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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Discussion Thread

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  • Okay, the post i made before was: ahhhhhhhhhhhh, can't post as Apolyton is being a painly slow or down, grrrrrrrr


    DON'T FORGET TO FACTOR IN THE TERRAN ALLIANCE FLEET. The TAF is a seperate organization that is responsible for the Defence of the Terran Alliance... and since InEn is a member of the Alliance, they will move in to help defend Callisto or/and retake it.

    The Terran Council will also have to consider declaring war on the Morganites or not for their attack on Callisto. The TAF will support it of course, as it would give them bit more power to them which they will use to literrally put the Sol System Space on Martial Law in a way. TAF would get to finally flex its muscles.

    The latest upgrades to the Terran Battlecruisers would be two new Heavy Ion Beam Cannons, better sensors and better point defence systems. Some of the Chiron Factions would have acquired the general capability specs on the Battlecruisers, but those specs would be base on the BCs before the upgrade.... so Initially, the TAF will be able to surprise someone when they start firing Ion Beams.


    As for the Fraal, they will not give out technologies...well, depends on the technology and why the Receiver wants it... Sometimes, they simply give techs or information out of nowhere to someone they consider interest or/and worth helping.
    Fraal likes to interfere, and also playing god in a way. Else, they wouldn't have interfered by going in to prevent the Coalition/COmbine ships to exterminate the Scions... mainly because they consider the Scions interesting and wouldn't want them to dissapear.

    Another reason why Humanity is not quickly being invaded by other advance aliens is because of the Fraal odd interest in Humanity.... so the other aliens bit worried that the Fraal will help the humans if they attack them..... they will still attack if given enough reason, but won't do an all out invasion.

    Fraal are observers and likes to defend species and societies they consider interesting. They occasionally interfere for various reasons....most cases, to experiment. They are also good predictors too :P and are the best known telepaths.

    So the Factions/Groups they consider the most interesting is the Scions, some Pirate Clans like the one they sort of helped, Gaians, and some other species within out just outside of Human Space. Very rare that a Fraal slips up some information, or hints i should say.... like one Fraal who made the coment, without realizing at that point of the consequences, of the Terran Alliance's "manifest destiny" to lead humanity to Unity at the founding of the Terran Alliance celebration on Earth. (Fraals sometime attend such events after they are known to the species, and if they are welcomed). Because of that, the Terran Council and the Terran Alliance Fleet are mostly convince that they will eventually unite all of humanity.... just how they would do that it is the question.



    • I will have net access and will try to "upkeep" the Scions, the Belters, Venus, the Pirates and etc.... just won't be able to get to much involved in the story. I will also pass the logon and pass for the website to Sprayber.

      before i leave, i will provide them agendas...especially the pirates... before my mother takes my comp to her place the weekend before the 23rd.



      • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
        I will have net access and will try to "upkeep" the Scions, the Belters, Venus, the Pirates and etc.... just won't be able to get to much involved in the story. I will also pass the logon and pass for the website to Sprayber.
        Oh, good then. You can drop by and do a reality check.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • Again, Sol is heavily covered with ships.... so can't simply sneak in and surprise attack. Also, again, the Terran Alliance FLeet will get involve in the defence of any members colonies.
          Heavens, your Lordship, that'll take all the fun out of it!!

          I have got to attack InEn, because it'll be boring it I just try another peace conference...

          Why on earth does Morgan wish to attack Callisto anyhow? Why would he not try it out on Pluto, or some more distant spot? There are thousands of Alliance, InEn or Coalition ships in the system. When/if Callisto detects the intruders, even when they have reached near vicinity, there will be a huge load of ships there going point blank.
          Gag me with a spoon, Kassiopeia, I'm attacking Callisto because you told me that it'd be the best place to attack!!

