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GoodMod: The Mod of Goods

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  • #31
    Ok, basically, get the pic you want on a black background, then select every black pixel in the picture, (use the wizard wand tool) then invert the selection so you have very non-black pixel. Then go to the selection menu, click "save to alpha channel", and click OK. Once you have it all selected, save the file as a *.tif file, in the correct directory structure, run the tool, and you should have a sprite.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #32
      thanks I will give it a go to make my sprite.

      I should get more used to using paint shop
      "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
      The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
      Visit the big mc’s website


      • #33
        GoodMod v.0.98

        GoodMod v.098 is now here available.

        This is the fourth public version of GoodMod. As usual there is also a textupdate available.

        GoodMod v.0.98 contains the following changes, additions and bug fixes:

        1. Fixed one bug concerning tile improvment exclusions. If you built a trading post on a good tile the benefits of the good was removed.
        2. The good improvement process in MP didn't work. Unfortunatly one problem is still left but that can be avoided if HUMAN PLAYER DO NOT SETTLE IN THE FIRST TURN !!!!
        3. Added player1's battleview fix.
        4. Fixed good restoration code.
        5. Added player1's AI modifications to my ones.
        6. Added player1's improved version of Diplomod with my MP-Diplomod fix.
        7. Another fix concerning MP age selection screen.
        8. Added Rush Buy Prevention Code as attemp to keep MPer from rush buying things during the opponents turn.
        9. Fixed a bug that occurs in the CityMod2 version concerning a DB error.
        10. Fixed some typos in the readme

        Some words about the AI:

        I added a lot of goals to the goals.txt, these goals are:


        The first three were added by player1. GOAL_BOMBARD_UNIT is taken from MedPack2 and GOAL_SALLY was already present in goals.txt but not used in strategies.txt. If GOAL_SALLY is that what I think than it is no question for me why the don't come out of its cities in order to kill enemy pillaging units in front of its doors.

        The orders throw party, sue, sell indulgence and faith hailing were already part of the orders.txt but not used by the AI, because of missing according goals.

        Order refuel, paradrop and ranged attack don't look finished I have no idea if they will work.

        I hope that the clear orders order will work. I added this one to the orders DB, and I found every component of this one therefore it will be very probably that this one can be now used by the AI.

        Now some information about creating sprites: It is important that your *.tif images have the right size. To get to know the rigth size take a look on the example *.tif files that came with the sprite maker. You can also find the information about the size in the according sprite script files. But at first just examine these example *.tif files. If you take a close look on the alpha channels of the beaver images you will notice that the edges of the white area is grew. That is done to make the edges transparent in game, that looks better, more smooth.

        Merry Christmas and a happy new GoodMod Martin.

        And PS: Here is a short textupdate without the Great Libraries:

        Edit: Sorry guys but I had to fix something, therefore I had to upload the attachment again. So far there were two downloads: Below you can see why.

        Edit2: Deleted the small attachment that contained the text update. There were 43 hits but I guess I downloaded a lot of time the file myself to test if the attachment stuff would work again during 'Poly hard time at the start of this year.
        Last edited by Martin Gühmann; July 29, 2002, 19:22.
        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #34
          Hello world,

          so far I had a hard live on my continent I am scratshing the bottom of the power graph. And I have to figure out how to get my units for defece. And now I have to notice that the MP rush build prevention code, prevents me from normal rush buying. Therefore I had to cut it of. For everyone who already downloaded the update here is the file that will disable the code, until I will find a better solution. To instal this file just unzip it into your ..\ctp2_data\default gamedata\ folder. For everyone who wants to continue an existing game just open the chat window by typing ' and enter /reloadslic.

          Edit: Attachment deleted, as it isn't needed anymore, because I already integrated it into the current version of GoodMod.

          Last edited by Martin Gühmann; July 29, 2002, 19:26.
          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #35
            More aggressive AI for GoodMod

            OK her is another small file that will improve the AI. That are the goals settings and the force matches of the Cradle CRA_strategies.txt that I added to my GM1_strategies.txt.

            To install the new GM1_strategies.txt just unzip the attachment in your ..\ctp2_data\default\aidata\ folder. This will replace the existing GM1_strategies.txt there.

            BTW: I thought my changes that I made at Christmas to my file were to radical. Dave's settings are more radical for the attack siege and harrass goals. So this should make the AI in GoodMod really aggressive.

            So have fun at surviving.

            Edit: Attachment deleted.

            Last edited by Martin Gühmann; July 29, 2002, 19:24.
            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #36
              can't get good mod to work

              Hi Martin,

              I downloaded Medmod crusades, some time ago and decided to get what I liked from the zip, and extract it. Well I got your slic file and some other stuff. I copied your tile improvements from the tileimp.txt file and pasted it into mine. I got the advance subneural adds and put it in advance.txt, but goodmod doesn't want to work. It doesn't build the good improvements in the begenning of the game.

              Did I forget to copy something?

              I also got the Commerceimprovements for the Ai's in your slic. does it build ports and drilling platforms for the AI?

              And I think the file you attached is corrupt, because It doesn't want to open with winzip.


