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ACDG5: The Wardroom

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  • Deidre just completed researching cyberethics. Besides cyberethics, she also has intellectual integrity, centauri meditation and planetary economics. We have synthetic fossil fuels. According to the 2141-2142 report, she didn't want to do a tech exchange because she was currently undergoing the Citizen's Defense Force. She is now building the Ascetic Virtues.

    She may be receptive to trading cyberethics for synthetic fossil fuels. Cyberethics would give us knowledge values, which would speed up our research by 20%.


    (1) Contact Deidre. Attempt a tech trade.

    (2) If we get cyberethics, set social economic slider to 10% economy/90% lab (we need 4 more credits to switch to knowledge).

    (3) Move HQ worker from forest 2 sq. away E by NE to new unworked forest square.

    (4) Move Gibraltar trance rover supply to 1 sq. W of East (forest square vacated by HQ worker) and crawl 2 minerals for Gibraltar.

    FOR 2147:

    (5) Move one of the independent scouts at HQ monolith into BRCM.

    (6) Move Ushuaia recon rover at BRCM to HQ.

    (7) Move the other independent scout at HQ monolith to East.

    (8) Move East trance scout at East to Bay Area.

    (9) Move Gibraltar trance scout at Bay Area to Gibraltar.

    (10) Move Seaview recon rover at Gibraltar to East.

    (11) Move Ushuaia former with movement point 1 sq. SW, 1 sq. NW and build solar collector (for Bay Area).

    (12) Move Gibraltar former droid 1 sq. N and build mine.

    (13) East former 2 sq. E of East builds road.

    (14) Seaview former 1 sq. NW of BRCM builds road.

    (15) BRCM fungicidal sea former moves toward bonus nutrient square.

    (16) Gateway former droid and Suez plasma sentinel moves 1 sq. N.

    (17) Gateway former plants forest.

    (18) Drydock impact foil and Sunken City plasma hoverboat patrol between Blast Rifle Crag and Morgan Interstellar with hoverboat screening impact foil. Note: Morgan is "obstinate." If you see one of his units, don't get next to it. We don't want to lose the pact with Morgan.

    (19) Change Gateway to trance recon supply. Drydock gun foil pops pod. If no materials pod, change Gateway back to crawler.

    (20) Unless IoD has to help gun foil with wild IoD (tame IoD's can capture wild ones), move it 3 sq. W, unload mindworm, load mindworm already on Gaian continent and move 1 sq. SE.

    (21) Bay Area gun foil explores in a westerly direction.

    (22) If we successfully acquired cyberethics from Deidre, change to knowledge value in social engineering for 40 credits.

    (23) Change worker to doctor in Sunken City.

    (24) Move Gibraltar worker from 1-1-0 square to 1-2-1 forest.
    Last edited by vyeh; September 14, 2008, 21:28.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


    • Drydock is going to grow soon and could really use some terraforming. Sunken City continues to grow quickly and will soon run out of balanced workable squares.


      • The fungicidal former being produced at HQ is meant for Drydock.

        Sunken City needs to have a recreation commons first. The fourth citizen of Sunken City will be a doctor.
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • Re Sunken City terraforming. Sea formers cost 50 credits. It probably makes sense for them to be built in Drydock. Meanwhile HQ will have to build formers and crawlers to boost Drydock's production rate.

          With Sunken Cities doctor, it is losing 2-2-2. It might be a good idea if we don't pop a resupply pod or kill some mindworms to change the slider so we can rush the network node at Sunken City and later a Recreation Commons after 10 minerals have been accumulated.

          We also should discuss getting the two gun foils, the IoD and the former home after they finish exploring.

          One possibility is to park them in a Gaian base and hope Deidre ends the pact. Another would be to go down the passage between the Hive and the University. Since we're pact with the University, we can end each turn with the ships in University bases, where they can't be attacked.

          When they emerge, we could have our impact foil and plasma hoverboat escort them to home waters.

