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ACDG5: The Wardroom

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  • Good job on tech exchange. We still have Doctrine: Air Power as potential trade bait.

    We need to decide in the next few years whether to build the Planetary Datalinks.

    IoD will need to heal.

    We should decide what we're doing with the gun foils and IoD's. We can give the gun foils to Deidre (so we don't have to pay support). We would like the IoD's back home.


    (1) Change Athens to recycling tanks.

    (2) Unload mindworm from southern IoD into Gatehouse Gate.

    BETWEEN 2150 AND 2151:

    (3) HQ builds colony pod mk2. Change to trance scout infantry.

    (4) BRCM builds supply. Leave on supply.

    (5) East builds colony pod mk2. Change to supply.

    FOR 2151:

    (6) Move East colony pod 2 sq. E, wait for East former to build road, and move 1 sq. NE.

    (7) Gateway former moves 1 sq. W and plants forest.

    (8) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil move into Athens.

    (9) Move BRCM worker from 1-2-1 forest S of BRCM to 2-1-1 square.

    (10) Move BRCM crawler 1 sq. S and crawl 2 min for BRCM.

    (11) BRCM former moves 1 sq. NE.

    (12) Seaview former 1 sq. SE of BRCM builds mine.

    (13) HQ colony pod moves along road 1 sq. W, 1 sq. S, 1 sq. W.

    (14) HQ former droid moves 1 sq. E, 2 sq. N.

    (15) HQ former and HQ fungicidal former near Drydock move into Drydock and attempt to move 1 sq. NE.

    (16) Ushuaia recon rover at HQ moves to Drydock and attempts to move 1 sq. NE.

    (17) Drydock missile foil moves to nearest monolith and investigates.

    (18) Damaged Drydock plasma hoverboat heads to monolith.

    (19) Gibraltar sea colony pod and escort head west.

    (20) Gibraltar former droid moves 2 sq. NE, 1 sq. E.

    (21) Ushuaia former with movement point builds mine.

    (22) Bay Area former builds road.

    (23) Mindworm in Greenhouse Gate moves south, looking for Spartan non-combat units to attack. Never end its movement where a Spartan combat unit could be revealed. (E.g. if it moved 2 sq. SE, it shouldn't move another sq. SE, but it could move 1 sq. NE.) Mindworms don't suffer a hasty penalty for attacking with partial movement point. Stay in fungus (it gets a defensive combat advantage).

    (24) Damaged IoD heads 1 sq. N and rests (it can recover to full strength in fungus).

    (25) Drydock gun foil moves toward IoD.

    (26) Mindworm in Last Rose of Summer moves along road toward Greenhouse Gate.

    (27) Bay Area gun foil and undamaged IoD head SE (to join the other gun foil and IoD).

    (28) Move Gibraltar trance recon supply 2 sq. SW of HQ to 1 sq. W of East and crawl 2 minerals for Gibraltar (freeing up square for new base).

    (29) Move Seaview recon rover 1 sq. NE of Gateway 1 sq. W and hold.
    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


    • Re usage from the Planetary Datalinks,

      At this point, we are producing techs almost as fast as Deidre and Morgan and half as fast as Zakharov.

      We'll have a couple more network nodes in a few turns and we're starting to exploit the sea where tidal harnesses can produce three energy.

      Maybe we'll get four or five techs from the Planetary Datalinks until we have so many crawlers that we're pushing the ecodamage limits, so we start building lab facilities and pull way ahead in the tech race.
      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


      • Let's contact Morgan and see if we can renew the pact for goodwill. If that doesn't work, in a future turn, we can try paying him (we already have his map so the pact is worth something to us in extra commerce income, but it is worth more to him).

        The Greenhouse Gate mindworm will have to rest. We'd hate to lose him in another attack on a Spartan former. They sure are tough!

        BEFORE ENDING 2151:

        (1) Contact Morgan. Don't give him anything. Try for a pact for our "goodwill." Also, while we're speaking with him, let's see if he wants to do a tech trade.

        (2) Ushuaia recon rover at HQ moves to Drydock and attempts to move 1 sq. NE.

        BETWEEN 2151 AND 2152:

        (3) Bay Area builds missile foil. Change to supply.

        (4) Drydock builds missile foil. Change to missile needlejet.

        (5) Gateway builds missile needlejet. Change to trance scout infantry.

        FOR 2152:

        (6) Gateway missile needlejet patrols area between Morgan and Blast Rifle Crag. If you don't spot any units at sea, end up in Athens.

        (7) Seaview recon rover near Gateway moves 1 sq. W.

        (8) Gateway former moves 1 sq. SW.

        (9) Seaview fungicidal sea former moves 2 sq. NW.

        (10) Seaview former 1 sq. S of Seaview builds road.

        (11) BRCM former builds mine.

        (12) HQ former droid moves into Drydock.

        (13) HQ fungicidal former outside Drydock builds road.

        (14) Ushuaia recon rover at or near Drydock moves to 1 sq. NE of Drydock if it is not already there and holds.

        (15) HQ former in Drydock moves 1 sq. NE and plants forest.

        (16) Drydock missile foil at Drydock moves to monolith.

        (17) Drydock missile foil at Sunken City moves to Spartan waters.

        (18) Damaged Drydock plasma hoverboat goes to nearest monolith to repair.

        (19) HQ colony pod established "West" (choose name).

