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Beyond Alpha Centauri:::::::Discussion Thread 7
Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
"Strange world", not sure what language, maybe Spanish or a mix of that and some other language.
A strange world indeed. I am now unofficially a total mess. I sent the following (with a little preface) to... well this girl I've known for a bit under a year. A girl who I... I don't know. Sometimes I disdain her, sometimes I feel unconditional love, sometimes I feel like strangling her, sometimes like kissing her.
Minä en välitä kummastakaan heistä jotka minusta välittävät (vanhemmat). Hän josta minä välitän ei tunnu minusta välittävän (sinä). En tiedä miksi, en todellakaan, mutta minulle on vain jotenkin selvää että vain sinä voit auttaa minua. Auta minua. Lyö minua, hauku minua, potkaise minua... Halaa, suutele, rakasta, vihaa, inhoa, moiti. AUTA MINUA. TUNNE EDES JOTAIN. Minä pyydän. VÄLITÄ MINUSTA.
I don't care for those who care of me (my family). The only one I care about doesn't care about me (you). I don't know why, but for some reason I am sure that only you can help me. Help me. Hit me, insult me, kick me... hug me, kiss me, love me, hate me, dispise me, diss me. HELP ME. FEEL AT LEAST SOMETHING. Please. CARE ABOUT ME.
What's sickening is that that's the core truth. She is the only person on this world I really care about. No offence to you guys, I do respect you and all, but care? No. There's only one, her.
God, I'm a mess. It's 3:35 in the morning. School starts in four and a half hours. Well, not for me. I'm taking the day off. Maybe even tomorrow.
Don't worry about me stopping writing Greg and Filky. Hell no, I'm just getting started!
Maybe I am heading to where I've dreamed to be. Becoming the Philip K. Dick of the 21th Century.
Edit - no, I've no plan of killing myself or anyone. First off I'm against all killing, secondly I wouldn't have the guts, thirdly I see no reason to end my life (as my aforementioned dream proves).
I don't know why I posted this here, but please don't feel sorry or sympathetic for me. It would be irrelevant for me. If 'I'm sorry' is all you can do, don't comment. I could appreciate some advice how to keep my head straight, because I've grown attached to my sanity over time. Sense of humour isn't forbidden either, I'm currently very amused by my state of mind.Last edited by Kassiopeia; October 20, 2002, 21:00.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Hey Kass,
Don't worry, man. I think everyone has been down similar paths as yours (myself included) and from what I have been through, it sucks big time. If you gotta take a break, i say do it....Sometimes I've been such a mess I'll do stupid crap and not care.
Hmmm, what do I think? Honestly, like I was telling Cyber, you just gotta find something to keep your mind preoccupied. Hang w/your friends and talk to those you are confident in telling what's bothering you. You should also watch a movie that you find hilarious (honestly, I've watched The Simpsons when I'm down and it helps to laugh) puts things into perspective when you hear yourself laugh.
All this is subjective but take it from me when I say I've been down a similar path both of you are going. Also, writing what your feeling and thinking helps too. Just finding some way to vent your thoughts and emotions helps a BIG deal.Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
*****Citizen of the Hive****
"...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis
Don't worry, man. I think everyone has been down similar paths as yours (myself included) and from what I have been through, it sucks big time. If you gotta take a break, i say do it....Sometimes I've been such a mess I'll do stupid crap and not care.
you just gotta find something to keep your mind preoccupied. Hang w/your friends and talk to those you are confident in telling what's bothering you. You should also watch a movie that you find hilarious (honestly, I've watched The Simpsons when I'm down and it helps to laugh) puts things into perspective when you hear yourself laugh.
Also, writing what your feeling and thinking helps too. Just finding some way to vent your thoughts and emotions helps a BIG deal.
But now, I'm going to go to bed and take the day off. My maths studies (just got to logarithms) will suffer, but luckily I've no intention of seeking a profession where maths is needed...