          Or we could give the gun foils to Deidre. That would free up one mineral per turn at Bay Area and Drydock and get us some goodwill with Deidre.

          At our current research rate, we will discover Air Power after 2148. There are some "basic units" that come with it: the Falcon (a missile needlejet), the escort foil (a missile foil, presumably with AA and the SAM rover (a missile rover, presumably with AA).

          Basic units don't need to be prototyped. Once we have discovered Air Power, we should be cranking out Falcons. We can use our ships to discover enemy units and Falcons to either destroy them or to protect our impact foil until the enemy has escort foils or ships with AA.

          An issue is whether we should trade Air Power (the Gaians are pacted the Spartans; the University with the Hive). Eventually, Air Power will be researched. Withholding Air Power from trade means we won't get some of the techs they've been researching, but it might also give us a few more turns when our enemies don't have it - turns we can spend building up an air force.
          Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


          • I just noticed, that you cannot see special abilities of pre-designed units on F1 screen.

            So it's up to you, they can remain mystery for you until available, or I can post "unit" section from alpha.txt?
            Map creation contest
            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


            • Please post. The names are suggestive enough.
              Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


              • With cyberethics comes The Planetary Datalinks (get any tech discovered by three factions). It costs 300 minerals which is one trance rover supply and 4 regular crawlers. (A trance rover supply is 180 minerals; it would be a pity to waste 60 minerals by cashing in two of them.)
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • BEFORE ENDING 2147:

                  (1) Contact Zakharov and attempt tech trade.

                  BETWEEN 2147 AND 2148:

                  (2) HQ builds fungicidal formers. Change to colony pod.

                  (3) Bay Area builds fungicidal sea former. Change to crawler.

                  (4) Suez builds colony pod. Change to crawler.

                  (5) Gateway builds trance rover supply. Change to crawler.

                  FOR 2148:

                  (6) Suez worker moves from forest north of Suez to freshwater bonus mineral square.

                  (7) Move Gateway trance rover supply 2 sq. S and crawl 2 minerals for Gateway.

                  (8) Suez former builds mine.

                  (9) Gateway former droid builds road.

                  (10) Suez plasma sentinels hold.

                  (11) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol between Morgan Interstellar and Blast Rifle Crag (do not get next to Morgan sea former).

                  (12) BRCM fungicidal sea former goes into Seaview, re-homes, and moves onto bonus nutrient square.

                  (13) BRCM former builds road.

                  (14) Seaview former 1 sq. NW of BRCM moves 1 sq. SE, 1 sq. S and plants forest.

                  (15) HQ fungicidal former at HQ moves toward Drydock along road.

                  (16) HQ former 2 sq. SW of HQ moves toward Drydock along road.

                  (17) Independent scout at East and East trance scout at Bay Area exchange places.

                  (18) Bay Area fungicidal sea former moves toward mineral bonus sea square.

                  (19) Ushuaia former 1 sq. NE of Ushuaia moves 1 sq. SW, 1 sq. 1 sq. NW and builds solar collector.

                  (20) Suez colony pod moves to Gateway.

                  (21) Seaview recon rover at East moves to Gateway.

                  (22) Drydock gun foil moves 1 sq. N, 3 sq. W.

                  (23) IoD moves 1 sq. SE, 1 sq. S, 2 sq. SW.

                  (24) Mindworm on Gaian continent moves onto monolith and investigates.

                  (25) Bay Area gun foil moves 2 sq. NW, then (assuming it didn't uncover pods) moves east.

                  (26) Independent scout at BRCM and HQ scout at Seaview exchange places.

                  (27) Move Bay Area worker from 1-2-2 square to 1-3-1 forest square.

