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Comment on the "Spartan Chronicles"

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  • #76
    hello everybody i appologize for my abrupt absense life got in the way of online:life however i will be popping back in from time to time...i haven't gotta read the Spartan chronicles in forever but i'm still glad it's going on...if i get the chance i will have to go back and read the entire thing...i must say that writing for the SC was a great experiance and if i ever get caught up i might start writing again...but i'm not sure if i will ever have the time to put into the SC that i think it deserves...if my half assness hurt it in anyway i'm sorry...and i must really appologize if to googlie if i left you and your characters hanging hanging, i'm very sorry...apprently my roommate goton my aim account and saw u on one night and i'm not sure if he was rude to you or not...well when i get a chance i will read up on the Spartan Chronicles

    and most of all i just wanted to say to all of you!


    ps happy new year!

    pps was it just me or was Y2K a serious letdown?
    [This message has been edited by korn469 (edited January 04, 2000).]


    • #77
      I haven't read enough of the Chronicles to know whether you got the Spartan government right or not, I was just interested in the debate I read here.

      I would guess the Spartan Police State would involve things like curfews, ration stamps, travel restrictions, communications blackouts, power brownouts during peak times, and that sort of thing. Martial Law rather than Big Brother: a "commandeer-crazy" heavy-footprint [bootprint?] military which imposes itself a little too much on the civilian infrastructure.


      • #78
        Hey, I've just finished reading all four pages of the SC (enjoyable but bloody long!) and now I'm interested in jumping in. Everyone's talking about a map of what's going on which I would be very interested in seeing. I kind of hoped to bring in my own faction that I've just finished designing for SMAC (I only just got SMAC [I'm ashamed it took me so long now that I've played it] and it's my first Custom Faction). I designed them as a sort of affiliate to the Spartans however I'm not sure how well they'd be recieved. Any comments?

        Jason the Argonaut
        "I like horses. Thank You."
        -Daniel MacIvor

        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • #79
          [This message has been edited by Argonaut (edited January 05, 2000).]

          "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


          • #80
            First I want to say thanks for your help Googlie. I had no idea there was so much more! I've got some more reading to do now before I jump in but I promise I'll be there soon.

            My custom faction. The problem is they wouldn't stand a chance against the Spartans, and their motives would prevent them from doing so anyway. It's called the Youth League and they're a group opposed to the attrocities being commited in the war. The way I saw them getting started was with actual assistance by the Spartans and setting up a brand new base on the island North of the Great Fungal Wall (Thank you for the map). So I don't see them as being able to provide a threat to keep the Chronicles going.

            However, isn't Zak being held in a punishment sphere in Spartan territoty? And might not Yang seek to free him in a last ditch attempt to save his faction. It seems to me that Yang is in a position desperate enough to try and speed up the UoP Resistance movement into a full scale rebellion. That could provide a serious threat to the Spartans right in the middle of their territory. Enough perhaps to prolong the war? Or what about poor little Morgan being forced to change sides for the safe return of his son? He doesn't seem like the he's devoted to his alliance with Sparta, and him changing sides to join the Hive and a UoP rebellion could really hurt Sparta seriously. Just some ideas.

            "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


            • #81
              Yang pacted with Zak? I love it!! That is SO cool! Of course, the two would have to be nice to each other, but Yang could always pull the whole "I got you out of that sphere, and THIS is how you repay me, by not giving me exactly what I want?!" move.

              As a reader that can say he has read the ENTIRE SCs, I think that would be a good move for you guys at this time.

              Although I can't really join, considering I have my drone stuff to worry about, I'm curious about how many writers you have at the moment. Is it enough to keep this wonderful story going on for a while still?
              Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

              Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


              • #82

                Currently we have:



                recently inactive, but picking up the quill again


                waiting for the appropriate moment to leap in

                Captain Kirk

                Not heard from for some time

                Tokek Belerang
                Evil Knevil

                and the discontinued

                Paula Forbes

                And I love your suggestion of Yang stirring things up in Spartaland re the Yoops - that was one side effect he hoped from the nukes, and that's why Kurt, Angel and Angelica are in Fort soup right now



                • #83

                  Congratulations,…….. but you’re less than half way there

                  That’s right. Look at the thread title… Spartan Chronicles Continued. Go back more than 10 days and find the original thread – seven pages long

                  No, don’t bother – I can e-mail you the zipped word.doc file of the whole thing. Plus the map originally drawn by Korn.

