Hope you don't mind that I blew up Klyder. I did say I would, though!
Originally posted by Sprayber
Kass: I was wondering if you were going to write more about those two guys that we first saw on the moon? This may seem strange but I was messing around on a Star Wars site and I ran across a quote from the Star Wars novel that never made it to the movie.
"they were in the the wrong place at the wrong time, naturally they became heroes."
I couldn't help but think about those guys
Kass: I was wondering if you were going to write more about those two guys that we first saw on the moon? This may seem strange but I was messing around on a Star Wars site and I ran across a quote from the Star Wars novel that never made it to the movie.
"they were in the the wrong place at the wrong time, naturally they became heroes."
I couldn't help but think about those guys
I wonder how their ship-sighting trip to Callisto succeeded? At least more Morganite ships if nothing else.
One more thing before I finish up my long overdo post. Do you think i would be appropriate if the Spartans would have three or four undercover agents inside the Sol system. And one on Calisto.
They are from Middle Earth, in other words, Europe!
LMP, your idea seems intriguing, is this the one you told about in the Chiron Chronicle about an aeon ago?