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Turn tracking thread for "Newbies Sandbox" PBEM

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  • hmmm ... fungal experiments ...

    Turn 2177, drones to hive, completed and emailed.
    Attached Files


    • 2177

      I'm surprised you take so much offence at a peaceful exploration vessel. I haven't yet entered your territory or placed the probe within attack range of any of your bases.

      I have now moved my probe away. My specialist researchers indicate that a long distance war with you would not be beneficial at the present time.

      Planet's first serious military strike took place today, with UN Commerce committee and planning authorities being captured by Hive soldiers.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Setroc; June 27, 2006, 13:32.


      • ignore this post


        • We have tracked your probe and think that it's current trajectory is a good one for you, and for me. It has been given an escort.

          2178 to kb.
          Play hangman.


          • Turn 2178, drones to hive, completed and sent.
            Attached Files


            • Some more interesting stuff happening this turn.

              One base of Lal's destroyed, and another captured. The poor guy should never have messed with me.

              Also started development of two new Secret Projects which shall be cornerstones of my Hiverian Empire. The Cloudbase Academy will give me the most effective air force on Planet, while the Cyborg Factory will provide a cheap way to improve the quality of my existing defence force, and my developing air force. Lal's screwed.

              Finally, I probed Trotsky for technology, and in accordance with the UN Charter, vendetta was declared, and I am to inform you that I stole adaptive doctrine. I think it was that anyway, but you should be able to work it out from the trade menu. I'm sorry that it came down to stealing from you Trotsky, but I felt I had no other choice. I still, of course, wish to continue our treaty and friendship.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Setroc; June 28, 2006, 17:15.


              • Hey guys, I'm afraid there's bad news. There's going to be a delay while I move house. I'm going to be staying at an intermediate address without internet for about a week.


                • OK ... who is holding up the turn again?

                  It isn't setroc ( yet ) ... I pass the turn tp him directly.


                  • I sent it to you a couple of days ago... I'll resend now.


                    I can't find the file anywhere. Could you check your email to see if it's slipped through, otherwise I'll need to replay.
                    Play hangman.


                    • There is no email from in my inbox, or in my un-emptied trash or spam filter folders. This email address had been added to my whitelist when you started playing the data-angels.

                      Please post the turn in the turn thread as well as emailing it to me.



                      • No new turn as of weds. morning.


                        • I have to go out now, but I will have to replay the turn.

                          Apologies for the delay, I'm a bad man.

                          Expect the turn in ~2 hours ish.
                          Play hangman.


                          • Turn sent and attatched here.

                            I'm completely at a loss as to what happened The turn did give a reload notice, so clearly I had played before. But I did a complete search of my hard drive, and I can't find the file anywhere. Moreover, I don't have it in my sent items. I can only presume that I quit midturn or something, and from there presumed I'd already played. Confusing to me to say the least.

                            Regardless, we should be back on the road again now. Sorry for the delay.
                            Attached Files
                            Play hangman.


                            • Thanx. I'll play it when I get home from work.


                              • Hokay ... turn 2179, drones to hive, completed and sent.
                                Attached Files