Thanks for the advice.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Hang in there, Kassiopeia. I think Franky's said most of it, but if you don't mind, I'd like to share something that I unexpectedly found in the mediocre writing of J. Robert King: Don't fear pain, and don't fear loss, and don't fear desire. They're very human emotional states. They remind us that we're alive. And, most important of all, they're survivable. One day the pain will be gone and you'll still be here, and the sun will still shine, and the earth will still turn.Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
Guys, I won't be able to post my story thread until I arrive back home for Thanksgiving. When I arrive home, I'll be able to sign onto Apolyton for longer than 30 minutes, which is what I'm limited to here using the college computer.
I feel likewhen I have my ideas and plots already written out in my mind, but unable to do it on Apolyton on my computer in my room. But luckily and hopefully, my other computer at home won't have trouble with Apolyton and log-in.
So sit tight for 3 weeks, then I'll blaze in with 1 or 2 story posts before I return to college.
Laters.Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.
Good thing I took today off. I haven't slept over 10 hours for over a month. Not even on weekends.
I might even write a new post during the evening... that or do some schoolwork. Probably the first.
Correct. It's actually bastardized Minnesota schoolyard pseudo-Spanish.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Sprayber: Can you do the post for the Spartans arriving in Laekdaemon or shall I?
I'll include it in my latest post. well, probably more than one post considereing how much I have to put in. Sorry for the delays. There are lots going on here.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
This, people, is my next large project (novel length, hopefully). A large episodicish epic of philosophical and metaphysical science fiction, taking place 30 to 40 years from today.
Any connections with Neon Genesis Evangelion are coincidental. I'm serious. Most of this stuff was originally thought of by me before I saw it.
Enigma in the Sky
Chapter Zero - Introduction
More then twenty years ago, a massive life form appeared out of thin air, hovering over the Atlantic Ocean. Communication and research was attempted, but to no end result. Three days went past, until it attacked. Nobody knows why - the only thing that is certain is, that it caused everything in the coastal areas of Northern America and Europe to be devastated in a tumult of tidal waves. The counter offensive of Mankind was equally swift and strong.
Eight years later. The threat re-emerged - this time with the arrival of six smaller, but equally strang beings, now called 'Enigmas'. All meager attempts of contact ended quickly, as the world came to an end - a nuclear power that's leaders succumbed to total panic used all the arsenal they had. Four Enigmas were destroyed; one disappeared to be later detected orbiting the Moon; and one remained intact, and is even today floating in the air over the Arctic, dormant but probably preparing itself for a renewed attack.
Six million humans lived, all of them living in habitats under the ocean, as space on ground had become sparse. One third of them were, suprisingly enough, Finnish. In one night their language was second to English in size when measured with speakers; in one night they controlled all high-end technology along with the Japanese; in one night, they possessed the only working fusion reactor in the world.
The year is 2032. Mankind has resurrected. Technology flourishes and in short time the world population has doubled. The United States have risen also, and are striving for hegemony, the World Government lead by Japan and Finland being their only adversary.
But despite several assaults, one Enigma remains in the atmosphere. Religious cults, blaming the use of forbidden and unholy technology for the cataclysm, are disrupting undersea life by continous terrorist attacks.
And a certain Finnish scientist firmly believes that a Third and the final Wave awaits them in two years. Preparations are being made; defence satellites orbit the planet, a huge battleship is under construction, and the starship Viimeinen toivo, 'Last Hope', is making it's way to the star system Centauri on an exploration mission.
But that is not enough. The scientist, who has survived both the First and Second Waves, with a violent and mysterious past, is certain that unless Man can find a way to solve the secret of the Enigma in time, it will cease to exctinct as a form of life.
And he will do anything he can to prevent it.
First off, I'm doing my best at fighting clichés and stereotypes. E.g. the US - WG match won't be anti-American, not by a mile.
This will be my first shot at a long, carrying, twisting multi-threaded plot. It probably won't work, but I still want to try.
Chapter Zero won't start the novel, though. It's a little practice work, made to clear my head up a bit. I didn't even mention the main characters there, for instance...
(btw - there is a good (hope so) explanation in there how we made it to spaces in under 20 years after total devastation. I'd suggest not reading this if you're the sort that looks for fact ****ups in Star Trek all the time.Besides, I'm gonna have telepathy there (I think). That should already scare away people with a faulty SoD organ.)
Last edited by Kassiopeia; October 25, 2002, 15:24.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!