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Glimpse of Chiron turn tracking thread

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  • Edit: post deleted.

    Fosse is right.


    • my vote:
      continue the game as it is.

      Originally posted by Darsnan
      Or you can continue on with the game as is, and know that next time you see a 3 way election, the end result may be that not everyone gets to vote for all 3 candidates (and if I had to make a choice, I'd go with this option). FYI.

      Last edited by Sebed; May 11, 2005, 17:54.


      • Okay. I PMed Darsnan, and asked him to read the thread and make a decision.


        • Originally posted by Fosse
          Planetary Council Convenes:
          Candidates for Governorship:

          Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
          Chairman Yang
          Brother Lal

          Vote Allocations:
          Pirates : 14
          Yang : 24 : Yang
          Lal : 24 : Lal
          Aki : 30 : Aki
          Zak : 16 : Lal
          Santi : 9 : Abstain
          Dee : 21

          Totals :
          Yang : 24
          Aki : 30
          Lal : 40

          Turn 2135 sent to Sebed.

          Can someone send me the turn where elections were initially called, so taht I can retrace the steps myself step by step and see what happens?




          • Last turn

            Here is the turn Senethro sent me after he called for elections.
            Attached Files


            • And my own turn if you want to go a step further back.
              Attached Files


              • To All Factional Representatives of Chiron,

                the Bureau of Uniform Legal Litigation (or "B.U.L.L." for short) has reviewed all of the filed legal briefs relating to the disputed election results from MY 2135, and offer the following rulings on the matter:

                1. Legal Council representing Chairman Yang of the Sea Hive has filed a complaint that one years notice was not given before elections were called. While it is agreed that this is a breach in diplomacy (typically in PBEM's one turns notice is given when calling elections, possibly to prevent situations such as this from occuring), it is ruled by BULL that no election rules have actually been violated.

                2. Legal Council representing Chairman Yang has filed the following vid-clip from Brother Senethro of the Peace Keepers as follows: "I didn't have the votes to call it a turn earlier so I fail to see how I've made an error.". Hive Council has argued that the Peace Keepers were knowingly tracking and tallying projected election results, thus completely negating the basic premise of the democratic election process. It is ruled by BULL that the Sea Hive complaint is valid in that while it is not illegal to track projected election results, it is not necessarily in the best interests of democracy. It will also be put into the record that if the Peace Keepers had indeed called elections the year before (i.e. MY2134), that they would not have won the election. It is also noted for record that because of the Gaians completion of the Planetary Transit System, that if elections were called a year later (i.e. MY1236) that once again the Peace Keepers would not have won the election (and in fact they would not have even been on the ballot!).

                3. Legal Council representing the Peace Keepers have filed a motion asking for a revote. It is ruled by BULL that while there are issues with how the results were tallied, that this election system is, and always will be the system for tallying Planetary Election results. For better or for worse, this is the election procss we are stuck with. It will also be entered into the record that it is suspected, but not proven, that the Hive knew of this election process issue and did not make it public record. It is also noted for record that the BULL questions the Hive's sudden animated defense of the democratic process, and the true motivations which led to the Hive's sudden about-face in regards to this arena.....

                It is therefore ruled by BULL that the election results, though flawed, should stand. This is only the first election on Planet: there will be many more......

                Primary Council Darsnan
                Chief BULL Distributor


                • /me grudgingly accepts.

                  Yes, there may be another election but will I be around to see it?


                  • Such is the decision of BULL. Senethro, do you have the current turn then, or does Icewind still have it?

                    If it gets to me tonight I can still play it. I'll be impressed if we can have a major election struggle and still get the turn sent all the way around in a single day.



                    • The two facts I know are

                      1.Votes are counted at exact moment elections are called.
                      2.Candidates are recalculated upon each opening of human's turn.


                      Pirates : 14 : Aki (I assumed this from thread)
                      Yang : 24 : Yang
                      Lal : 24 : Lal
                      Aki : 30 : Aki
                      Zak : 16 : Lal
                      Santi : 9 : Abstain
                      Dee : 21 : Yang (I assumed this from thread)
                      Results in a:
                      Yang: 45
                      Aki: 44
                      Lal: 40

                      So statements like "Aki should have won" have no ground.

                      Also statements like "I completed PTS, so had more votes" are crap. You can test yourself in SP that votes don't change during elections (or at least shouldn't unless there's another bug somewhere).
                      This has been discussed over General/Strategy forum multiple times.

                      And I am really amazed how Lal did get disqualified if his/Yang's pop didn't change. If it did, everything's ok.

                      Also I was not able to deduce whom did Santiago vote for (if she voted at all).
                      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                      • I believe that Santiago abstained because shes a hateful b!tch and that the Hive gained 2 population before the Pirate's (Icewind's) turn preventing him from voting for me.


                        • Turn sent.


                          • Yes, statements like "Aki should have won" were based on the thought that the vote totals didn't change during the course of the election, just the candidates. I see now how things worked.

                            What I'm happy about is that the CMN system really shined. It's the first time, other than password wrangling, that I've been in a first hand situation that needed the CMN, and I'm a big fan of how it worked out (even if the perspective I was debating for didn't "win.")

                            Kudos to Darsnan. I'll remember the Election Crisis of 2135 fondly.

                            And turn sent (last night) to Sebed.


                            • Yes, statements like "Aki should have won" were based on the thought that the vote totals didn't change during the course of the election, just the candidates.
                              But that thought was correct actually.
                              It's exactly the same I said - candidates are the only thing that matters, votes are static from the moment Council is called.
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                              • Sebed of Gaia respects every single word of BULL and is under huge impression of the very wise decision...
                                [turn sent to Lord Icewind]

