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Lone Island turn tracking thread

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  • Turn sent I did not know you could pick off terraforming without that triggering a vendetta. Interesting.


    • Me neither... Obviously (another) bug...
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      • Turn sent.


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          • Turn sent That last turn did not go well. Such things happen when my stupidity is combined with poor die rolls..

            Hopefully it won't turn out to be too serious


            • It can happen to anyone... I had not much luck either this turn...
              But still better than it could have been.
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              • Wow, those 2 last turns were impressive!
                A conjunction of bad luck and lack of imagination...
                I have never thought you would use a probe foil since it's more costly and less flexible in most cases. But this was the better thing to do in the current situation!

                Furthermore, you act exactly on the turn I move my probe teams in a "better" configuration! You manage to infiltrate me the only turn I'm defenseless!
                And guess what? My rover probe team was destroyed by a rogue mind worm!

                Another thing that amazes me is that your foil took NO damage! What are the odds? 1%?

                Well I guess this will just make the game more interesting, since if I managed to infiltrate you, and you not, I would have probably won the game... Now we have a really balanced game, I think it will last until 2200 at least, except for a big mistake on either side...

                Congratulations again!
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                Last edited by bluetemplar; March 29, 2006, 02:18.


                • I was about to complain about how badly I played that, so I suppose neither of us are happy with the way that skirmish went I stupidly wasted a veteran scout rover attacking your damaged synthmetal rover with odds 25 to 24 in my favor and lost badly. If I had just left it on the forest, the odds would have been all in my favor. Getting no damage attacking the transport was a long shot, but I'd have traded it for winning that one with the rover. Losing that former hurts also.

                  The probe foil seemed pretty much the only good way of getting rid of your gun foil loitering around my capital. That close to my capital and that far from yours it gets pretty cheap to subvert. With the Spartan +2 morale defensively, I didn't think I could necessarily beat it with conventional forces cost efficiently. Anyway, we'll both have lasers in a couple of turns. Then things will get really fun (as if they weren't already).

                  I'm still not happy with the way I've played this game or my current situation.. a lot of uncharacteristic micro-management errors and other dumb mistakes.. but I've done a few things right I guess and through pure chance that probe foil turned out to be the perfect counter to this specific attack. If I last till 2200, I'll be fairly happy

                  Edit: Turn sent!


                  • Spartans will survive!
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                    • There is one thing I don't understand:
                      You say you've built half of the WP...
                      You built it in one turn....
                      WP is 20 rows worth, 1 AA : 5 rows, Pressure Dome : 8/2=4.
                      You still need 11 rows... Don't tell me you have sacrificed 22 rows worth of units or spent 440 ec's to complete it!


                      • Turn sent

                        I did not build it in one turn. I finished it about 12 turns after I started it. I popped a pod with my initial foil adjacent to my HQ and it was the pressure dome. For some unknown reason, switching it did not lose any minerals, and nothing but a secret project would avoid waste. Because of this I decided to just start a SP build even though I only had 3 bases, which is why you've been far ahead of me in population this entire time. (13 to 7 this last turn).

                        Not very smart of me I'm afraid. It may have worked out if we hadn't been next to each other though. You're a bit higher on the power-graph currently, but I think I still have a shot due to the difference in infiltration. Information probably can't make up for a 2-1 gap in population, but it's what I've got. I'll work with it


                        • Bad luck, bad luck...
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                          • Turn sent. Looking like a bit of a lull between storms.


                            • damn, my synthmetal coastal is tough to kill
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                              • I did not build it in one turn. I finished it about 12 turns after I started it. I popped a pod with my initial foil adjacent to my HQ and it was the pressure dome. For some unknown reason, switching it did not lose any minerals, and nothing but a secret project would avoid waste.
                                1) Then why didn't I see it in F5 screen until it was completed?
                                2) I've ran some tests: When pod-popping an instabuild, if I redirect the production to something else, not only I don't get the half mineral value, but instead I get 0 minerals, and I don't regain them if I change the production back!!!

                                Do you have a Mac? or not SmacX 2.0 ?