                  (28) Move Gibraltar worker from 1-2-1 forest square to 1-2-2 forest river square.
                  Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                  • The #UNITS section of alpha.txt is in this post:
                    It's in the rules section. You would need still decode special abilities from flags. I can do it, but maybe later this week.
                    Map creation contest
                    WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                    • Assuming we don't acquire tech in 2147 or 2148, we will have a tech [ULR=]choice[/url] between 2148 and 2149 of:

                      Advanced Subatomic Theory (leads to Silksteel Alloys - armor 4)
                      Superstring Theory (chaos gun - weapons 8)
                      Pre-Sentinent Algorithms (leads to Fusion Power and Orbital Spaceflight)
                      Doctrine: Initiative (Maritime Control Center, cruisers and amphibious ability)
                      Intellectual Integrity (non-lethal methods)
                      Neural Grafting (two special abilities; leads to copters, clean reactors)

                      So far, we've been able to pursue our "claws and fangs" strategy and trade for the other techs. This narrows our choice to Superstring Theory and Doctrine: Initiative.

                      I think cruisers and the Maritime Control Center (we could lose the opportunity to build this secret project if we delay further in researching Doctrine: Initiative) give us sea mobility that outweighs the advantage in going from weapons 6 to weapons 8.

                      We are currently voting for Doctrine: Initiative in the Voting Booth. Feel free to change your vote.

                      I'm opening a vote on building the Planetary Datalinks. The cost would be one of our trance rover supply and four crawlers (three need to be built).
                      Last edited by vyeh; September 17, 2008, 01:47.
                      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                      • Both our plasma hoverboat and Believing plasma coastal are (2)-3-4. The advantage goes to the defender.

                        BEFORE ENDING 2148:

                        (1) Move Gibraltar trance rover supply (currently 1 sq. W of East) to 2 sq. SW of HQ along road and crawl 2 minerals for Gibraltar.

                        (2) Contact Morgan. He has fusion power, intellectual integrity. We have cyberethics. See if we can trade cyberethics for fusion power.

                        (3) If we get fusion power, upgrade all future production (sea colony pod, fungicidal sea formers, missile skimship, crawler, colony pod) to fusion version. Since crawler, colony pod and former are basic units, go into design workshop and design new vesions with fusion reactors. Hit apply after each design and upgrade all future production to fusion version.

                        (4) We discover Doctrine: Air Power. Choose Doctrine: Initiative.

                        (5) If we have production of units because of fusion upgrade, change production in those bases to crawler.

                        FOR 2149:

                        (6) If Gibraltar has built a sea colony pod, move it to the bonus mineral square.

                        (7) Move Bay Area fungicidal sea former to bonus mineral square and remove fungus.

                        (8) Hold independent scout at Bay Area.

                        (9) If Ushuaia has produced fungicidal sea former, move it to bonus energy square and remove fungus.

                        (10) Move Ushuaia former with movement point 1 sq. S.

                        (11) Move East former 1 sq. S of East 2 sq. NE, 1 sq. E.

                        (12) Move East former 2 sq. E of East 1 sq. NE.

                        (13) Trance scout at East holds.

                        (14) BRCM former moves 1 sq. SE, 1 sq. S and plants forest.

                        (15) Seaview fungicidal sea former removes fungus.

                        (16) Seaview recon rover at Gateway moves 1 sq. NE and holds.

                        (17) Suez colony pod at Gateway moves 1 sq. NW, waits for Gateway former droid to finish road, moves 1 sq. N, and attempts to move 1 sq. NW.

                        (18) Suez plasma sentinels move, if necessary, to cover colony pod.

                        (19) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol avoiding contact with Morgan sea former. Move hoverboat first.

                        (20) HQ former and HQ fungicidal former 2 sq. SE of Drydock move 1 sq. W, 1 sq. SW and plant forest.

                        (21) IoD moves 2 sq. SW, 2 sq. W (if it spots an enemy non-combatant unit, attack if odds are better than 1-1).

                        (22) Mindworm on Gaian continent moves into Song of Planet.

