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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Discussion Thread

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  • Okay, as anyone played Total Annihilation or Metal Fatigue? In those games, they depend on energy, as they have the ability to convert energy into matter. Actually, if we are going to be using some high SMAC techs, Energy will be important...
    think about it...if you can create matter out of pure energy, then Energy will be important. Once that ability is gained, makes mining operations practicly obsolete. And if you are quite advance in the field of nanotechnology and matter/antimatter conversion, then you can easily contruct anything.

    So there is still a way for an Economy to depend on Energy, as well on Resources in general. No credit dealing or it is hard to maintain such a thing in space. So would depend bater, or semi-barter trade system, around Energy and Resource Units (matter).

    Chiron FTL generally powered by Antimatter. because of that, Antimatter is mass produced, as fuel.... which the Morganites corners the market in.... to produce antimatter, you require a lot of energy. So having solar collectors or whatever to produce energy could be quite important and valueble, while also infinite
    For some nomadic/semi-nomadic factions like the Pirates, they use ramscoops to gather space matter, converting it into antimatter. Can't produce as much antimatter like Energy to Antimatter...but pirate ships won't be stuck in space with no more antimatter to fuel their FTL drive. Some Chiron factions may try to research in ways to convert Antimatter into matter, in large they wouldn't need to mine for resources anymore and get the Gaians on their back for ruining some environments

    Sol FTL is different slighty, bit lower tech compare to Chiron FTL...their FTL depends on some rare minerals mainly found among the asteroid belt and on Venus (Venus ones is purer). but those resources are limited and don't create as much power as Antimatter gives to Chiron FTL. So the research facilities on Mercury could play a big role in researching in ways to artificially produce the FTL mineral using radiation/energy.... energy to matter, without realizing that the Antimatter they are producing to use to convert into their FTL mineral could be use to power the FTL without needing the mineral.
    The Scions could be a key in providing the nescesary technology to produce matter out of Energy(Antimatter). hey, they are using energy to reproduce their Biometal(yet still don't know how the stuff works despite knowing how to use it ) and using their advance nanotechnology to use biometal to contruct stuff. Also, Venus never gave out how found and acquired their pure FTL minerals

    Should mention what your factions unique or/and specialize techs are yet be bit specific, so no specialize in weapons in general or specialize in armor in general, etc....

    list of examples:

    Morganite: Antimatter technology
    University: FTL technology
    Cyborgs: subspace communication technology
    Pirates: ramscoop technology, space construction, scavanging,
    Drones: industrial automation, robotics, (hey, isn't there androids on their homeworld?)
    Gaians: terraforming, biotechnology, bioengineering, psionics,

    Scions: biometal, nanotechnology, biotechnology
    Belters: space survival, scavenging, resource gathering,
    Venus: plasma weaponry, ship construction, high pressure domes, high pressure construction, powerful STL engines,


    As for ship sizes, here we go:

    Fighter: 10-50m
    Scout: 50-100m
    Corvette: 100-200m
    Frigate: 200-300m
    Destroyer: 300-400m
    Light Cruiser: 400-500m
    Cruiser: 500-750m
    Heavey Cruiser: 750-1000m
    Battlercruiser: 1000-1500m
    Battleship: 1500-2000m
    Dreadnought: 2000-3000m
    Super Dreadnought: 3000-5000m

    Light Carrier: 500-1000m
    Carrier: 1000-2000m
    Heavy Carrier: 2000-3000m

    Fraal Motherships are around 30-50 kilometres
    (shaped almost like a football, with an unknown type of STL engine...inertional maybe)
    Fraal saucer scouts are around 50-100m
    Fraal triangular scouts are around 300m (most common Fraal ship seen)

    Sizes may need revision before the game starts, so what do you people think? I will link to yours sites if you wish, but use the one i created as the focal point. Will also place structure texts and a glossary.

    Last edited by Guest; December 1, 2001, 21:26.


