I dont know if you are still working on CTP2 but i'll give it a try...
#include "Countries.h"
//a globar variable someone should fill in
bool isAccepted;
class Programmer
CString m_nick;
unsigned char m_age;
CString m_profession;
CString m_skill;
Country m_country;
CString merits;
CString flaws;
Programmer (CString nick, unsigned char age, CString profession, CString skill, Country country) :
__m_nick(nick), m_age(age),
__m_skill(skill), m_country(country),
__merits(""), flaws("")
void LikesToDo (CString things)
__merits = things;
void Likes (CString things)
__merits = things;
void DoesntLike (CString things)
__if (flaws != "")
____flaws += things;
____flaws = things;
void DoesntLike (CString things)
__if (flaws != "")
____flaws += things;
____flaws = things;
bool IsHappy()
__return isAccepted;
Programmer Loop("Looping", 25, "Graduating Student", "Apprentice
Loop.Likes("optimizing code,
making user inerface ergonomic adjustments,
naming variables by their meaning
tool tips,
generalizing as much options as posible for user to modify,
playing turn based strategies")
Loop.DoesntLike ("commenting every line of code
unreadable code,
x86 floating point bug,
unneccesarry in game animations,
huge hardware requirements for new turn based strategy games,
civic advisor telling me to build aquaduct or hospital every few truns,
phalanax that killed my modern armor at full health,
ai that is not afraid of 10 times stronger opponent ,
existance of diety dificulty,
sport simulation games");
i think that should complile well, please inform me of method IsHappy() result
note: i used __ (double underscore) instead of tabs and wrote that code just now
#include "Countries.h"
//a globar variable someone should fill in

bool isAccepted;
class Programmer
CString m_nick;
unsigned char m_age;
CString m_profession;
CString m_skill;
Country m_country;
CString merits;
CString flaws;
Programmer (CString nick, unsigned char age, CString profession, CString skill, Country country) :
__m_nick(nick), m_age(age),
__m_skill(skill), m_country(country),
__merits(""), flaws("")
void LikesToDo (CString things)
__merits = things;
void Likes (CString things)
__merits = things;
void DoesntLike (CString things)
__if (flaws != "")
____flaws += things;
____flaws = things;
void DoesntLike (CString things)
__if (flaws != "")
____flaws += things;
____flaws = things;
bool IsHappy()
__return isAccepted;
Programmer Loop("Looping", 25, "Graduating Student", "Apprentice

Loop.Likes("optimizing code,
making user inerface ergonomic adjustments,
naming variables by their meaning
tool tips,
generalizing as much options as posible for user to modify,
playing turn based strategies")
Loop.DoesntLike ("commenting every line of code

unreadable code,
x86 floating point bug,
unneccesarry in game animations,
huge hardware requirements for new turn based strategy games,
civic advisor telling me to build aquaduct or hospital every few truns,
phalanax that killed my modern armor at full health,
ai that is not afraid of 10 times stronger opponent ,
existance of diety dificulty,
sport simulation games");
i think that should complile well, please inform me of method IsHappy() result

note: i used __ (double underscore) instead of tabs and wrote that code just now