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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Discussion Thread

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  • On the things for maps, Frontier First Enocuters has a 3d map that is accurate IIRC, it has all the stars listed. If I have time maybe I could figure a way to get a snapshot of the screen and send it to one of you guys.

    And for the Believers Morgan deal, I would imgange that we would have at least a treaty of friendship going on, with perhaps a pact in the works.
    "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

    David Weber


    • Okay, but i need the map now :P currently at co-op where i can use a good version of Photoshop, which as the layer feature....where i can use to trace in a sense :P

      Meanwhile, I call dibs on the Warlock-class Destroyer pics from Babylon 5/Crusader, lol

      does anyone have any pics of Starship Trooper ships? those maneuverable cruisers are cool

      As for te Terran Battlecruiser, found a good background pic of ship in Starcraft; Brood will get around to extract it as i can't take a good screen shot. Can also extract a good background pic showing the Wraith Fighters

      anyway, Starmap will be done tonite, I PROMISE THIS TIME, else, you can kick me out of the game.

      Oh Silence, what is your vision of the Believers?

      Other details would like to mention:

      Chaos Weaponry are like Disruptors of most that disrupts the molecules...which fits the description of the Chaos Weaponry. The most common ship energy weaponry in among the Chiron factions.

      Impact Weaponry is technicly Gauss Cannons/Rail Guns, according to the description. Pirates are known to use Impact weaponr extensively.

      Plasma Shards is more like Plasma Cannons. Usually use for a good slug fest and planetary bombarment.

      Will post some weapons stats later on the site, but not in numbers...just descriptively..... Impact can be just as powerful Chaos, just does different type of damage. Of course, for Impact to equal in power to Chaos, you need bigger Impact weapons then Chaos ones

      As for Missiles and Torpedoes...there is various types and sizes.

      -Small (Concussion Msl, Air-to-Air, Anti-Fighter, SAM, etc)
      -Medium (Air-to-Ground, Anti-Ship, SAM, etc)
      -Large (Air-to-Ground, Anti-Capital Ship, Surface-to-Space, etc)
      -Planet/Ship Buster (Surface-to-Space, Space-to-Surface, Anti-Capital Ship, Long Range, etc)

      -Short Range
      -Medium Range
      -Long Range


      Torpedoes: bigger boom, but shorter range then Missiles, in general

      -Micro-Torpedoe = to Small or Medium Missiles (2-5 metres)
      -Torpedoe = to very larg Missile (10-15 metres)




      Pulse Weaponry: Simple bolts of energy (Burst) or contineus (beam). Chaos/Disruptors generally does more damage. Common weaponry in the Terran Alliance and in Sol.

      Ion Beam Weaponry: powerful carving beam weapon, which the weapons are big and requires a lot of power. usually need a large hull and a good reactor output to have these.... also common on Orbital Defence Platforms. Currently, only the Terran Alliance as recently created such weapons.... but according to Fraal, it one of the most common Capital Ship weapons develop by species in the Galaxy, yet not many have them i this corner of space. Possible to use as part of Planetary Defences or precise planetary Bombarment.

      Phaser Weaponry: Only the Fraal is known to have such weapons...and quite poweful as it easily cut ships like butter.
      there was only a few rare cases that the Fraal ships using them.....mainly destroying ships foolish enough to attack them or the Fraal helping helpless ships from raiders, pirates, whoever.
      It is also capable in causing quite some Planetary damage.... there one interesting case where a Fraal ship fired its phasers into Planet to stablelize the tectonic plates, to make it suitable for colonization by humans



      • Hmm, yes, Coalition ships could use other then purely projectile weapons. Something energy based, pulse cannons, perhaps. What exactly are Merculite torps?

        What I am planning at this time is

        1. developing the storyline about the mysterious Nova Saturn man's data disc.

        Cybergod, how about I make up a NS contact on Moon whom the disc is delivered to? You could then mayhaps take it from there. The point is getting NS into InEn networks, from where they can extract harmful data, which they could sell for Morganite in exchange of protecting them from Coalition? What sayeth you?

        2. adding more friction between InEn and Coalition

        3. finding out what Capella's scientific name is

        4. and welcoming Silence - Hi!
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • Well, maybe the more advance Sol ships use Pulse Weaponry as their main energy weapons...but other weapons in common use are Missiles, Torpedoes, Plasma Cannons and Impact Cannons. (terrans may call Chaos weaponry disruptors and impact railguns/gauss cannons.) As for the Merculite Missiles, will have an description later....but rather be mainly use by the Terran Alliance Fleet.

          TAF is like the Star League Armed Forces in Battletech and the Sol factions the Houses.