    • Okay, visible question first. Domai is gone, packed off to some estate to write his memoirs.

      And by the way, when is this thing starting?
      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


      • OK, then I'll write about a weird and wonderful eco-system on Titan, although people thought they'd find paradise bellow Venus' clouds - we'll see what is REALLY on Titan in 2004 (when Cassini finally reaches Saturn) .

        OK, a multi-ethnic colony, consisted of a couple of millions of people living there. On Titan itself, people live in Bio/Pressure/Habitation-Domes, producing GM food and slowly terraforming the atmosphere to make it more Earth-like (the pressure at the surface is estimated to be 60% bigger than on Earth so people are advised at least a proper helmet with a respirator, which simulates photosynthesis in plants, converting CO2 from our breath into O2 which we can rebreathe. The skies are mostly yellow during the day, turning purple in the evenings and dark at nights, very few stars dominating the night sky due to dense atmosphere. Few artificial Solar Reflectors are in place in orbit, helping light reach Titan during the night cycles, when Saturn overshadows the Sun. Titan Governor is in charge of both Titan and Rhea colonies (population on Rhea is bellow one million) and enjoys a small autonomy from the Terran homeworld (much like Mars), within the coalition, to stop Terra building up a huge bureocracy (lots of B-drones ). Many Titanians object to the xenophobia of Earth and felt deep compasion with the Belters during the brutal attack on them. Therefore, during the rule of the Centalized Planetary Party (CPP), opressive governors were appointed to Titan to quell the unhappy citizens. The desinies of those governors were either being assasinated, killed in action, resigning or joining the rebels (more on the "Nova Saturna" resistance movement later on). After the arrival of DUE to power a less opressive governor was appointed: Colonial Magistrate Nicholas Popullos who was a former Martian Foreign Secretary (I will give his background in the character thread). The Saturnian colonies are running Democratic/Planned/Wealth/Eudaimonic SE choices - but they will switch to Knowledge later on. Speciality of Saturnians is the flexibility, adaptability and intelectual talent of the people of the colonies (ie. "TALENT, 4, IMMUNITY, MORALE").

        The "Nova Saturna" Movement has been founded ever since the Earth Coallition nuked the Belters, when many people all over the Sol system protested against such violence. The current CPP governor nerve-stapled the whole Titan colony and the incident was covered-up. Ever since, renegade Martians, Belters or even Terrans have travelled to Titan to helpthe rebellion. The leader of the rebels is Anna Sanches (more on her later) and her motives are revenge since her whole family was nerve-stapled infront of her eyes, when she was a todler (she herself was rescued by a rebel). She is like a Titan cross between Santiago ad Sinder Roze .

        Happy with this?

        Hey guys, I've been thinking - what about a new religion? Do you seriously think society would be the same in 700 years? Hear me out on this one...

        Religion name: Vassion
        Founded: During the "time of rebuilding" after WW3.
        Founder: Brother Nathan Ramses
        Philosphies: Sacredness of all life, cycle of rebirth and karma, principles of both Jesus and Buddha, pacifism, space expansion and development of knowledge thoughout the human race
        Similar Religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Humanism
        Percentage of Humanity: over 50% (suggestions?)
        Most Followers: Mars over 80% (and most outer colonies)
        Least Followers: Earth bellow 20% (many old age religions are there still firmly established)

        What do you think?

        BTW I really like the websites you people put up - keep it going!

        Best regards,

        Nicholas Popullos
        Saturn Colonial Magistate

        Diplomacy Landscape:
        Attached Files
        ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
        ... Pain is an illusion...


        • enjoys a small autonomy from the Terran homeworld (much like Mars),

          Mars is independent! It is in no way whatsoever dependent of Earth! It's not autonomius, it's independent.

          *thinks that he should draw a Terran political chart to clarify everything out*

          The "Nova Saturna" Movement has been founded ever since the Earth Coallition nuked the Belters,
          When did this happen?! It was InEn trying to retake the place. No nukes, FCOL!

