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Preliminary release of Mars scenario (Take 2)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
    There is only one of the pair there (I have a slow line, and I uploaded 4 tile files already this week ), but if you open it in TileEdit and resave it, it will generate a gtset565.til for you.
    Actual you only need to replace the gtset565.til. You can remove the gtset555.til file or do whatever you want with it.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #17
      Originally posted by drAgON1
      It would be internet. I shall not download untill I find a partner to test with me(that shouldnt be very hard). I am not very good at theis downloading and installing if I can do it on my own then I think anyone can. Thanks for the WORK you put into it.
      Have you had any luck finding a partner?


      • #18
        I'll be happy to do some Mac beta testing for you... just need somebody to join me in a PBEM.
        I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

        Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


        • #19
          Just downloaded it... I'll be looking forward to seeing if it even works on a Mac after work... e-mailing it to myself now...
          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


          • #20
            Please tell me how the installation goes. You won't be able to use the batch file to automate the last part of the installation but there are instructions in the readme on how to do it by hand. If you can get it to work (which I sincerely hope you can) then I'd like to play a PBEM game with you.

            Good luck.


            • #21
              Well, what happened...


              • #22

                You got another to peak their interest in this thread. I'll keep you informed on how it goes. It may take a bith though 'cause geocities not only doesn't allow more than 1MB in transferring, but it also limits the total amount accessed in one hour. So... I am needing to download the last file before I continue (after waiting an hour ... grumble grumble).
                We do have multiple computers attached to a LAN and a few people to help try it out (might be able to get four at once).

                Keep the faith,



                • #23
                  Sorry about that - it should just be possible to download it all within one hourly allocation of bandwidth. At least there's no pop-up ads at Geocities...

                  I just want to hear that someone successfully installed the thing at the moment. So many say they will try and fall silent. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a virus in the distribution that kills their computers or something


                  • #24
                    hmmm... the didn't unzip properly... could you just e-mail that to me?

                    I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                    Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                    • #25
                      Curious... I can e-mail it to you, and I'll check the one on the site.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by J Bytheway
                        Curious... I can e-mail it to you, and I'll check the one on the site.
                        Many thanks... looking forward to trying to get it installed.
                        I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                        Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                        • #27
                          Sent the e-mail. I also tried the version off the website and got an error. Will upload a new one now...


                          • #28
                            Wierd. Tried uploading twice and it still doesn't work. Could be a problem with the geocities uploader. Hmm... Tell me whether the version I e-mailed works. I'll have another go at the website this evening.


                            • #29
                              Did the e-mailed version work? Still had no luck making the text zip work. I'll try putting it up on another site and see if that helps.


                              • #30
                                I'll let you know... been having some home comp problems, which is why I haven't responded much yet... sorry.
                                I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...

