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Replacement for Modswapper

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  • Replacement for Modswapper

    I'm thinking through a plan for a replacement for ModSwapper, and I think that the use of gamefile.txt is a bit crude for what functionality I would like to be able to provide (although it will certainly be backwards-compatible with such that setup).

    Instead, each mod would have a definition file (called *_ModDef.txt or something like that) - but the question I wish to ask is where that should be placed.

    I don't want to put it in the ...\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ directory, which is already overflowing with mod-related stuff, and I'm tempted to create a new ...\mods\ directory directly in the CTP2 main directory. The alternatives are to put the files directly in ...\ctp2_data\default\ or ...\ctp2_data\ or to create the mods directory in one of these places.

    The reason I choose to put the mods directory not inside ctp2_data is that it might be modifying files outside of there (like civ_paths.txt or perhaps userprofile.txt).

    Any opinions?

  • #2
    very good idea, so this would mean u would be able to edit parts of the userprofile.txt through a GUI ? Like number of civs etc

    Could you also include Color00.txt so you could change your colour ? (not a priority obviously)
    Oxygen should be considered a drug
    Tiberian Sun Retro
    My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


    • #3
      Great news I've been playing around with this idea myself for quite some time now, but obviously never got around to implementing it...

      Yeah, the gamedata folder is stuffed enough as it is. I
      guess a mod-folder would be nice: one could also store other mod-spefic files there. However, anything other than the gamedata folder would be good for me.
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #4
        This may cause more headaches than anything else, but could it be possible to have the user define a folder where the index file (and maybe even the mods) are located? This would leave the \ctp2_data\ folders untouched by mods.
        If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Devil of Truth
          This may cause more headaches than anything else, but could it be possible to have the user define a folder where the index file (and maybe even the mods) are located? This would leave the \ctp2_data\ folders untouched by mods.
          Not really - the mods will probably want to be unzippable easily into the ctp2 directory, and so the definition files will have to be in some standard directory so that all the modmakers can put it in that place in the zip file. Otherwise you'd have to keep shifting files you've installed into the right place, or the process would have to be automated in some fashion which probably wouldn't be easy.

          As for having the mods out of ctp2_data - this is possible only if the mods have a whole dedicated copy of ctp2_data, including all the stuff which is the same from mod to mod. This is possible, but it would take up rather a lot of space (although perhaps not too much given the sizes of modern hard disks). In the setup I plan to use each mod will have the option of acting like this (which might be wise if it was a mod which changed a lot, like the space mod), but it can also insert files into the ctp2_data structure in a way much like that in which things are done at present (which is more sensible if it's a mod which just changes colours00.txt, for example).

          I suppose it might make sense to have a mod_data directory which was a copy of the ctp2_data directory shared by all mods, and in fact this would not be very hard to implement, but I think that it is unnecessary. You just have to trust the modmakers (and even moreso the mod management utility makers) not to screw things up too badly.

          I'll certainly be backing up my ctp2_data directory before I start testing anything, though .

          On another note - does anyone have any requests for the ability to modify through the primary GUI any entries of userprofile.txt besides NumPlayers, MaxPlayers and DebugSlic?


          • #6
            Originally posted by J Bytheway
            On another note - does anyone have any requests for the ability to modify through the primary GUI any entries of userprofile.txt besides NumPlayers, MaxPlayers and DebugSlic?
            Well if we start with modifying the userprofile.txt then I would like to have the option to modify all entries, of course on a seperate page so that the avarage user does not need to bother with it if he don't want at least for the less common options.

            Another thing I want to have modify ability is the civ3.ldl in the layout folder, it is the equivalent for the gamefile.txt for *.ldl files.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #7
              On another note - does anyone have any requests for the ability to modify through the primary GUI any entries of userprofile.txt besides NumPlayers, MaxPlayers and DebugSlic?
              Maybe not in the UI per se, but if the tool could make sure CivIndex is lower than the number of civs in the mod, that would be a great help (a higher number causes crashes).

              (Maybe MapPlugin3?)
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #8
                Originally posted by Locutus
                Maybe not in the UI per se, but if the tool could make sure CivIndex is lower than the number of civs in the mod, that would be a great help (a higher number causes crashes).
                I don't think I can manage that. Determining the number of civs in the mod in not an easy task given the flexibility I have provided.

                (Maybe MapPlugin3?)
                I have that covered via a different method .

                Well, I have made a start this afternoon/evening and made notable progress. Unless uni work prevails I should have a first version out within a few days.

                Fear not SMIFGIGG and Martin: Color00.txt and civ3.ldl are both included - along with just about every other file you could care to name in the ctp2 folders.

                I'm happy to hear other feature requests, but it might be better to wait until you see how it works first - it's very different from ModSwapper.


                • #9
                  I would very happy with modswaper-like with civ3.ldl in it.

                  A second sprite folder (it searchs a sprite in the mod sprite folder if not found looks for it the original folder) is very welcomed

                  Thats the only thing to I have to complain about modswapper.

                  Still having separate folders for different mods would make things lot better for modders. Things will be less cluttered. But not that necessary. And I am afraid about the modders dont doing their part.
                  Last edited by Pedrunn; February 24, 2003, 20:04.
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pedrunn
                    A second sprite folder (it searchs a sprite in the mod sprite folder if not found looks for it the original folder) is very welcomed
                    Well the only problem I see with a second sprite folder is that it has to contain all sprites, as I don't know actual if it is possible to place the sprites into more than one folder. I know that it is possible to place the Great_Library.txt and possible other strings files from the language folder into the default folder.

                    Another thing we need to know is if the civpath.txt only contains a list of all directory in that the game searches for files or if the order is important like in the gamfile.txt.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Pedrunn
                      A second sprite folder (it searchs a sprite in the mod sprite folder if not found looks for it the original folder) is very welcomed
                      Presuming that appropriate changes to civpaths.txt will make the game search in another directory for sprites, a second sprite folder of this kind is already supported.

                      Originally posted by Pedrunn
                      Another thing we need to know is if the civpath.txt only contains a list of all directory in that the game searches for files or if the order is important like in the gamfile.txt.
                      The order must matter, since not all of the entries therein are full directory specifications, just "default", for example.


                      • #12
                        Im not sure how possible this is or how practical it is either

                        but would it be possible to select who exactly your opponents are like CIV2

                        (Maybe MapPlugin3?)

                        I have that covered via a different method .
                        Im curious

                        Anyway looking forward to it

                        - James
                        Oxygen should be considered a drug
                        Tiberian Sun Retro
                        My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


                        • #13
                          Might as well include the front splash-screen. Some mod-specific ones of those would be good. Maybe the tile files if not done already, though the ATF kinda solves that. It would mean Dale could have his highways though...

                          Good plan
                          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                          • #14
                            I'm trying to replicate the behaviour of ModSwapper in its copying of files, but what I'd like to know is how it handles different language versions? What paths does it copy from/to for the mods' versions of Great_Library.txt? Is this always english, or does it vary?


                            • #15
                              I have a question how the hell do you change the daters on a mod I can change them in a scenario but not in a mod.
                              "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
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