          Otherwise, the plot devide regarding the recent power shift of EC is implemented snugly.

          Originally posted by Cybergod
          Religion name: Vassion
          Founded: During the "time of rebuilding" after WW3.
          Founder: Brother Nathan Ramses
          Philosphies: Sacredness of all life, cycle of rebirth and karma, principles of both Jesus and Buddha, pacifism, space expansion and development of knowledge thoughout the human race
          Similar Religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Humanism
          Percentage of Humanity: over 50% (suggestions?)
          Most Followers: Mars over 80% (and most outer colonies)
          Least Followers: Earth bellow 20% (many old age religions are there still firmly established)

          What do you think?
          IMO some of the numbers a too big. I'd Mars some seventy fifty percent. Total humanity a half! Geez, you think the Chironians have adopted it up to 50 percent? I seriously doubt that.
          You meant "Terran percentage", right? Right?

          Fighter: 10-50m
          Scout: 50-100m
          Corvette: 100-200m
          Frigate: 200-300m
          Destroyer: 300-400m
          Light Cruiser: 400-500m
          Cruiser: 500-750m
          Heavy Cruiser: 750-1000m
          Battlecruiser: 1000-1500m
          Battleship: 1500-2000m
          Dreadnought: 2000-3000m
          Super Dreadnought: 3000-5000m

          Light Carrier: 500-1000m
          Carrier: 1000-2000m
          Heavy Carrier: 2000-3000m
          Looks good. I think at least Terrans should not have Hvy Carriers or Super Dreadnaughts, or if they do, they are only prototype ships (take immense resource and time to build).
          I figured that the Terran (Or Earth) ship categories would not have that much varience in classes, but in class variations themselves.

          Sparrow class Scout: Small, fast, lightly armed.
          Eagle class Scout: Somewhat larger, heavily armed, slower.

          Your economics essay has a point, IMHO. Also, Terran FTL is clearly more... primitive then the Chironian one, for the sole reason that it is very rarely used - No campaigns out of system, closest and only colony is near (relatively), and to travel within Sol in reasonable time does not require maximum speeds.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Kass: You see why the Spartans are reluctant to get involved.

            I think he means the terran% of people following the new religion. Cause I know the Spartans are not going to even know about this. Until they have more contact.

            Which leads me to my next thing. I will start the thread today. We can start getting things going but we should refrain from too much until we get the distances/travel time/and locations worked out. If you guys would concentrate on your internal stuff before launching to relations just yet. No harm in contacting and things, but we really do need some kind of shared hard basic facts like distance. Im eager to get started.

            And remember guys we are bound to step on some toes along the way. But lets just remember this is for fun and the whole purpose of the discussion thread is to get stuff like that worked out.

            Kass: The Spartans may be visiting an indepenedent Mars soon. Diplomatic ship of course.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • I do have a tendency to get nitpicking in this stuff sometimes. Also I sometimes dislike being vague - I'm one of them numberchrunchers who would prefer clear figures. But I think I can handle it without flipping out.

              Btw, for at least alien starships, a good source for pictures is:

              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • Whoops!

                I don't know but I seem to remember somewhere in the history someone mentioning nukes "much to the horror of the citizens of Earth" or similar. OK no nukes were involved, I get it know!

                By the percentage I meant people withing the Sol system. OK the most followers is now redone, sorry:

                Most Followers: Spread out through Sol system, weakly concentrated on Mars - Terran (Sol) Population % = 60%

                Is it OK now? What about people who come into contact with the Sol factions? Will some of their explorers act as missionaries and spread Vassionism? Just imagine Miriam finding out about this!

                And I seem to have made a typing error when putting "(much like Mars)" - sorry! But imagine it like a... hmm... self-governed colony whose governors are directly appointed from Earth.