          Silence, in SMAC, the Believers consider Chiron as their Promise land.. so makes it odd that they decide to go on an Exodus.... unless they are only colonies and the Believer Headquarters is still on Chiron. Also, isn't bit odd to call an world New Jeruselem :P

          Oh, thinking that the remaining factions that have holdngs in Alpha Centauri have an joint Chiron Defence Force....not a seperate organization, but joint thing. Chiron is considered the Homeworld of the SMAC Factions afterall....will help defend it, especially against the Proginators or whoever.

          Currently, the factions who still have some holdings in the Alpha Centauri system i can see is the Peacekeepers, Morganites, Pirates, Data Angels(thinking that they have establish some new bases on Chiron after some big Exoduses by they are not always nomadic ), Believers, Gaians, Cyborgs, Cult and maybe the Free Drones?

          Spartans and Hive are fullout of alpha Centauri (well, i am sure some of their populaces didn't came along in their exoduses.... can't exactly Force your people to move out of their homes )

          anyway, back to finishing map....



          • The guy who came after Miriam had a vision of an Believer nation across the stars and God telling him to go forth and be frutifull.

            Hmm, maybe I should call the world New Isreal?
            and I can't get the screenshots, sorry, I should have the timeline down by tommorow, and if you don't here from me for a couple of days that would be becuase I am getting my computer upgraded over the weekend hopefully.
            "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

            David Weber


            • Sounds good. New Israel would probably be a good planet name, and New Jerusalem a good capital. Assuming the Believers are in contact with the Terrans, perhaps they will come in contact with other Christian groups, or perhaps form an alliance with the Christian States of America (CSA) assuming they still exist. If you recall, the Christian States of America is apparently where old Miriam is from. Or maybe they can ring up the Vatican or something.
              Empire growing,
              Pleasures flowing,
              Fortune smiles and so should you.


              • Christian State of America? where did you get that from???

                Anyway, the map is done!!!!!!!

                Not all of the stars are named....many are just numbers, or Ross, or Wolf, and etc........

                Did name all the stars that have bit more normal names and used a lot in sci-fis........ not all stars are shown either, as it would be way to crowded :P

                Kass, I suggest you get another Star then Capella for Terran Alliance colony :P pretty far from Sol i tell ya, in comprison to all of the stars on the map :P

                question, is Alderamin Alderan? just i only find Alderamin in most maps i got, and not Alderan..... Alderan only in the startrek one :P

                The Travel Time table still not done. After we figure out what systems the factions controls....i will color code it on the map.

                Oh yes, the map isn't 100% accurate, concerning distance wise on the map..... as it is a 2d map. Alpha Centauri is still the closest, dispite bot being that way on the map.

                anyway, here we go..................

                Attached Files


                • Here is the Titans hope pic........

                  Attached Files


                  • Lord MP, if one looks at the Believers piece in the Datalinks in the game one will see that Sister Miriam's place of origin is "The Christian States of America".
                    Empire growing,
                    Pleasures flowing,
                    Fortune smiles and so should you.


                    • Can we put a pause on the Game please and figure out the Territory? Also, may have to modify histories a bit.

                      Okay, just to say.... the Closer systems would end up being taken by the first few Factions that left/started colonizing from Chiron... so the first dibs on the systems are University, Morganites, SPartans, HIve, Peacekeepers(Alpha Centauri area?), Gaians and Free Drones (Vega area?)

                      So whatever is left nearby the Cyborgs and Believers can take..... while the Cult is stuck on Chiron. Pirates and Data Angels mainly integrated by then and spread all over the place in small outposts, nomadic wanderer ships (Titan A.E. human mix match wanderer ships).

                      I reserve Lalande 21128 for seperate faction (Lalande scenario in Civ2: Test of Time) not marked yet

                      I think the Terran Alliance should get Wolf 359 Capella is way to freakin far.

                      Can share solar systems too people, or even worlds.

                      I don't mind create fictionus stars, as long they are far from Sol....which would have too anyway. The big name stars in the Starmap will not be changed for reference and star positioning sake.

                      After we get the territories figured out properly, then i can star positioning the Aliens...... mainly the known alien space anyway.

                      For the ones want to have pre-space aliens on their worlds or whatever...tell me and don't go overboard with "oh, i found a world with some cool neet technology", that becomes unoriginal quick....... iwhile i am in the same page found FTL techs, except maybe just to make the engines more stable or whatever...but yet no faster or no major difference to the Chiron FTL or the Sol FTL...... all other exotic kind of FTLs are reserved to the big high tech aliens like the Proginators and the Fraal.

                      I know the Free Drones world in Vega found a dorment society of Androids....which later on get some problems with, but improves the faction robotic technology....which improves their Industrial Automation techs in turn boosting faster and more efficient space construction.

                      anyway, not to many aliens in the human space area please!!!!

                      also, people, send stuff too beyondalphacentauri so i can put on the site!!!