              • #37

                I have the same problem, try renaming the zip and just put .zip on the end of it. It works for some that I download of apolyton which I can't open it's some kind of glitch or something
                "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                Visit the big mc’s website


                • #38
                  I downloaded it twice. At first from uni and than from home I only did it with Netscape 4.X. Both files that I got were corupted I did not tried with M$€I or with Get Right. I am shure with the last program could get it, but for all the other people who don't want to install Get Right here is the direct link to the file on my page:

                  The tileimp creation code is depending on the tileimp index from the tileimp database. So removing one tileimp will cause the code to not work. You will notice that my tileimps have a number in this file. That's the index that is interesting for slic code. The first tileimp in this file has the index 0. However I looked into Wes' latest version of the his MM2_tileimp.txt and I had to notice that Wes ripped of two tileimps. The first one was the dry dock, that is in GoodMod but not fully implemented so only GL hidden. It is fully implemented in Cradle and the other tileimp is called test tileimp. That was actual only a an improvement for testing propose only, but later I used it for the good improvement process. That is a bad tendency of Wes to clean the files of stuff that might be unneccessary.

                  Here are the missing lines maybe you will have some problems with the undersea fortification graphics if you don't have installed GoodMod. But this is only a graphical problem no crash problem. Here I found a way to add some tileimp graphics without editing the *.til files, so you will only see something complete different from an undersea base, if you try to put it via the cheat editor on the map. And I discovered another problem with the undersea fort. Wes also removed the icon from the uniticon.txt so you have to replace the ICON_TILEIMP_UNDERSEA_FORTIFICATIONS by the ICON_TILEIMP_FARMS. To fix the problem you have to insert this code between the TILEIMP_UNDERSEA_TUNNEL and the TILEIMP_LAND_GOOD_ONE


                  PHP Code:

                     Tooltip TOOLTIP_TILEIMP_SELECT_FORT_BUTTON
                     Statusbar STATUSBAR_TILEIMP_SELECT_FORT_BUTTON
                     Level 2
                     IntBorderRadius 2
                     SquaredBorderRadius 5

                     ConstructionTiles 50
                     ConstructionTiles 911
                     ConstructionTiles 913

                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_BROWN_HILL
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_BROWN_MOUNTAIN
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_DESERT
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_FOREST
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_GLACIER
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_GRASSLAND
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_HILL
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_JUNGLE
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_MOUNTAIN
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_PLAINS
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_SWAMP
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_TUNDRA
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_WHITE_HILL
                     CantBuildOn TERRAIN_WHITE_MOUNTAIN


                  Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_BEACH
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_DEEP
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_RIFT
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_SHALLOW
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_SHELF
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_TRENCH
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_VOLCANO

                        VisionRange 2
                        DefenseBonus 0.5
                        EnableAdvance ADVANCE_STONE_WORKING
                        ObsoleteAdvance ADVANCE_STONE_WORKING
                        ProductionCost 2000
                        ProductionTime 4
                        TilesetIndex 912

                  ## 40 ##########################################################

                  Icon ICON_TILEIMP_FARMS
                     Tooltip TOOLTIP_TILEIMP_SELECT_FARM1_BUTTON
                     Level 4
                     IntBorderRadius 2
                     SquaredBorderRadius 5

                     ConstructionTiles 2
                     ConstructionTiles 2
                     ConstructionTiles 2
                  Terrain TERRAIN_FOREST
                        Terrain TERRAIN_HILL
                        Terrain TERRAIN_JUNGLE
                        Terrain TERRAIN_SWAMP
                        Terrain TERRAIN_DESERT
                        Terrain TERRAIN_GRASSLAND
                        Terrain TERRAIN_PLAINS
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WHITE_HILL
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WHITE_MOUNTAIN
                        Terrain TERRAIN_BROWN_HILL
                        Terrain TERRAIN_BROWN_MOUNTAIN
                        Terrain TERRAIN_GLACIER
                        Terrain TERRAIN_MOUNTAIN
                        Terrain TERRAIN_TUNDRA
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_BEACH
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_DEEP
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_RIFT
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_SHALLOW
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_SHELF
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_TRENCH
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_VOLCANO
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_REEF
                        Terrain TERRAIN_WATER_KELP
                        Terrain TERRAIN_DEAD

                        ProductionCost 0
                        ProductionTime 1
                        TilesetIndex 2

                  Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                  • #39
                    Testing the last modifications for GoodMod v.0.99 I glanced at one AI with the help of the cheat editor. Finally I took this screen capture.

                    This AI knows how to defend its coast line, doesn't it?

                    Attached Files
                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #40
                      Hi I have been messing a bout with paint shop and the sprite maker to make some goods I was just wondering if you would like them I have made coal and some different coloured crystals. so if you want them I will post them for you on my new web site when it opens up. Oh and before you ask coal was a pig to make.
                      "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                      The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                      Visit the big mc’s website


                      • #41
                        So you won't be happy if I tell you Nordicus already made one ages ago?
                        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                        • #42
                          I think we should have a petition: demand that Markos renames 'The Big Mc' to 'The Big Wheel Reinventor'
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                          • #43
                            Actual I also remade sprites like the wheat and fish that can you see on the picture above. (Actual I was on the fact with that picture that the AI uses the forts for its defence, (I think a little bit too much for defend) and not just to fill the gaps in its empire so it can connect every city with roads.) I didn't remake coal, gold, uranium, peat, etc... As I thought the concept behind these one (being a part of the terrain) therefore they didn't need any additional shadows and egde unsharping. So if your coal is better than Nordicus' version (actual Gemini made the sprites, Nordicus made just the GL images) than I can use it. At least you should give us a screenshot.

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #44
                              I will get you the pics for tomorrow I was kinder making some alien goods for my scenario at the time so I will put a screen shot of them in too.

                              Yours 'The Big Wheel Reinventor'
                              "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                              The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                              Visit the big mc’s website


                              • #45
                                sorry fokes tried to upload wrong kind of file
                                "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                                The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                                Visit the big mc’s website

