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The Chiron Chronicle: Discussions 2

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  • #61
    Due to encroaching GCSEs and exponentially-increasing school workload, I am indefinitely suspending my involvement in this story.
    It's been I might be back. once the factions are a bit more evenly spread amongst the players, perhaps
    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


    • #62
      I dont complain about the pirates because I see a need for some factions to be overpowering to the others... just like the real game.
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #63
        Guardian: Just leave the dates in; it doesn't matter.
        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #64
          Will be hard to do propaganda in the Pirate faction as first, all the seabases are quite isolated from each other, so general communications and domestic travel is limited among those bases are limited. Each base also have more of a sence of community, as they are cramp in a limiting base. Also, they are Pirates!

          As for relations with the rest of the Chiron Alliance, may acquire minor success, as there was suspicions from the rest of the alliance, especially with Planetmind nosing in Pirate affairs. Hey, they establish a free for all prison on some small island north-west from the Gaians where they don't their prisoners (Prison Island). they quickly and secretly put down the Larionov Forces who took control of Pirate Island and declared independence...known as the Larionov Rebellion. The general populace didn't even know they had a rebellion still :P of course, there is rumours about...but not as much as now.

          anyway, both the Spartans and the Pirates are Power like societies anyway



          • #65
            Not propaganda towards the pirates, but towards the rest of the alliance about the Pirates.
            [This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 01, 2001).]
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • #66
              Thank you for the authoring SMAC, we hope o have you back as soon as possible... Goodbye for now.
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #67
                I could probably do basic stuff for the Cyborgs if you want, along the lines of how you guys run the Morganites etc. Just doing basic stuff. For the most part the Angels and Cyborgs work together anyway, so it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't really mind though.

                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                • #68
                  Whats up! Yes, I´m back again Any chance for me to get back into the game?
                  I was thinking of playing one of my own creations, the Spartan sub-faction, Cult of War. I´ll work out the factions details later...
                  I plan to move most of the cultists to the northern island, where there already is one Spartan colony, with or without the support(material) cooperation of the Spartan Federation . I think the Spartans will actually be relieved to get rid of the Cultists ...

                  Sprayber, you´ve done a marvelous job playing the Spartans! though it´s a shame you didn´t use the Cult of War forces at all (they reside in one of the conquered bunkers on the defensive line)

                  Guardian, i didn´t leave because of any argument we had, i actually enjoyed them It´s just that I didn´t have enough time to participate in the game,(and I won´t have much either in the future)

                  People, I´m warning you, this game will get quite boring if the Chiron Alliance has such a superiority. The Alliance members work together as if in symbiosis, and there is currently no outside force to give them a sufficient threat.I mean, normally this is very good, but this is story writing and what interesting story can you write when everything is great and there is no motivating threat. Annual budgets? Naah...
                  The solution is to get some rivalry between alliance members, and by that way, potential wars and break off´s.

                  Oh BTW, the cyborg Clayson is still on the move... being quite a while actually, and he has his commands...

                  [This message has been edited by Cyber (edited May 02, 2001).]


                  • #69
                    I understand about the Chiron Alliance been a bit overpowering or whatever. The Chiron Alliance is just a simple Economical and Military alliance. All factions in it are Pact with each other, so each leader of each faction is a leader of the Chiron Alliance. But never said anywhere that it is perfect, but don't want it have end up falling apart and end at going at war with each other. having war war war war war gets pretty silly, boring and can lead to problems, like this Spartan War as proven. This game is suppose to be a Diplomacy like game, not a All-out War strategy. So there will be political/diplomatic problems in the Chiron Alliance. and it has its hic-ups, and the other factions of the alliance have question the Pirates power/inluence in the alliance, they are not blind from it either. The Pirates are the only Power Like faction in the alliance, and with their pirate like ways, they are considered Roguish/Loose Cannon. So far, the Pirates hasn't done anything seriously bad which it would cause a lot of problems, but the rumours of the Larionov Rebellion, rumours of prison island, the previous "trade war" with the morganites, pirates steping on the other members authourity(like when sven contacted morganite and mentioned Morgan Banks), heavy naval build up and their military presence in almost all the seas, and so on.
                    The rest of the alliance can't seriously do much, as the Pirates have gueranteed naval trade, helped the data angels and peacekeepers establish a good navy, keeps the water lanes safe, support the UN Charter, believe in Freedom, supports democracy and green economy, encourages research, supports the Global Trade Agreement(despite some hic-ups in their silly Trade War with Morgan before), and so on. So its easy to see the Pirates having the most influence in the alliance, but they don't have control of the alliance.

                    The things which other factions can attack politicly/diplomaticly/propagandaly/etc the pirates:

                    -their Large naval presence, Naval Power
                    -Morganite accusation that the pirates have a Monopoly on naval trade (Global Trade Agreement is against monopolies)
                    -Prison Island, after one confirms its existance
                    -Pirate, Roguish and Power like ways
                    -their passive distrust for the cyborgs
                    -their distrust of factions operating under Knowledge
                    -accusations of the pirates intent of controling Chiron's seas
                    -occasionally steping on other authourities
                    -doing something without others general consent and so on
                    -political situation of the pirates supporting the independence of Blast Rifle Crag under the Chiron Alliance flag, without discussing with the rest of the members

                    I do expect factions who have a problem with this chiron alliance to attack politicly/etc the Pirates.

