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Chiron Chronicles: Planetary Council

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  • From: Father Theodore Deacon
    To: Planetary Council

    It is a pleasure to hear that the Peacekeepers are accepting our initiatives.
    Also the proposal of perusing New Hope as a location of negotiation has been noted, and will also be considered, as the Gaians' neutrality could be more contested then the stance of the Peacekeepers. We all know that they sympathize the use of psi warfare, and thus indirectly support Cultist actions.

    Father Deacon
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • From: Father Theodore Deacon
      To: Planetary Council

      Provost Zakharov's address earlier today was very interesting in it's contents. Allow me to quote him:

      "People of the University, It has come to my attention, through our investigations of the anti-Mindworm nerve-gas debacle that the Believer's Special Forces were present on University territory. This is an affront that cannot go unaccounted for. We also have sufficient evidence to place several Data Angel probes on our territory, possibly being there to sabotauge the convoy."

      I now immediately ask the University delegation to produce the Council this evidence that is supposed to back up these accusations.
      Why? Because in the same "statement", Zakharov said that

      "We may also request that Roze possibly resign her veto power in the Planetary Council... although if she makes other concessions, that will not be necessary- however, it is obvious that the Data Angels may or may not have forced members of the anarchist Perfecct Society or Jakhobians to assist with sabotauge of the nerve gas... Also interested in the nerve gas were the Believing Special Forces, who, we have determined, due to death residue analysis- were attempting to commandeer the convoy when a stray shot hit one of the gas tanks and exploded."

      The Provost is obviously questioning the current governorship, and it would be prudent to inform the Council appropriately before launcing such a, shall I say, "a wild goose-chase". And I want to remind the University that the current arrangement does not allow a power of a veto to anyone.

      In a final note, if the Provost is indeed wary of the current decision of having to governors, maybe Mr. Davidson-Splertrovsky should put forward a motion of voting for or against the arrangement? After a Council vote, there should be no room for any more of this ridiculous trash.

      Father Theodore Deacon
      Last edited by Kassiopeia; November 8, 2001, 06:08.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • From: High Academician Zakharov
        To: Planetary Council

        I ask you to remember, that, according to the UN charter, the planetary governor can be impeached due to extenuating circumstances. Whereas I am not asking that, I demand an explanation from the Data Angels... As for evidence, we can produce a number of insignias that will, when testing is done on them, show that they have the necessary residue of both an explosion and contain certain strains of nerve gas upon them...

        The insignias were greatly fractured when we found them, but considering that, in addition to the insignias, we discovered one body that had not been destroyed, but only killed, which was wearing a Data Angel uniform... Whereas I did not wish to make an accusation, it is necessary, both to the defense of the University's soverignity and to the somberness and respect that the Planetary Governor's position deserves. At the very least- We demand an apology from Roze, and a promise to never, ever, exercise any probe activities on University soil; also, we also ask that Roze temporarily discipline herself and refrain from taking her planetary governor abilities for a certain time, yet to be determined.

        As for the Believers- the University expects that they pay both reparations to ourselves for research lost, and to the Cult of Planet- whom you have hurt through your incessant battle. For, in attempting to steal nerve gas deadly to mindworms and use it for yourselves, you have limited the world to no longer creating mindworm nerve gas- for, the shortsighted people of this council will no longer permit research and development of nerve gas due to the fact that we cannot produce any evidence for its working.
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        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • From: Father Theodore Deacon
          To: Planetary Council

          The "logics" of the University never cease to amuse me.

          As for evidence, we can produce a number of insignias that will, when testing is done on them, show that they have the necessary residue of both an explosion and contain certain strains of nerve gas upon them...

          The insignias were greatly fractured when we found them, but considering that, in addition to the insignias, we discovered one body that had not been destroyed, but only killed, which was wearing a Data Angel uniform...

          Insignias? A corpse with an Angel uniform? For all we know, they could of been members of a sporadic radical group that had stolen those insignias and uniforms. Maybe the body is the one of a University convict, executed and dressed into a stolen uniform? Also, insignias are easy to counterfit.
          Therefore we consider the evidence that has been so far presented as light and not feasible.

          Because of that, the demand for reparations for any kind is entirely out question.

          What comes to the Believers delivering reparations to the Cult of Planet, that is a matter of the peace negotiations, and thus the University's say is quite trivial. No UoP representatives have been invited to the conference.

          Father Theodore Deacon
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Gaian Council Representative Gina Dewairdon rises to address the Council.

            My friends,

            I am glad to announce that Gaian survey teams have reported a significant fall in pollution levels across Planet. I would like to thank all factions for their contribution towards this, the first fall in pollution levels since Planetfall.

            On another topic, we are glad that the Planetary Governor elections have finally resolved, and we hope that both Datatech Roze and Colonel Santiago govern wisely and peacefully.

            If the Council so decides, we are more than happy to hold peace talks between the Believers and the Cult of Planet at Gaia's Landing, or indeed any of our bases. Be assured that we favour neither side and can be relied upon to be diplomatically neutral.

