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Comment on the "Spartan Chronicles"

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  • #91

    You can d/l the map from my homepage now



    • #92
      I'm all set to take over as the Believers. Just free Miriam and we'll be on our way. Or I could od a Free Dronesque type rebellion. Say have a powerful resistance leader lead all the drones in a holy revolt or something. Let me know what you think Googlie.

      Damnit, Jim I'm a doctor not an animal psychologist


      • #93
        Good to see Googlie out of the Consciousness, I did not like that one bit . It it was a nice twist on the plot though.

        Once again, congratulations to all the authors.

        I only have one negative remark if I may: I thought the whole idea of Deirdre going Vendetta on the Spartans just because of them supposedly being responsible of a nuclear strike was completely unlike her.

        She did not think twice about the repeated nerve-gassing that Yang did before, and she had no problems trucing with him and dragging Lal into the Vendetta (who obviously was quite happy to comply). I understand the need for the plot, but I think that was not very good... A very clumsy, "deus ex machina" way of bringing things around.



        • #94

          A couplke of comments:

          1) A progenitor fleet of 90 ships? Unless the six subspace generators have been built the fleet doesn't know where the two scoutships are

          2) How has The Hive lost the HSA? They still control Communal Conquest (ex Morgan Pharmaceuticals) where it resides. (and the Hive has its own Covert Ops Center, - wouldn't that nullify the 25% chance having one brings to the attempt to subvert or steal tech?

          4) When Yang moved the HQ to the Sea Hive, wouldn't his captives be moved there too? They'd be awfully hard to sprit away from a sea base.

          In the Chrons we've tried not to stray too far from the game "rules" - at least for the major concepts - and usually have circulated e-mails among ourselves for any radical plot shift.




          • #95
            sorry... between .5 and .6 is when communal conquest is taken over via mind control probe... as for the progenitor fleet, i'd like to think that they're there in force. drop me a line. nothing is set in stone.

            "edgecrusher" Spartan Probe Team 'angelis'


            • #96
              Can I get the map and Word document?
              Who is holding Miriam?
              I have an idea for getting her back
              into the thick of things. If no one
              minds me mangling the SMAC rules a bit. . .

              Anyone here played Shadowrun?

              *sits back to see if anyone will get the
              same idea he has*

              [This message has been edited by Kenlon (edited January 26, 2000).]
              [This message has been edited by Kenlon (edited January 26, 2000).]


              • #97

                Miriam was freed by the Spartans a short time ago and is now chatting amiably with Santiago (Captain Kirk is leading this story line).

                If you have some ideas then jump right in. However, you should probably chat with Captain Kirk to make sure you are in general agreement and won’t step on each other’s toes.

                As to the map and text of SC, go to Googlie’s home page - it’s all there! He has done a LOT of work to keep it updated and it is an excellent resource.



                • #98

                  Hmm. . . maybe I can adapt the idea to
                  spring Zak instead. . .



                  • #99
                    Or Morgan Junior

                    Under pressure from her Planetary pactmates Santiago couyld prolly be persuaded to release Zak from captivity.

                    But Yang will never give up Morgan's son.

                    [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited January 27, 2000).]


                    • What the... WHAT THE HECK?!

                      Geez! I guy stops reading for a week or so to study for mid terms, and now there are aliens!


                      1) How did Miriam get out of the Sea Hive?
                      2) How did those aliens find Planet?
                      3) How did Marr get on the surface?

                      If any of those can be answered from the story, then I missed them.

                      Oh, nice little interlude from Zak there Hydro .
                      Banned on Black Saturday in the name of those who went before him.

                      Realizes that no one probably remembers that event.


                      • thanks for getting me out of that sixty ships problem. i don't know what i was thinking.

                        "edgecrusher" Spartan Probe Team 'angelis'


                        • Earthhuman Jasonian:

                          While chasing H'minee through the wormhole in The Crossfire Tales Conqueror Marr encountered a split infinitive which catapulted him into The Spartan Chronicles


                          • ::steals the double post::
                            [This message has been edited by edgecrusher (edited January 31, 2000).]


                            • so, morgan is working on the Vats officially? i'm also stuck wondering where everyone is technologically... could someone throw me a lifeline?

                              "edgecrusher" Spartan Probe Team 'angelis'


                              • I've added the Map as at six months to my home page for downloads

                                (As the original was done in the pre-smacx days, we have no alien bases - I've indicated the four Progenitor land bases with the sea colony pod graphic - if anyone among the authors is better at working the scenario maps, feel free to edit and e-mail me and I'll put a better version up.)