                  And welcome (in advance) to the authors’ team. There’s only Hydro, Slats and myself still writing, out of the original 14 authors.

                  We actually discussed recently whether we should wrap up the Chronicles with a decisive victory over yang, then gracefully bow out , or even have Santiago run for and get elected Planetary Leader.


                  Hive is about to be totally dismembered (unless yang discovers the Usurpers, and enters an unholy alliance with them vs all the other factions combined – that’d be interesting, especially if we gave the U’s some advanced weaponry 

                  Although Lal has declared vendetta against the Spartans (erroneously believed they were responsible for a nuke attack on a Hive base), he’d be no match for the Spartan juggernaut.

                  Deirdre won’t go to war against Santiago, altho she is growing stronger by the day.

                  Morgan is too weak at the moment.

                  The drones are too new and too small at present

                  The Cyborgs have just emerged with one base (Alpha Prime – used to be the spartan Delphi Training facility)

                  The Believers are still just a resistance movement, altho there are two ex-Believer bases that are now Hive

                  The UoP is still just a resistance movement, again though there are three (used to be five until Yang nuked two) ex Yoop bases in Sparta.

                  So unless we can make Sparta less powerful, they’ll roll over all opposition.

                  So, Argonaut, a splinter Sparta faction that took out, say five or six bases would be a good balancing move, unless you have givenm them superhuman powers or something. Maybe post here the faction profile?

                  And, Captain Kirk, a renescent Believers rising from the ashes of the Hive’s collapse would be useful (Bases of The Leader’s Horde and Fellowship City). And you are welcome to take over Shauna, Ron Silvermmane and kurt, all ex-Believers. Just let me know, and I’ll write a transition over to the bases in question.

                  And Edgecrusher - I was slowly gpoing to introduce the “birth” of the Cyborgs and their emergence from Fort Superiority, but your introduction of a reference to Aplha Prime forced my hand a bit, so I gave you Delphi as the base (right on the Sparta PK border). I’ll bow out of the Cyborgs now that you are on board, and take Wolfie/Stazi in another direction (maybe captured by the Usurpers….hhmmm )

                  If we introduce the Aliens – either U’s or C’s, I’d like to write re them to ensure a different plot line than the Crossfire Tales (I’m one of The_Progenitors troika) – actually the same characters might be neat – alternate universes on manifold Six…)

                  Anyway, welcome aboard one and all, and feel free to take this 1000 page tome in new directions and we’ll follow for the ride. If you have as much fun as we did acting and reacting to the plot shifts and characters it’ll be a blast.



                  • #84
                    I've put the complete Chronicles (Books 1 - 4 as a single zipped .doc, and book 5 as a stand-alone zipped .doc)on my home page, together with the starting map for 2225.

                    To download, click on my homepage icon, above.

                    Other fiction will be added anon.


                    [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited January 07, 2000).]


                    • #85

                      I wanted to download the document as I prefer to read off-line, but on your site I could only see some icons, with no linked files attached to them...



                      • #86

                        You're right.

                        I could read them from home when i clicked 'cos they were resident on my drive, but from a colleague's rig at work it's only an icon - I hadn't linked them to the files.

                        Can't do any editing (blocked at work from that site - RATS) until this evening at home, when i'll establish the link.

                        Sorry 'bout that.



                        • #87

                          [This message has been edited by edgecrusher (edited January 07, 2000).]


                          • #88
                            googlie, first my apologies for forcing your hand with alpha prime, sometimes i get a good description going and have to run with it. as for wolfie and stazi, i'd rather not play with someone else's toys. you know them better than i do. as for the rest... i've kind of hit a dry spell, in my opinion my last post was substandard, but look for something this weekend, as i have a 12 hr shift at work... **evil grin** oh, and can i have a map, too?

                            "edgecrusher" Spartan Probe Team 'angelis'


                            • #89

                              Got them working now (not the most elegant of solutions, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

                              By the time I put up The_Progenitor History for d/l'ing I expect it will be cleaned up a bit



                              • #90
                                Thanks mate ! Downloading now