            She sits.
            "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


            • Originally posted by kassiopeia
              From: Father Theodore Deacon
              To: Planetary Council

              The "logics" of the University never cease to amuse me.

              As for evidence, we can produce a number of insignias that will, when testing is done on them, show that they have the necessary residue of both an explosion and contain certain strains of nerve gas upon them...

              The insignias were greatly fractured when we found them, but considering that, in addition to the insignias, we discovered one body that had not been destroyed, but only killed, which was wearing a Data Angel uniform...

              Insignias? A corpse with an Angel uniform? For all we know, they could of been members of a sporadic radical group that had stolen those insignias and uniforms. Maybe the body is the one of a University convict, executed and dressed into a stolen uniform? Also, insignias are easy to counterfit.
              Therefore we consider the evidence that has been so far presented as light and not feasible.

              Because of that, the demand for reparations for any kind is entirely out question.

              What comes to the Believers delivering reparations to the Cult of Planet, that is a matter of the peace negotiations, and thus the University's say is quite trivial. No UoP representatives have been invited to the conference.

              Father Theodore Deacon
              this is the best evidence we have.
              We do not wish to be vindictive, yet we must present our arguments and make as we will.
              We wish that an international court can examine our evidence.
              Thus we hand over the materials to the Peacekeepers, whose power we wish to limit- but whom we hope will be equally unacceptable to all sides involved in this issue.
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              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • With Datajack Roze now on her way back to Data DeCentral, Ambassador Rebecca Katt stands to address the University's allegations.

                I've been in contact with the Department of Interfactional Relations and they have informed me that no operatives are currently active in University territory, nor have there been for some time.

                The allegations the University puts forward are indeed highly puzzling. Our operatives, and we do not deny that we have operatives, do not wear uniforms or insignias. To do so would render them useless as they would have to be travelling incognito. The fact that University Security Forces have found Data Angel uniforms and insignias at the site seems to point to a very poorly and slopply executed attempt at framing us.

                The fact that the University is also aware of internal terrorist organizations being present at the attack also seems highly revealing.

                OOC: Darkcloud, just a reminder that your "body" went missing. That was the one who was Rezonance and when operatives went to steal the body, they found he was quite alive in fact, and had killed people at the Morgue. He is no awol.

                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                • Originally posted by DarkCloud

                  this is the best evidence we have.
                  We do not wish to be vindictive, yet we must present our arguments and make as we will.
                  We wish that an international court can examine our evidence.
                  Thus we hand over the materials to the Peacekeepers, whose power we wish to limit- but whom we hope will be equally unacceptable to all sides involved in this issue.
                  To: Planetary Council
                  From: Spartan Representitive Solo

                  Exactly how are the Peacekeepers considered an international court? Has there been some kind of resolution surrendering this power to the Peacekeepers? Now the University can give their information to whomever they choose. But if they expect any official judgement from them, then they will be dissappointed.

                  *Solo turns to the PK delegation and shrugs*

                  Do you know what the University is talking about? Sparta will be happy to look into these alligations, but I must pre warn you all that the agreement that was reached will mean that the Data Angels will be also in on the investigations unless they themselves decide to step aside for this one matter. Even then, they will be want to have some kind of presence, as is their right.
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • To: Planetary Council
                    From: Father Theodore Deacon

                    From the University:

                    This is the best evidence we have.

                    Then you have no chance of convincing anyone. Except maybe some University citizens.

                    We wish that an international court can examine our evidence.
                    Thus we hand over the materials to the Peacekeepers, whose power we wish to limit- but whom we hope will be equally unacceptable to all sides involved in this issue.

                    The Believers concurr with the Spartans; since when did the Council announce that the Peacekeepers are the planetary court?
                    We think that should the University come up with any hard evidence, the matter should be given to the Council to decide - but if all they can show us are some insignias and uniforms, it would all be just a waste of our time.

                    If the Council so decides, we are more than happy to hold peace talks between the Believers and the Cult of Planet at Gaia's Landing, or indeed any of our bases. Be assured that we favour neither side and can be relied upon to be diplomatically neutral.

                    Sister Miriam is very delighted to hear of such friendliness from the Gaians. She is currently proceeding in appointing the three member delegation.
                    Also we would like to discuss security matters with you, since there are unfortunately some radical Believing elements that would not like to see the conference take place. Because of this, our security forces are prepared to share some information regarding these groups.

                    Father Theodore Deacon
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky
                      To: Planetary Council

                      Uh... The University's official response to the Data Angels is that; how do we truly know that you do not wear insignias.
                      We do... admit that it is quite... convienient for us to find the insignias, but we doubt that they were place- I mean, who would want to die whilst framing others?
                      And who would have planned to do a suicide raid into a nerve gas train?
                      -Albeit it WAS an anti-mindworm nerve gas caravan- but there was explosive fuels...

                      And- uh, we cannot really produce the body any more because- it- uh, disintigrated.
                      Our best preservation techniques could not save it, sadly enought, beyond the first five days.

