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Comment on the "Spartan Chronicles"

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  • Re Yang's cloning vats:

    it's a level 7 tech. All the level 6 techs have been discovered except the Photon wall.

    Lal has monopole magnets
    everyone has fusion power
    Hive, Morgan and Sparta have orbital spaceflight, Hive and Sparta (stolen) have Advanced Spaceflight (Shard weaponry)
    Hive have retroviral engineering (Genejacks)
    Sparta and Hive have MMI (copters)
    Morgan has Hybrid forests

    Hive is researching Biomachinery (Cloning Vats, early prototype now in testing)
    Gaians are researching Centauri Genetics

    Sparta are researching Tachyon Bolt

    Free Drones are researching Probability Mechanics

    PKs are researching Orbital Spaceflight

    Morgan is researching Photon Wave Mechanics

    Nobody knows what the Usurpers are researching

    How does that sound?



    • Can some one explain the strength of the Alien weapons to me? I sadly don't have SMACX. SMAC is all my old Pentium 100 can take, and as a starving artist I can't afford to upgrade it. My parents, of course refuse to accept that it's out of date since solotaire still works perfectly fine!
      I've decided against writing in my custom faction, there's no room for them in the Chronicles world. Instead, I was thinking of creating an elite air unit, to add to the Spartan war effort. Would a Spartan needljet be able to stand up to a Progenaitor Gnat?

      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


      • Going off topic, sorry...

        Argonaut, I'm running SMACX on a P100/24megs of ram. It's s-l-o-o-o-w, but it works fine. Make sure you turn off all the nice-looking features (such as unit animations), get the low-res caviar from the CD, etc.

        Now back to Spartan Chronicles


        • Argonaut:

          In a word, No, at least not on a level playing field.

          But of course it isn't level.

          The Gnats are flimsy biotekked spacefaring vehicles with awesome weapons - they need to be adapted to function in Chiron's heavier atmosphere and this will a) slow them down somewhat and b) dissipate the effect of their energy/resonance weapons somewhat.

          If you're a Harry Turtledove fan (the alternate WW II history "In The Balance" etc) the early technology gap between Gnats vs Needlejets would be like F15s against Meteors/Vampires if you're a brit or Shooting Stars/Sabres if you're NA.

          The gap will obviously be closed, but essentially it will give the Usurpers/Hive control of the air for a year or so.

          But here's the kicker - the resource is finite. The scoutship has ten, and they'll need to plagiarize two to strengthen the others, so they will end up with eight killer craft - unreplaceable. They have both resonance bolt (12 value)and singularity laser weapons(24 value) - one prototype has string disrupter cannon (30 value), so they will be awesome (but few)

          The kicker is the multiplying effect of their singularity engine.

          We want the foe to be worthy of the combined humans, so i would see a kill ratio on the posts as being about 1:50 or so in the Progs favor, with maybe 1:200 or so for their prototype.

          The humans will lose a few bases, ands many aircraft and ground troops (the Mk II Ogres will be formidable mechwarriors) but of course the humans will prevail in the end (won't they?)



          • Thanks Googlie.
            That gives me an idea of where I need to head with my story-line. Now I just need to find the time to write it!

            "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


            • To Rynn:
              You like the word "chameleon," don't you? (:-] Now, maybe I'm not clear on the technology level at this point in the story, but both of your mysterious-probe-team-types seem a tad advanced. Marlo is... er... was... a lesbian? I find myself wishing that I started reading the story at an earlier date, so that I would be more informed about the plot.

              To Hydro:
              Great description of the underground activity in a captured base!

              To All:
              There seems to be a lot of political manouvering and back-room skullduggery in this story. This is rather out of place, considering the Spartans, traditionally, are blatant militarists. It's just not their style.

              --President Jakjon
              --President Jakjon


              • Edgecrusher:

                Teacup Gods? PLEASE write more! I want to know where you are going with this! Needless, to say my interest is piqued.

                P.S. Where it Tau Ceti? Is it a SMACX thing?

