We need to resolve this issue. Having considered the comments very carefully I have reached this conclusion:
1) Replay the Free Drones turn without any midturn saving.
2) IF the three of you can agree on a different solution then I shall accept this. Otherwise, IF anyone objects to a Free Drones replay then our CMN is to rule on this matter. The CMN ruling is final.
(Note: I could post my thoughts on this matter but I fear this would only complicate the issue; however, I shall gladly elaborate if requested. We also need to decide how to deal with the voting mechanics in the future--no matter how this particular election issue is resolved; that is, how we deal with elections in the future should not have any impact on the current issue.)
We need to resolve this issue. Having considered the comments very carefully I have reached this conclusion:
1) Replay the Free Drones turn without any midturn saving.
2) IF the three of you can agree on a different solution then I shall accept this. Otherwise, IF anyone objects to a Free Drones replay then our CMN is to rule on this matter. The CMN ruling is final.
(Note: I could post my thoughts on this matter but I fear this would only complicate the issue; however, I shall gladly elaborate if requested. We also need to decide how to deal with the voting mechanics in the future--no matter how this particular election issue is resolved; that is, how we deal with elections in the future should not have any impact on the current issue.)