                      The fact that the University is also aware of internal terrorist organizations being present at the attack also seems highly revealing.
                      We have done our best to eradicate those organizations- they will not survive long.

                      (OOC: Argonaut- don't worry, I have that covered see above)

                      To: Planetary Council
                      From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky

                      To: Planetary Council
                      From: Spartan Representitive Solo

                      Exactly how are the Peacekeepers considered an international court? Has there been some kind of resolution surrendering this power to the Peacekeepers? Now the University can give their information to whomever they choose. But if they expect any official judgement from them, then they will be dissappointed.
                      We considered them merely because our allies, the Spartans have much to gain from a temporary desposition of the Data Angels and we did not wish the decision to seem biased.
                      It could not be decided by the Believers, Cult, Spartans, or Data Angels- thus the only options, other than the *ahem* Cyborgs, were the Free Drones, Morganites (our good allies; someone may have had problems with their arbitration), Hive and Peacekeepers- and we look forward to an alliance with Lal sometime in the future, thus, we wish them to be the judges.
                      Besides, neither the Spartans nor the Data Angels can rule on this article.

                      Do you know what the University is talking about? Sparta will be happy to look into these alligations, but I must pre warn you all that the agreement that was reached will mean that the Data Angels will be also in on the investigations unless they themselves decide to step aside for this one matter. Even then, they will be want to have some kind of presence, as is their right.
                      Uh- perhaps the University may drop charges- but we do have evidence!
                      If- you will not accept the evidence in the council, and it seems that few do, then we may have to withdraw our claim.

                      Private Message
                      To: Spartans
                      From: Zakharov

                      Do you not want the advantage in this investigation- we do have some evidence- but, if you do not wish the power, then I am very disappointed.
                      Sadly, we no longer have time to play in diplomacy after this- however; we DO expect that something be done- the Data Angels cannot verily well be trespassing on ours and others territories- and now, with Roze co-Planetary Governor!

                      (OOC: Zakharov is very confused- politics is not his forte, he is trying, but not doing very well.
                      As always- he is humiliating himself and his country.)
                      Last edited by DarkCloud; November 14, 2001, 12:30.
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                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • *****Level 5 Encryption*****

                        To: High Academician Zakharov
                        From: Spartan Representative Solo

                        Academician Zakharov, I hope that you did not take my speech in council as an insult to you or the University. It is just that we have worked so hard to limit the prestige of the Peacekeepers, that we did not want the impression that they were sanctioned in any way to be seen as endorsed by us. We are greatly disturbed that the anti-mind worm gas was destroyed. If there is any faction on Chiron that is interested in finding a reliable way to counter the threat of native life forms, it is Sparta. As I offered in council, Sparta will assign very competent investigators to look at your evidence. But we can’t simply shut the Data Angles completely out of the process. I must also say that I am puzzled as to why the Believers would risk interfering in a simple test. But we will keep our minds open to any possibility. I do hope that the great minds in the University can someday reconstruct the AMW Gas. In such an event, you can be assured that Sparta will be a most grateful and eager customer of yours. If such a time comes, we offer any help that you may require for security.

                        *****Level 5 Encryption*****

                        To: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                        From: Colonel Santiago

                        I was informed of your recent bouts of terrorism when I arrived in Believing territory this morning. If you require any assistance from the Spartan Federation, do not hesitate to ask. We are able, willing and determined to stamp out the cowardly acts of terrorist wherever they may hide.

                        On a side note. The Island of Denaireia is a potential flashpoint for future hostilities. If you agree, I propose that we look into the possibility of creating some kind of reaction force for the Island comprised of Morgan and Spartan troops. This would give us a distinct advantage if we are both attacked. It is far from both of our normal sphere of influence. It would not hurt to have friends close by in case something happened. Command would of course be shared.
                        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                        • Private Message
                          From: High Academician Prokhor Zakharov
                          To: Colonel Corazon Santiago

                          We now understand your position and will be glad to continue our prosecutions- despite a severe dearth of materials to convict the Data Angels or the Believers- however, we will triumph in the end.

                          We would like to shut the Data Angels out of the process, as they are the accused, but, I suppose, in the best interests of unity- they should be allowed to investigate the evidence as well.

                          The Beleivers had much reason to interfere with our testing, they likely wished to take all the anti-mindworm nerve gas for themselves and use it against the Cultists mindworms. They knew that we, allies of the Cult, would not take kindly to their using it against the Cult. Luckily, the destruction of our anti-mindworm nerve gas has had at least one good reprecussion- the Beleivers and Cult are moving towards peace. However, in the long run, without this nerve gas, planet is doomed- we are doing our best to manufacture new gas but most of the information no the gas was classified and was also on the convoy when it was destroyed.

                          In such an event, you can be assured that Sparta will be a most grateful and eager customer of yours. If such a time comes, we offer any help that you may require for security.
                          WE appreciate your offer.

                          Thank you for your time.

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                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

