

            AREA OF INTEREST: Linux port

            BACKGROUND: I'm a professional software developer for 5 years now. Before that I've coded 10+ years as a hobbyist. On a scale of 1 (none) to 10 (god), I'd rate my C++ skills with 5 or 6. My Linux skills are very good, I'm developing Linux based products based on a Linux "distribution" also developed by me...

            AVAILABILITY: Depends... my other hobbies take away quite a lot of time.

            CONTACT: marc at darkdust dot net


            • I'm unsticking this since many signed up but never participated and don't respond to PM. If you want to join just get in on the threads.
              Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

              See me at


              • Originally posted by E
                If you want to join just get in on the threads.
                Or in other words just: Just participate.

                Well if you thing you have to top the revision report thread than you should also top the the playtest thread. At least this will force me to look on the topped threads again.

                But you shouldn't top more threads, because then it gets to cluttered.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • yeah i want to avoid ignoring topped threads because thats why i do too. so i'll put the real relevant ones there.
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • But you shouldn't untop the FAQ. That thread contains some valuable pieces of information. Which someone needs if he is new or if he wants to look up something again. And we should at least put the design index into the FAQ so that this is accessable, too.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

