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  • #91
    Welcome Calagry B I'm sure the programmers would love a hand when you got a few momments

    As far as the comments removed from the code go - i guess J or Fromafar will know best if any have been put back(i'm sure the individual guys working on the code have put their own in).

    And as far as Activision is concerned - its 99% certainty that their involvement in the game is over. The source code was released because one of their ex-employee's who had been one of the origonal team members heard about our attempts to get the code released(the Big MC being the most persistant ).
    'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


    • #92
      Originally posted by maiku

      I guess I'm the new guy here. I just wish I'd heard of this project earlier!
      Anyway, I just wondered if there was any way I could join in and help out (just basically as a fan of Call to Power II).

      I'm mainly good at writing; technical documents, user manuals, grammar checking, etc.. I majored in Linguistics (with a strong English Language slant) at College. I have programming experience with C, VB, C# and a few scripting languages (I've played around with C++, but never actually had to use it in a working environment so I'm not sure how useful I would be as a programmer on a project of this scale).
      I speak English and Japanese (I'm English, though, but I worked in Japan for a couple of years and studied the language). Maybe I could help with a Japanese translation, if there is someone out there (like a native Japanese) I could liase with, I don't think I could manage it single-handedly, my skills are passable, but not outstanding.
      Also, in the past I've done a fair amount of software testing, as well as development (mostly database UIs).

      I would be mostly interested in the documentation side of things if there's an opening, I reckon that's where I can prolly be most useful. I would love to get an opportunity to help with the coding side, but I guess you're prolly inundated with every computer-major college student wanting to get their name in the credits without me joining the crowd

      Oh, BTW, I'm Mike, all my details are in my profile but to repeat, its
      ICQ: 18092372
      Hi maiku,

      You could help in the quality assurance (QA) by testing the playtest binaries that are released from time to time in the PROJECT: Playest II thread. A bug tracking system is pending but it will take some time until is up.

      I am not sure if a Japanese version of the game ever released but if it hasn't and you're interested you could help in translating the game into Japanese. However there were some files translated into Japanese some time ago. You may find which ones in the PROJECT: The Translation Center thread. I will soon start (currently working at) a new thread with directions on what files should be altered in order to fully localize the game into a new language that the game has never been translated into before.

      Regarding the documentation part, the only work that has been done so far is commenting the files altered. No solid documentation about the code has been made and if you're interested in participate in such a task that would be great. I am also planning on starting a thread about documenting the code but that will not come in the following days.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Calgary B

        Howdy all,

        I'd just like to start by saying how excited I am by this source code project. It's really the first time I've heard of such a well known full retail game's internal workings being released. The possibilities are endless.

        That said, here's my deal: I am going into fourth year computer engineering at the University of Toronto and I have received a research grant to study complexity over the summer leading into a thesis on the topic. The area which I am focusing on is the real VS perceived complexity of the human-computer interface. The basic idea behind this is how does the type and amount of information displayed on the screen relate to how well tasks can be performed on a system. The applications range as wide as graphic editors to power plant control, but this Civilization code has amazing potential as a test vehicle and will most likely be a major part of my work. So basically I'm throwing my hat in the ring.

        I've done a fair bit of C/C++ programming, and Java too, so I'm definitely on top of the OOP. I'm also a veteran of CIV II & III and have been playing CTP2 quite a bit this last week. However, I'm way too busy with the research and summer classes to do any substantial work on improving the code. I'm sure from time to time I'd like to get dirty on a few routines though, so I'll be sure to let you know.

        In the meantime, my goal is to gain a thorough understanding of how things work as is. The fact that Activision deleted all the comments is a real kick in the pants. I have 2 questions right now. My first is, has anyone done any work on or seen some sort of overall design documentation or flow chart or started adding back in comments that could help give an idea of how things work together as a system? My second question is, has anyone attempted contact with Activision at all? Are they interested in helping at all, or did they just say "here's the code, leave us out of it"?

        That's all I got for now. Talk to y'all soon.


        Hi there

        Your programming skills could be useful in the project. Regarding the user interface have a look at the DESIGN: City Manager Screen thread. We are currently working in a patch and there are no thoughts on major changes in the user interface. We might attempt it in the future but I don't think it will be in this summer. However your theoritical knowledge could possibly help a lot as a guide when the time comes to alter the UI in a great extend.

        About your first question. The answer is in child of Thor's post and in my previous post.

        About the second one I will supplament child of Thor's answer by adding that two Activision ex-employees who originally worked on the game provided us with some early help but I haven't seen them since Christmas so we are completely on our own but that's not bad since some of us have got quite familiar with the code already.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Keygen
          A bug tracking system is pending but it will take some time until is up.

          "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
          Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


          • #95
            Compare the best free open source Software Development Software at SourceForge. Free, secure and fast Software Development Software downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory


            • #96
              I'll sign up to be a "official" playtester, multiplayer and single player. I've already done some but I want the cool source code icon


              • #97
                C++ Code Grunt.

                I have the following 9 years with C++, Borland C++ Builder, and enough VC++ to get by.

                Also have a big game system server, Network,
                Borland C++ builder 6, Visual Studio with VC++ 6.0.

                I was going to try and play with the code on my own for a while, but the batch builders that came with the source are screwed up, for the DB engine.