                      I know, will have seperate sites for your factions, but would like Logos of your faction, general list of holdings and fleet, definitions on some things so i can put in the glossary, descriptions of some aliens, etc.............

                      the BeyondAlphaCentauri site is to be the MAIN site....not [Lord LMP]'s site...........

                      Oh, as for out of the game request, i am LMP, period tired of Lord now....but can't exactly create a new logon. and the [ ] is just because i originally already created a LordLMP account, but got screwed up, so end up needing to create another i wish i used a different name............. oh well.



                      • Originally posted by History Guy
                        Lord MP, if one looks at the Believers piece in the Datalinks in the game one will see that Sister Miriam's place of origin is "The Christian States of America".
                        What? where in the datalinks does it say that? Everywhere i looked, like Firaxis' alpha centauri website, she is from United States, not Christian States....such a country doesn't excist even in the SMAC universe. Also, don't remember seing leader profiles IN the game anywhere in the Datalinks..... what version do you have?

                        Anyway, don't you scare me with this Christian States of America nonsence. Bad enough we have some crazy Fundmentalist countries in the Middle East, don't want to have a Christian one in North America. if such a thing ever exists, the world is doomed.



                        • She is from the Christan States of America, at least that is what it said in the offical strategy guide which had all the faction leader profiles in it, including histories.

                          And I do think the leaders profiles are in the datalinks, I will have to check to make sure though.
                          "I do think that it is important to realize that wars are ugly and vile and that there better be a damned good reason for getting involved in one. Because the price for somebody is going to be very, very high."

                          David Weber


                          • Hey Silence,

                            Whattaya think about an alliance? In my timeline I mention the Hive proposing an alliance to the Believers but at that time we did not have a Believer author. I haven't expanded on this because I have my hands full with developing plots for the Spartan plots, the Drone incidents, and the possible InEn/Morgan war. Maybe you can develop something with the Believers and Hive? I dunno.......just throwing out some possiblities.
                            But don't let anyone tell you what to write cause, hey, its your faction!

                            Kass and HistoryGuy,

                            How should the Hive involvement with the InEn/Morgan war be like? I was thinking minimal at first, but then some military support (either equipment or advisors) after. What do you two think?
                            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                            *****Citizen of the Hive****
                            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                            • Originally posted by [LordLMP]

                              What? where in the datalinks does it say that? Everywhere i looked, like Firaxis' alpha centauri website, she is from United States, not Christian States....such a country doesn't excist even in the SMAC universe. Also, don't remember seing leader profiles IN the game anywhere in the Datalinks..... what version do you have?

                              Anyway, don't you scare me with this Christian States of America nonsence. Bad enough we have some crazy Fundmentalist countries in the Middle East, don't want to have a Christian one in North America. if such a thing ever exists, the world is doomed.

                              I think the reference to Christian States of America was back when the factions was still called the Conclave. On all the official sites it lists the US but in the game it says Christian. It may have not made it to some of the later versions or foreign versions but this is what my stats for the believers say. I copied them straight out of the file. Apparantly some kind of terrible event happened in the US. Rememeber Lal talking about the Americans sliding into despotism?

                              ^LEADER: {Sister Miriam Godwinson}
                              ^BACKGROUND: {Christian States of America, Unity Psych Chaplain}
                              ^AGENDA: {Life of Religious Worship}
                              ^TECH: {Social Psych}

                              I'm religious, but I want no part of a government that has anything to do with religion. It just causes too much trouble.

                              Its a good idea to stop posting until we get everthing straigtened out. I'm going to keep writing, but I won't post anything until things are staight. shouldn't take long to figure out territory.

                              LMP: If you send a PM to MarkG or another admin, they can change your login for you. Oh, and your work on this is very much appreaciated.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • Kass - sounds very good! I was kinda hoping to post first but you made my job easier . I'll post after you. Make it so that the contact talks with one of Maria Sanches' adversaries, not herself in person. I've been dragging my writing too long so I'll be posting straight afterwards...

                                I like your Weapons descriptions LMP! Hey what about this:

                                Titan has one powerful weapon in its orbit - the Ion Orbiter. It was a planetary defence/riot control device used in the xenophobic days when the old governors used it to hit the rebel quaters precisely and to stop Belters coming in and loading supplies up to the rebels. Now, with the new governor in charge it is largely abandonned but it may be used if EC launches an attack later on... (Has anyone played StarCraft? Yes? Well, you know the final mission as terrans when all you need to destroy is Duke's Ion Cannon? That is the basic design ...

                                Hope kass agrees...

                                ... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
                                ... Pain is an illusion...