          I do not think the Terrans will be quick to attack my ships once I enter the system, InEn ships would, but the Terrans would not without calling a cabinent meeting and all that sort of thing. With my fake transport and it's guides around, InEn should be kept busy attacking that. How's this----> The Terrans will not wish to bombard Callisto to smithereens as they will risk destroying all their holdings there. Furthermore, the Morganite attackers have captured nearly every major functionary on Callisto (i.e. the Governor, and his Adjutant). Both InEn and Terra would much rather send in ground troops to do the work for them.

          We'd better think of something soon, though, otherwise I shall not be able to attack the Sol System and keep the Earthers occupied while our friends on Nova Saturna rebel. If I can't get into the Sol System and attack and take Callisto, there is simply no point in attacking in the first place.
          Empire growing,
          Pleasures flowing,
          Fortune smiles and so should you.


          • Originally posted by History Guy
            Gag me with a spoon, Kassiopeia, I'm attacking Callisto because you told me that it'd be the best place to attack!!

            Well you really can not expect me to remember everything I have posted?
            Yegads, dementia looming in the horizon

            I'm really sorry. I won't waste time trying to explain how this happened. Callisto it is, then, since I think it's best! Btw, I think you should land with more troops, say 50 thousand? And have some heavy ordinance ships to destroy orbital platforms while you are at it.

            I do not think the Terrans will be quick to attack my ships once I enter the system, InEn ships would, but the Terrans would not without calling a cabinent meeting and all that sort of thing. With my fake transport and it's guides around, InEn should be kept busy attacking that. How's this----> The Terrans will not wish to bombard Callisto to smithereens as they will risk destroying all their holdings there. Furthermore, the Morganite attackers have captured nearly every major functionary on Callisto (i.e. the Governor, and his Adjutant). Both InEn and Terra would much rather send in ground troops to do the work for them.
            I agree. We can not allow the loads of ships in the system spoil the fun.
            Besides, I do not conceive this as a game. This is a fictional multi-author story, and I do not think cutting some corners will hurt. We already surrendered the cloaking device plan for the sake of realism.

            I'll start writing the post, by the plans I already have announced.

            1. Morgan gets Nova Saturna data about InEn scanner sweeps and defense arrangements and makes his move. The ships take something like two weeks to get there, so the post will be two weeks after Jonas Ray's departure from Moon.
            2. Morganite fake convoy is attacked by InEn forces and destroyed somewhere in Jupiter region. Coalition and Alliance get information and debate on declaring war upon Morgan Interstellar.
            3. InEn close range monitoring post detects Morgan ships just above Callisto.

            History Guy's post:
            1. Morganites penetrate Callisto orbital defenses and land, taking control of the moon. InEn dignitaries and workers are held hostage. Terran ships in the region move to blockade the moon.

            Cybergod's post:
            The overthrowing of the Titan and Rhea as local Coalition forces are transferred to siege Callisto.

            Possibly me again? Terrans declare war on Morgan Interstellar.
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • Could someone to the Travel Time chart please? as i won't have the time...........

              The TAF doesn't depend on the Terran COuncil to make a quick meeting so they can give TAF to defend Callisto, that would be pretty stupid and unefficient. So the Terran COuncil choses a Fleet Admiral to command and lead the TAF the way he sees fit.... of course, he is heavily watched by the Terran Council. So he TAF does have a lot of independence to do as they wish, as long as they achieve their roles, to enforce the Terran Alliance Laws and so on. So the Fleet Admiral will not waste time to contact the Terran Council for permission, so will simply give the go ahead to go in and help defend Callisto or/and retake it...... if they have to retake, the TAF's Marine Corp will finally get chance to flx their muscle. So will the Fleet when they get to engage the Morganite ships..... Another thing, don't under estimate the TAF and its response times.......... and they do have ships near all of the members holdings. So there may already be a few Terran Battlecruisers in the Jupiter Area... it also should be enough to hold out until additional TAF ships jumps into the area from either Pluto (one of the TAFs bases in Sol is located there) or elsewhere.

              I will simply go to write the roles and structure of the Terran Alliance Fleet.

              Kass, the main fleets in Sol is the TAF, the Coalition, the Combine and InEn.