                I would be very happy to help with any coding work, but will need the lattest of the source able to compile on VC++ 6.0.

                I am best at low level code work, and light on directx, would love to get better at the graphics stuff.

                If you need a resume I can send.

                Bits, Bits, Code, and Bits!


                • #98
                  Hi maddogmpe01

                  For the latest patch have a look at the Altered source files and Playest II threads. New changes to the code will be posted in the altered source files thread first and then to the other.

                  Would be great to have you with us. Have a close look at this forum, especially the altered source files and playtest threads, as well as the Getting the source to compile thread for instructions on how to compile the source code (it need attention otherwise you'll get errors).

                  A resume would be great if not much trouble for you


                  • #99
                    Thanks I will get those and get them running. When that is done I will come looking for bug fix request, or change request.
                    Bits, Bits, Code, and Bits!


                    • Good

                      Have a look to the fore mentioned threads to take an idea of what has been done so far and what are the priorities. Have a look at the To Do List for Patch v1.2 thread too


                      • Miles mss.h library not found

                        Okay, small file problem here.

                        I need the mss.h, I found mss32.lib in my neverwinters night game.

                        These internet paths are not valid.

                        Could some one post these in a place accessible to all the developers on CPT2.


                        OWE! OWE!
                        Bits, Bits, Code, and Bits!


                        • maddogmpe01, wrong thread for posting such questions

                          The mss.h is included in the patch


                          • SECTION: QA

                            AREA OF INTEREST: Play and report bugs I think

                            BACKGROUND: I... err? Played games for a long time! (before my pc broke itself in a misterious incident )

                            CONTACT: (MSN too)

                            COMMENTS: It´s been a while since I played games, because my pc was broken for 8 months ( ) But now I want to change that
                            The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                            Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                            • Tester / Translator

                              SECTION: Testing / Translating (to Basque and Spanish)

                              COMPILER: [Since the age of TurboPascal (1990) i've done nothing about programming]

                              AREA OF INTEREST: Testing / Translating (to Basque and Spanish)

                              BACKGROUND: I've been playing since the Civ I (...Colonization, CivII, SMAC, CtP I, CtP II, Civ III). Too many hours spent with these games []. My english is not good but I understand well and I've been for two years basque-spanish translator.

                              AVAILABILITY: I can work for a couple of hours per week (perhaps more, but not sure).

                              CONTACT: Email:

                              COMMENTS: This project is very interesting []; I'd to join it long before [], but I was busy with other bussiness []. Thanks to those all that have been working on it nearly for a year.
                              Freedom for Basque Country. Euskal Herria askatu.


                              • SECTION: Artist, 3D rendering/animation, limited programming, will compile projects for coders w/o c++ 6 (I have it )

                                COMPILER (only for applications in programming): C++ Builder 6

                                AREA OF INTEREST/Speciality: I'd like to do animated movie scenes for wonders/ units/ etc. I have full access to 3D Studio Max 6 and VERY expierenced with it. I can simply create basic models, skin wrap them, render and animate them for custom unit graphics and animations. beats the crap out of the plain jane bitmap animations.. YES I can render them as gif's and YES I can reduce the color depth to 16 bit. I can also do VERY (I can't express very enough) dramatic and realistic full 3d animated sequences, translusency, reflectivity, bump mapping, specular limits and variations, inverse kinematics, anything animation related.. just name it.

                                BACKGROUND: I have very limited knowledge in C/C++, I've studied 3d Studio Max for 7 years, professionaly (as a student) and unprofessionally (as a hobby), I've been moding Call to Power for some time now (text editing, and simple sprite texture replacement), playing civ 1, 2, 3 CTP 1 and 2, and Master of Magic (remember that one?? ) Oh I have a girlfriend who hates Call to Power

                                AVAILABILITY: I can work all the freaking time, I'm bored out of my mind in college... its easy .

                                CONTACT: Email:, ICQ# still need one... AIM: LathanStanley Yahoo: LathanStanley

                                COMMENTS: Who wants to make new units, wonders and buildings PART of the game?? I'm up for it


                                Examples of what I can do..

                                tile graphics... give me dimensions and an "idea" of what you want and a few hrs and I'll crank em out..

                                animated tiles, units etc. give me a day (maybe a lil longer on complexity)
                                Battle scene graphics I can design and render them on 3dmax and they will look AMAZING! I promise you....

                                full scale animation (cutscenes etc.)... (this gets ugly on time.... depending on detail level)
                                Real life detail (yes I can do it..) umm... anywhere up to about a day per second of video... (I acutally kinda enjoy working on these, challenges myself alot)
                                HIGH details, lots of reflections and details like facial features, etc. about a day per 5 seconds of video... so a 2 min video, 24 days
                                lower quality videos, same level as CTP2 ... about a day per 10 seconds video.. 2 mins = 12 days
                                Low quality garbage... (dunno why you'd want it..) give me like a day per 30 seconds video. 2 mins = 4 days

                                Argh, I'll attach a couple of rendered images, on the next post, of the Sylvian Hill Residence in Washington, on 3dsmax on a very high level of detail, not as high as I can go by any means.. and I cut alot of corners... but what the heck... they are pretty nice if you ask me
                                Last edited by LStanley; November 6, 2004, 07:48.
                                I want Master of Magic back :p