                        (23) Drydock gun foil moves 1 sq. S, 3 sq. SW (attempts to capture any wild IoD's).

                        (24) Bay Area gun foil moves east, observing rules for pod popping.

                        (25) Gateway trance rover supply moves along road to 1 sq. W of East and crawls 2 minerals for Gateway.
                        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                        • Do you think we'll get much use out of the Planetary Datalinks?


                          • One example: Zak, Morgan and Deidre all have intellectual integrity, which we don't.
                            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                            • Great. Fusion power provides two advantages: units are cheaper and they have more resistant to damage.

                              We'll have to decide about the Planetary Datalinks in the next few turns (after we've built three crawlers).

                              We'll have to think about sending a replacement for the blockading hoverboat. The Believers can just keep attacking it.

                              With Air Power comes the Falcon. Since we have fusion, we should redesign the Falcon with a fusion reactor before we build.

                              Don't forget to include a screenshot -- eventually -- for historical reasons.
                              Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                              • BEFORE ENDING 2149:

                                (1) Change Gateway to missile needlejet deep radar 6-1-12*2.

                                (2) Change Gibraltar to missile foil deep radar (6)-3-4.

                                (3) Change Bay Area to missile foil deep radar (6)-3-4.

                                (4) Contact Deidre. Try tech trade. Try to trade fusion power first.

                                (5) Southern (damaged) Drydock plasma hoverboat moves toward sea monolith (it probably won't survive another attack).

                                (6) Northern (undamaged) Drydock plasma hoverboat moves 1 sq. E, 3 sq. S (will join sea colony pod).

                                BETWEEN 2149 AND 2150:

                                (7) Drydock builds missile foil. Leave production on missile foil.

                                FOR 2150:

                                (8) Move Drydock missile foil toward Sunken City monolith.

                                (9) HQ former droid builds road.

                                (10) Bay Area former moves 1 sq. SE.

                                (11) Ushuaia former 1 sq. NW of Ushuaia moves 1 sq. S.

                                (12) Ushuaia former 1 sq. SW of Ushuaia builds mine.

                                (13) East former 2 sq. E of Eaat cultivates farm.

                                (14) Other East former on land point builds road.

                                (15) BRCM sea former cultivates kelp.

                                (16) Gateway former droid moves 1 sq. S and plants forest.

                                (17) Suez colony pod establishes "Outpost" (feel free to choose a name).

                                (18) Change Outpost production to recycling tanks.

                                (19) Move Gateway worker from 3-0-1 square to 2-0-1 square.

                                (20) Move Outpost worker from 1-0-0 square to 3-0-1 square.

                                (21) Suez plasma sentinels at Outpost re-home and hold.

                                (22) Drydock impact foil and Sunken City hoverboat patrol, ending up within 3 squares of Outpost (so impact foil can go into Outpost next turn to heal).

                                (23) Seaview former 1 sq. S of BRCM moves 1 sq. NE.

                                (24) Gibraltar sea colony pod moves 4 sq. W.

                                (25) Undamaged Drydock plasma hoverboat covers Gibraltar sea colony pod.

                                (26) Damaged Drydock plasma hoverboat moves toward sea monolith.

                                (27) IoD moves 1 sq. S and patrols.

                                (28) Mindworm on Gaian continent moves to Last Rose of Summer.

                                (29) Drydock gun foil moves toward IoD.

                                (30) Bay Area gun foil pops pod and, if no mindworm has emerged, moves 1 sq. E, 2 sq. SE.

                                (31) Move Gateway trance recon supply 1 sq. W of East to 1 sq. E of Gibraltar and crawl 4 minerals for Gateway.

                                (32) Move BRCM worker from 2-1-1 square to 1-2-1 square.

                                (33) Move Drydock worker from 2-1-1 square to 1-2-1 square.

                                (34) Change Seaview 1-2-1 worker to doctor.
                                Last edited by vyeh; September 17, 2008, 01:49.
                                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network