              • LMP, that's just about how I had it figured.

                Ok, the Morganites can get to attack Callisto. Why? Because InEn has 99 percent of the stuff there, and thus it's defense is entitled to InEn.
                And since the InEn folk are cheapskates and capitalists who doubt the Morganites would dare attempting an attack on the heart of the system, they put a crappy scanner array woth tech from the year 2734 to guard the place. One which can only carefully sweep areas at certain intervals, not effectively keep control of the entire region. And the Morganite real attack force will probably do a dare devil jump somewhere inside the Dark Planet orbit. They go around the old scanners with the data given by Nova Saturna.

                Besides, the Terrans' attention will be drawn somewhere else by the Morganite fake convoy, so the response time might not be optimal.

                Look, I and History Guy really really want to get the Morganites' asses down to Callisto. It would be entirely InEn's fault that they got there, and TAF could easily join the siege. Could have the Morganites take hostages to avoid Alliance/Coalition marines landing.

                EDIT: I could, though, suffice with a failing Morganite attack on Callisto, it would serve the same purpose, like frightening the Terrans to realise they aren't so safe in their system after all.
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • Okay, repeat, TAF doesn't, and shouldn't. depend on the Terran Council to go in and defend Callisto/retake Callisto.

                  There will be some Terran Battlecruisers in the Jupiter Area and will engage the morganites...... okay, how about this...........

                  -The Morganites uses Nova Saturna current nav data of Sol so they can FTL straight into the Jupiter Area. A Terran Battlecruiser detects the FTL footprint and moves towards it to find out as they currently cannot detect the Morganite ships as they are using some advance chiron stealth technology...but the BC will detect them when it nears them.
                  -The TBC gets near to the footprint without detecting any ships...but soon afterwards, the InEn ships detects the Fake Transport and Escorts...
                  -While the InEn ships move to engage the Morganites decoy ships, couple of the TBCs in the area detects the real Morganite ships nearing Callisto... since the TAF never engaged Chironian ships before, the TBCs don't quickly intercept them.
                  -When three TBCs able to group together, they go in to engage the Morganite ships, not bothering to wait for the TBC near the footprint and the one not far from the InEn ships at the other side of Jupiter.
                  -the Commodore incharge of the Five TBC Task Force in the Jupiter area reports to FLeet Command before they engage the morganites above Callisto. Fleet Command orders a stronger TAF task force to jump in from Pluto.
                  -The three TBCs engages the enemy after they succeeded in destroying the majority of the InEn orbital defences. While the three TBCs battles with the Morganites Warships, the Morgan Transport lands and starts conquering the moon.
                  -The TBCs wins the skirmish battle with the morganite warships as they started to retreat towards Callisto, but the TBCs doesn't pursue as they cannot face the regrouped Morganite ships by themselves. By then, the Morganite ground forces pretty much overran InEn's ground defences.
                  -The Jupiter TBC Squadron joins with the TAF Task Force from Pluto as it arrives and starts moving in towards Callisto. Coalition meets up wih the InEn ships. Together, if they do quick work of the remaining Morganite Warships that stayed around. Coalition and InEn allows the TAF Task Force to launch its grounds forces to Callisto to retake it...... Takes almost a week to completly retake Callisto from the Morganites.....probably sooner if the TAF ships were crazy enough to risk the moon's populace by bombarding.

                  During the whole time, Titan revolts and declares independence....... TAF ships in the Saturn Area doesn't do anything about, which the Coalition gave TAF a lot of heck for.