                    Other things.... thinking of have a Colonial/etc race at Isle of Deiamera, especially when i bring in the Alien Center in the middle of the island which at the moment is still unknown about as the island is still not fully explored. And Antimind doesn't have complete control of the island, just have a small fungal base there.
                    Could also have a arm race and space race once we acquire orbital spaceflight (won't have actual spaceflight until Advance Spaceflight tech), like start shooting up Hydroponic/Comm sats, later Defence Pods.
                    of course, thats after more than two factions acquires Orbital Spaceflight.
                    Also, can have Antimind become a Serious threat...there is still that fungal patch between War Outpost and the Great Dunes, where there is a Fungal tower that is growing and generating mindworms. (only have this started if players are interested, as it may lead to alot of unconventional/psionic/fantasy like combat.)

                    as for the peace talks, better that we do them in holo, more like comm messages back in forth :P like the Planetary Governor election and so on at the beginning/dring of 2180, will useless drag to long. Pirates will agree to the any peace agreements which does effect the pirates in any serious way, like University's silly proposal of disbanding some units :P
                    Because Lal is Planetary Governor, Guardian is technicly responsible for things to happen and voted upon quickly, or else it will drag on and eventually abandoned/forgotten/lost interest/etc. So now there is two motions that needs to be voted upon: have all factions to establish a embassy in each others Capitals, instead of an armed presence and establishing the Interfactional Peacekeeping Force that will be patrol the specified DMZ between the Spartans and Peacekeepers(including through the fungus patch in the middle) and then vote who will command the IPF (no faction leader. suggest General Kane as a candinate which the PKs could nominate ).

                    as part of the peacetalks between spartans and pks, the option of spartans giving back Data Acquisition so the Combine Army can have safe passage back out of PK territory. Combine Army is currently cut off from the res of sparta.


                    • #70
                      Spray, the combine army would be one third or half the pre-war size by now, counting the losses to get through the defence lines, fighting the Kane's Hive units, capturing Data Acquition, PKs destroying the rover unit and artillery unit further north at the defence lines, cutting off the Combine Army from rest of sparta and then having spartans fighting spartans. And the combine army is comprise of rover if the crews kill each other, there would be a shortage of crews for the rovers.


                      • #71

                        as part of the peacetalks between spartans and pks, the option of spartans giving back Data Acquisition so the Combine Army can have safe passage back out of PK territory. Combine Army is currently cut off from the res of sparta.

                        It will be one of the things offered. As far as the rover episode goes. Well, it had to be dramitic. And crews can be found. The may not be elite but they are Spartans after all.


                        Other things.... thinking of have a Colonial/etc race at Isle of Deiamera, especially when i bring in the Alien Center in the middle of the island which at the moment is still unknown about as the island is still not fully explored. And Antimind doesn't have complete control of the island, just have a small fungal base there.

                        Who all has bases there? Drones, Morgans, Spartans(cult of war)and who else.

                        What ever happen to the Cult of Planet?

                        [This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 03, 2001).]
                        Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                        • #72
                          Don't worry Cyber. The Spartan are just getting to where we will have some breathing room. Us and the Hive will be working closly in the upcomming months and years to bring a new vision to Chiron. I was going to be using the cult in the upcomming civil war on Helzburg's side. But if you want to take them to the northern contienent. That will be fine. We have determined that we cannot simply fight them on the ground. Sparta will need to become a sea and air power. That will take a little time. But it will happen. If the mods don't have any objections, i don't care if you take the cult. Kessel has not love for the cult and would be happy to let them leave. He would really like to destroy them. But he wants to avoid that if necessary. He is waiting to release the Combine Army loose on War Outpost.

                          He is right about the cozy relationship among the alliance. When the Spartan threat appears to die down, there will bound to be some increasing tension between the members. I think lal has started down that road already in a way. The Pirates may be getting a little carried away with their power. It is lal afterall that is the planatary gov.

                          Also we do need to speed things up a bit on the peace talks. Will there be a face to face meeting or maybe a holo meeting somewhere. Helzberg may try and disrupt the talks in some way. Maybe try and convince one of the faction leaders that he is the legitmate government in Sparta and not this upstart Kessel. Would lal be intested in a meeting with Kessel? That would make history, wouldn't it?

                          And about Clayson. It might give one of my reluncted hero's at ruby ridge an opporuntiy to play the martyer. who knows. I think Braddock would be extreamly impressed if a Spartan died saving his life. don't you all.
                          [This message has been edited by Sprayber (edited May 02, 2001).]
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • #73
                            At the moment, the Morganites, Data Angels, Free Drones and Spartans(Cult of War) have bases on the island. And the Antimind fungus base, which was on the island for awhile. Also there is a pirate base or two near the island :P When i bring up the alien center, i would think there would be a race for it may be connected bringing the aliens to Chiron :P (Alien Center = Subspace Comm Center :P)



                            • #74
                              And Blake, who plays Cult of PLanet, haveen't posted for awhile :/ may try emailing him to see if he is still playing. All email Chris, who plays Planetmind.



                              • #75
                                Its further south, the one near Assassin's redoubt...actually, the base is in the channel! :P can't see how the Spartans would suffer if a base is right there :P so they don't have a serious need to get out of the channel.