                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                • just a dramatic device i've picked up from reading too much from the discworld series. they'll prolly show up again, but only breifly. i just needed a way to get me to tau ceti and in a lighter way. part of the reason for the rather silly interlude as it were was to let some air out of the "too serious for its own good" balloon.

                  oh, and he's just a constellation of a teacup. the civilization had enough gods to cover all but one group of stars... and one day an astronomer's maid had mistakenly washed his teacup, which is practically a sin. he became so angry, he threw said teacup into the sky, as a reminder to maids everywhere to not wash out tecups unless asked.

                  edgecrusher, probe master

                  i've had the poison leak into my skin
                  and it corroded my heart away


                  • hey, i thought yous guys fergot about this...


                    • As there seems to be less, and less Chronicles posts, and fewer and fewer writers (not to mention that I have more and more time on my hands) I've decided to take on a bunch of new characters, to create some new action. Plus I FINALLY got SMACX (my computer is barely holding out on me) and am feeling inspired.
                      Here are the characters I'm thinking of working with, but if anyone has any objections I will willing go another route. And the finalists are:
                      *Zak (he's been stewing in that punishment sphere long enough)
                      *Morgan Junior
                      *Sinder Roze (Just the character, not the Data Angels {at least not as a faction} )
                      *Captain Svensgaard and the Pirates
                      *Possibly Cha Dawn and Sister Mirriam with a slight chance of Guardian H'minee finally making an appearance (if you can't play the game with only one alien faction, then you can't write a story with only one )
                      The sooner people get back to me one way or the other, the sooner I will start posting.

                      Ooh! And what happened to the Drones and the Cyborgs? They seem to have dissapeared!

                      Jason the Argonaut
                      "I like horses. Thank You."
                      -Daniel MacIvor

                      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                      • hey guys remember me? I wrote about that the subs long long ago... I finally got caught up on my reading of the chronicles (surprized you all had kept them going this long) and I am back to post some more! Baldwin will return! request argon don't do the pirate faction...I have plans for them!


                        • Argonaut and Dcole:

                          Feel free.

                          The Drones have four bases - the two Hive that revolted and the two PK that lal swapped for techs. they, of course, are now part of the Axis group that are preparing for the showdown with Yang/Marr

                          It's tme Zak is released - Scott Allardyce acceptance of the Axis co-ordination role was contingent (per Anastasia) of santiago releasing Zak - I haven't written the tearful reunion of grandfather/granddaughter, so feel free to jump in and give the release a different twist

                          Argo - note Dcole's request that he be given the Pirates - we typically honor such "first come-first served" requests.

                          Miriam is released, guest of Santiago. Yang has reneged on his pledge (to Shauna) to allow the two ex-B bases self government.

                          The Caretakers haven't been forgotten. The_Progenitors team, and Hydro and I have them appearing a little later - Marr still has to tell his tale (over his pot of pol) of how he came to be on Chiron's surface - and the Caretakers figure prominently in that, of course.

                          Sinder Roze is up for grabs

                          The Cyborgs have the facilities station on the spartan/PK border, but neither i nor edgecrusher has developed that much. Santiago still hasn't formally recognized them, but neither has she moved to assimilate them, so fruit for the picking there.

                          Morgan Jr. was pretty much Hydro's character, so you'll need to e-mail him to see if there are any plans.

                          Originally I was going to build the cult around Ruth, until I realized that Cha Dawn was male ....LOL.... So feel free to introduce them.


                          [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited March 18, 2000).]


                          • All right, well I know where I am going to go at this point.

                            Dcole-> the pirates are all yours.

                            I think what I'm going to work with is:
                            1)Sinder Roze (one of my favourite new factions, I can't believe no one has called dibs)
                            2)Zak (Sorry Anasatsia, the reunion will have to wait)
                            3)Cyborgs (I don't know how yet but I think I shall work them in as a more active faction)

                            Googlie-> As for the Cult, I think I might hold off. Perhaps though, Ruth could become an object of worship to them, perhaps creating tension with Shauna's Christian beliefs?

                            Expect some posts later today.

                            "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                            • Hey, the first two posts are going up momentarily. This came up in my writing though, and I was hoping someone could help me.

                              What ranks exist in the Spartan Military, and in what order? If it's the same as your typical ranks than I would still be interested to know in what order those go. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

                              "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                              • ok guys the first of my new posts is up tell me what you think...thought the log would be a good addition feel free to use it in your posts as a writing device or as something more serious. As I said in the post it is supposed to provide protection for high ranking officials if there decisions are questioned. I will try and do about one post a week to keep things moving. When is the actual battle going to start by the way..?