                  At the Terran Council, there is debate to wether or not declare war on the Morganites. InEn and Coalition is up for it..... the Combine and Venus decide to support it after the Morganites refuse to discuss the matter with the Terran Alliance. anyway, this whole thing takes a month or two before they make the decision to declare war on the morganites for their attack on Callisto.

                  there is also a debate to recognize the Titan independence and accept their application to join the Alliance... and of course, the Coalition is completly against. this debate didn't last long, as there is more pressing matters like the declaration of war against the morganites... so the majority agrees to recognize Titan's independence and accepts its membership to the alliance. So giving Titan a few months to send representives to the Council so they can be sworn in.

                  during those debates, the Coalition heavily critisizes the TAF, and bit from InEn too.... concerning the failure to prevent the invasion of Callisto and for not doing anything about the Titan Rebellion.
                  the Fleet Admiral of course retorted that if the Coalition and InEn allowed TAF to properlly defend the Jupiter Area as TAF requested, they would of been able to prevent the attack on Callisto. As for the Titan Rebellion, it was a coalition matter and the TAF isn't allowed to squabble into internal politics of Alliance members. this sub argument only gave the TAF more favour in the COuncil.

                  Of course, the TAF Intelligence knew pretty welll of the Nova Saturna and their intention starts up a rebellion on Titan. But the Fleet Admiral purposly gave a blind eye and didn't inform Coalition. Also, the Fleet Admiral would guess that Nova Saturna as something to do with the Morganite attack, as the declaration of independence started as soon as the morganites started attacking Callisto. Just to say, the Fleet Admiral was born on Mars... so he personally doesn't like the Coalition and supports the independence of Titan. So will get TAF to help defend Titan, if Titant requests..... else, the TAF could simply have ships in the Saturn Area.

                  Once war is declared, the TAF will be given more political power.... so TAF will be able to declare "Martial Law" in Sol space...not on the planets and moons of course.......thats the members responsibilities. TAF will also have permission completly reorganize the systems Defences and to pretty much "bully" the member fleets to obey, like it or not.....
                  the Fleet Admiral doesn't seek to become a dictator or anything, just want to change things, to be able to smart some of the members up into behaving and work together and with TAF when TAF asked too. anyway, the TAF will become the Real Enforcers they are ment to be without any political limits.



                  • OK, sounds good, Kassiopeia. As soon as you are done destroying some robotically controlled Morganite transports, I'll go take that moon! Your orbital defenses shall get shot out of the sky, don't worry. After we control the moon Callisto, the Terrans can declare war on us and besiege Callisto. It'll be a long, nasty bloodbath of course, but you guys shall eventually bottle up our boys down there, who will either have to cut their ways out, or, sadly, surrender. Unless of course you go black flag, in which case we'll just blow up everything InEn or the Terrans could find useful!
                    Empire growing,
                    Pleasures flowing,
                    Fortune smiles and so should you.


                    • Here is the list of Pirate Clans: (clan sounds better then gang)

                      -Kane's Wolverines Clan (the most dominant clan in 2700, also currently leading a "revolution" in the pirate faction. the clan that succeeded in stealing a spartan warlock-class battlecruiser.

                      -Nautilus Clan (the most political clan. also controls the Pirates holdings on Chiron and represents the Pirate Faction in the Human COuncil. )

                      -Privateer Clan

                      -Larionov Clan (the most dislike clan among the they are murdering b*******. ends up gettng the worse of the undersirables from various factions and other clans)

                      -Blood Eagles Clan (another infamous clan, but has lot more discipline)

                      -Kell Hounds Clan

                      -Novans Clan

                      -Wolf Dragoon Clan

                      -Data Angels clan (seperate faction really, but since they are prety much integrated with the pirate faction, they are considered a clan among the pirates)

                      several others....... some more dominants and bunch of small ones.........


                      • LMP: I hate to see you missing. Your a big part of the BAC group. Just PM me the password and I will keep the site up. Come back as soon as you can. I cant have my enforcer gone for too long.

                        Kass: The apache scout shows up good on mine but double check everything anyway.

                        You guys seem to have everything worked out on the invasion. If you two don't want a full scale war there might be a way for a third party to intervene after morgan takes callisto. not in the military sense, but maybe in bringing the two sides to talk again. Has the InEn ever said why they started this. I know you guys have been talking about hive intervention, but surely the Terran Alliance would be demanding to know why InEn is risking hostilities with the Morgans. Sol must be a very crowded system and it would be hard for anyone to go in there undected. Even a fully cloacked hive scout would be nervous about going into such a crowded system.