                OK, hoping I will stop pestering you all and causing misinterpretations! But a Terran Political Chart would be so useful to everyone in this project.

                Frankychan, your Hive seems rather familiar to Imperial Japan/China (sorry history is not one of my strong points), is that where you got the ideas from . Maybe you could have Certain Overlords (rather like the Samurai) who are loyal "friends" to the Emperor and have their own lands and priviliges? Just some random thoughts...
                ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                ... Pain is an illusion...


                • factional differences


                  I like that idea of the 'barter system'.

                  About the ship size, I was thinking that the ship size would differ between the different factions....a corvette-size ship for one faction may be a frigate for another. However, this may lead to some confusion amongst each of us. I do believe we need some constancy in ship size and just wanted to throw out this idea.

                  As for the Hive, our FTL is based on Bree technology obtained in trade. Gravity on our ships is also based on the Bree.

                  Some special techs amongst the Hive is:

                  limited cloak technology (unable to fire weapons while cloaked, like Klingons)

                  Neurochemical triggers (Thought Control )

                  Genejack technology

                  ....although this is not all technology possessed by the Hive, I think that these are the "core" tech that I have covered in the timeline, description of the faction, and other threads that I have posted. Our tech is independent of the other factions as we have not "traded" with them, but rather have stolen it and adapted the tech to our needs and specifications. We also possess limited Bree technology due to our mutual "understanding".

                  If I've missed anything, let me know. Thanx!

                  Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                  Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                  *****Citizen of the Hive****
                  "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                  • I don't know but I seem to remember somewhere in the history someone mentioning nukes "much to the horror of the citizens of Earth" or similar. OK no nukes were involved, I get it know!
                    The history you read must of been obsolete. I strongly recommend you visit my page and review the Revision 3 I have up there. EDIT: Broken link!

                    I'll proceed with the Terran Political Chart. Btw, the religion sounds very useful.

                    self-governed colony whose governors are directly appointed from Earth.
                    Yes. And the governor will obey Earth as much as possible in his agendas, because if he does not, his options are:

                    a) Immediate removal from office.
                    but if the governor does not accept that and leave voluntarily,

                    b) a small marine detachment will be dispatched to "escort" the governor out of office.
                    If the governor arranges self defense, and is able to avoid capture in part b),

                    c) an invasion fleet will be sent, consisting of several thousand marines and orbital attack ships.
                    If even action c) fails, action
                    d) is taken - full destruction of colony, unless governor or rebels surrender.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • factional differences


                      I like that idea of the 'barter system'.

                      About the ship size, I was thinking that the ship size would differ between the different factions....a corvette-size ship for one faction may be a frigate for another. However, this may lead to some confusion amongst each of us. I do believe we need some constancy in ship size and just wanted to throw out this idea.

                      As for the Hive, our FTL is based on Bree technology obtained in trade. Gravity on our ships is also based on the Bree.

                      Some special techs amongst the Hive is:

                      limited cloak technology (unable to fire weapons while cloaked, like Klingons)

                      Neurochemical triggers (Thought Control )

                      Genejack technology

                      ....although this is not all technology possessed by the Hive, I think that these are the "core" tech that I have covered in the timeline, description of the faction, and other threads that I have posted. Our tech is independent of the other factions as we have not "traded" with them, but rather have stolen it and adapted the tech to our needs and specifications. We also possess limited Bree technology due to our mutual "understanding".

                      If I've missed anything, let me know. Thanx!