                        One interesting possibility, is that scanners do pick up the real morgan fleet but they are somehow masking their signal and the controllers think that the morgan fleet is just another alliance convoy heading somewhere. that is until someone actually makes visual contact with the morgan fleet at which time it is too late. Just an idea. (The controllers at Pearl Harbor sighted the japanese planes before they hit. But the mistook them for american planes that were supposed to be in the area. sometimes, things like that happen.)
                        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                        • History guy: did you check out the ships i was talking about.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • History Guy! Hey, let's do a little bit of diplomacy!

                            The Nova Saturna does not wish an all out war on EC, just basic independence and to kick all EC ships out of it's region. They will probably get some support from the Belters, the new governor is about to uncover the truth about the hidden atrocity, and the main scientists of Titan sympathise with NS. Maria Sanchez will send you an encrypted transmittion, about willing to help you covertly and smuggling you some data so that we can, in the backdrop of the war, free ourselves of the tyranical menace. But we will constantly plea for the Alliance's membership and we'll conduct propaganda throughout the Sol system with the pictures and info about the secret attrocity, to get more public support

                            So, how about it? I am also willing to write one post about the Belters, could some one give me a recap about them, PLZ???

                            Most pleased with the forums back up,

                            ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                            ... Pain is an illusion...


                            • Oh my God you people post so quickly! There were like 4 posts before I posted that I didn't get to read!

                              By the way, what is the name of the TAF commander in the Saturn region?
                              ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                              ... Pain is an illusion...


                              • One interesting possibility, is that scanners do pick up the real morgan fleet but they are somehow masking their signal and the controllers think that the morgan fleet is just another alliance convoy heading somewhere. that is until someone actually makes visual contact with the morgan fleet at which time it is too late. Just an idea. (The controllers at Pearl Harbor sighted the japanese planes before they hit. But the mistook them for american planes that were supposed to be in the area. sometimes, things like that happen.)
                                Actually, that'd be a neat idea. Thanks for suggesting it, Sprayber.

                                You guys seem to have everything worked out on the invasion. If you two don't want a full scale war there might be a way for a third party to intervene after morgan takes callisto. not in the military sense, but maybe in bringing the two sides to talk again. Has the InEn ever said why they started this. I know you guys have been talking about hive intervention, but surely the Terran Alliance would be demanding to know why InEn is risking hostilities with the Morgans. Sol must be a very crowded system and it would be hard for anyone to go in there undected. Even a fully cloacked hive scout would be nervous about going into such a crowded system.
                                I was thinking much the same thing. The Terrans might force InEn to briefly put off the war until it can explain why 1) it murdered a Morganite diplomat (this may have been the work of an unidentified intruder, however), and 2) why they attempted to destroy the Morganite diplomatic ship, which would be going against the Geneva code which the Terrans hold so dear, and so InEn would look rather repelant to them.

                                History guy: did you check out the ships i was talking about.
                                Yes, I did. I think we'll have some similiar ships in the Sol attack. For examle we shall have around 12 small escort vessels (6 each) protecting the transports. The transports will be very large indeed, in fact they are very similiar in appearance to the average Terran carrier, which may explain why it is mistaken for one. Each carrier is also lightly armed.

                                The Nova Saturna does not wish an all out war on EC, just basic independence and to kick all EC ships out of it's region. They will probably get some support from the Belters, the new governor is about to uncover the truth about the hidden atrocity, and the main scientists of Titan sympathise with NS. Maria Sanchez will send you an encrypted transmittion, about willing to help you covertly and smuggling you some data so that we can, in the backdrop of the war, free ourselves of the tyranical menace. But we will constantly plea for the Alliance's membership and we'll conduct propaganda throughout the Sol system with the pictures and info about the secret attrocity, to get more public suppor
                                Sounds good to me, Cyber, old chap.
                                Empire growing,
                                Pleasures flowing,
                                Fortune smiles and so should you.