                      To Cybergod:
                      Frankychan, your Hive seems rather familiar to Imperial Japan/China (sorry history is not one of my strong points), is that where you got the ideas from . Maybe you could have Certain Overlords (rather like the Samurai) who are loyal "friends" to the Emperor and have their own lands and priviliges? Just some random thoughts...
                      I'm glad that you saw the comparison. I based the Greater Hive Empire, rather loosely, on Imperial China. I was thinking that since Yang is from China, he would look to his past for some inspiration in creating his new empire. It's funny you mention it because I was thinking of an adaption to the 'overlord' status but hadn't mentioned it because I'm still thinking of ways to incorporate it into Hive politics. I was thinking the Hive political system (what little there is) would be composed something like this:

                      From lowest rank to highest

                      Prefect (regional official)
                      Governor (oversee's planet)
                      Regional Lord (oversee's region-governor's report to this official)

                      This is the basic structure of the Hive political system. There are way more ranks and what-nots but I feel that this is the 4 basic offices. I'm trying to make the 'favortism' (correct spelling?) show but have to think this more through first.

                      But I'm glad you've seen the comparison!
                      Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                      Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                      *****Citizen of the Hive****
                      "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                      • Well, OK. I sorta had the idea that we Morganites come in first with the skirmish with InEn guys that really starts up the hatred for InEn and Morgan. What do you think, Kassiopeia?
                        Empire growing,
                        Pleasures flowing,
                        Fortune smiles and so should you.


                        • So Yang rather fancies himself a little Qin Shihuangdi?
                          Empire growing,
                          Pleasures flowing,
                          Fortune smiles and so should you.


                          • Lots Of Them

                            I want ships, lots of ships. Big Green Ones. But they are probably going to be scientific exploration vessels and transports.

                            I have checked out the two BAC pages I know of, Sprayber's and kassiopeia's. While they are all neat and 'woo' - I plan to put a little bit of Gaian stuff on my home page for BAC plus links to your guys pages, with permission. (I also checked out Cybergod's cool home page recently )

                            No one has told me about territories and distances, and I did ask. Please, please, please can I have some more information on that. Eventually.

                            On the issue of Titan, I once saw a programme that proposed life there in the seas of methane or whatever. Because the sunlight is so weak there was chemosynthesis. There were a few plants that utilized sunlight, massive structures that grew up and looked like flat topped mushrooms. They reproduced by budding at the sides of the top, and stalks grew down from each bud. I was not drunk, I really remember that.

                            Oh... yes, ships. For my pictures I want to use a few images from Battlefleet Gothic... but how do you attach them properly?
                            Attached Files


                            • About ship sizes. Of course everyone will have different ship types. The ranking is to give everyone a basic idea of what you are talking about. I have already come up with a ship for the Spartans that they use only for system defense. It is bigger then a fighter but not a main fleet ship either. When you attack a Spartan system, it will be those that most likely will be there unless the main fleet happens to be there.

                              Get your posts ready. I'll start it later today.

                              LMP: don't know if I've said this to ya already, but thanks for the work on the map and distances and stuff. And as not to leave everyone out, thanks to everyone.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • Re: Lots Of Them

                                Originally posted by Alynzia
                                I want ships, lots of ships. Big Green Ones. But they are probably going to be scientific exploration vessels and transports.

                                I have checked out the two BAC pages I know of, Sprayber's and kassiopeia's. While they are all neat and 'woo' - I plan to put a little bit of Gaian stuff on my home page for BAC plus links to your guys pages, with permission. (I also checked out Cybergod's cool home page recently )

                                No one has told me about territories and distances, and I did ask. Please, please, please can I have some more information on that. Eventually.

                                On the issue of Titan, I once saw a programme that proposed life there in the seas of methane or whatever. Because the sunlight is so weak there was chemosynthesis. There were a few plants that utilized sunlight, massive structures that grew up and looked like flat topped mushrooms. They reproduced by budding at the sides of the top, and stalks grew down from each bud. I was not drunk, I really remember that.

                                Oh... yes, ships. For my pictures I want to use a few images from Battlefleet Gothic... but how do you attach them properly?
                                The more pages the merrier. LMP's ipage going to be the depository sort of speaks for basic info such as speeds/distances/and other things. Links are welcome at my page. Are the images bigger or are they that size? The minimum posting size is like 600X400 IIRC. Around that anyway.
                                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