        (20) Change West production to recycling tanks.

        (21) Re-home HQ trance scout at West.

        (22) Gibraltar sea colony pod moves 1 sq. W onto the energy bonus and establishes "Southern Command" (feel free to change the name).

        (23) Southern Drydock plasma hoverboat moves into Southern Command, re-homes and holds.

        (24) Bay Area fungicidal sea former heads west to help Southern Command.

        (25) Bay Area missile foil heads to Southern Command.

        (26) Bay Area former droid moves 1 sq. N, 2 sq. NE.

        (27) East former with movement point moves 1 sq. SW and cultivates farm.

        (28) East colony pod establishes "Persepolis" (choose a name).

        (29) Change production to recycling tanks.

        (30) East scout patrol outside Persepolis moves into Persepolis, re-homes and holds.

        (31) Ushuaia fungicidal sea formers build tidal harness.

        (32) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil at Athens rest.

        (33) Damaged mindworm near Greenhouse Gate rests.

        (34) Damaged IoD rests.

        (35) Drydock gun foil joins IoD.

        (36) Undamaged mindworm near Greenhouse Gate moves to Greenhouse Gate and then south.

        (37) Bay Area gun foil heads to the other gun foil and damaged IoD.

        (38) Undamaged IoD unloads mindworm to the east and then moves toward damaged IoD.

        (39) Athens worker moves from 1-0-0 square to 1-2-1 square.
        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


        • We can build missile needlejets for 30 minerals and use them to destroy Believing and Spartan units in the open. We need to be careful of the AA rovers, which come with Advanced Military Algorithms. They're only 2-1-2, but our needlejets are unarmored.

          BEFORE ENDING 2152:

          (1) Suez worker moves from forest 1 sq. S of Suez to forest 1 sq. N of Suez.

          (2) Persepolis worker moves from 1-1-0 square to 1-3-1 forest square.

          (3) Gibraltar trance rover supply 1 sq. W of East moves 2 sq. E, 1 sq. S and crawls 3 minerals for Gibraltar.

          (4) BRCM supply moves 1 sq. S, 1 sq. E and crawls 2 minerals for BRCM.

          (5) Change East production to the Planetary Datalinks.

          (6) Seaview recon rover near Gateway moves 1 sq. W.

          BETWEEN 2152 AND 2153:

          (7) HQ builds trance scout . Change production to basic (fission reactor) former. Retire mk2 former (it costs 10 more minerals than the basic former).

          (8) Seaview builds network node. Change to recreation commons.

          (9) Sunken City builds network node. Change to recreation commons.

          (10) Gateway builds trance scout infantry. Change to fungicidal former.

          (11) Gibraltar builds missile foil. Change to supply.

          FOR 2153:

          (12) Gibraltar worker moves from 3-0-0 square to 1-2-1 square.

          (13) Gibraltar missile foil moves to Sunken City monolith.

          (14) Bay Area fungicidal sea former moves 4 sq. W.

          (15) Northern Drydock plasma hoverboat moves 1 sq. N, 1 sq. E, attacking any noncombat Believing unit.

          (16) Disciplined Drydock missile foil heads to Spartan waters.

          (17) Drydock former droid moves 1 sq. NE and plants forest.

          (18) HQ fungicidal former moves 1 sq. NE.

          (19) Ushuaia recon rover near Drydock moves 1 sq. NE.

          (20) Seaview fungicidal sea former removes fungus.

          (21) Gateway former cultivates farm.

          (22) Gateway former droid moves 1 sq. W.

          (23) Gateway missile needlejet patrols, returning to Athens.

          (24) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol, responding to any noncombat units revealed by the missile needlejet.

          (25) Seaview recon rover at Gateway moves 2 sq. W.

          (26) Green Gateway trance scout and Suez trance scout exchange places.

          (27) Disciplined Gateway trance scout moves 1 sq. NW, attempts to move 1 sq. W.

          (28) East former droid moves 3 sq. N.

          (29) Both East formers build solar collector.

          (30) Bay Area former plants forest.

          (31) Bay Area missile foil heads to Sunken City.

          (32) Green HQ trance scout at HQ moves 1 sq. W, 1 sq. N, 1 sq. NW, investigating last monolith.

          (33) Green Drydock missile foil moves 3 sq. SW and investigate monolith.

          (34) Damaged mindworm near Greenhouse Gate rests.

          (35) Undamaged mindworm near Greenhouse Gate moves south, looking for Spartan unit to attack at better than 1-1 odds.

          (36) Drydock gun foil and damaged IoD rest.

          (37) Bay Area gun foil and undamaged IoD move toward other gun foil and damaged IoD.

          (38) Mindworm near Gaia's Landing moves 1 sq. SE, 1 sq. E, 1 sq. SE.

          (39) Ushuaia worker moves from 2-1-1 square to 1-2-1 square (so supply is completed next turn).

          (40) Change Bay Area to Fusion Sea Formers Deep Radar 0-1-4*2 (30 minerals).
          Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


          • Since we have needlejets and our enemies don't have interceptors, it is time to use the needlejets to destroy as many enemy units as we can. With our pacts, we can base the needlejets in our pactmates' bases.

            I'd like to take out the three unity supply droids (we can see that Deidre and Morgan both have three; did Zakharov cash his in?) of the enemy factions and then destroy the terrain improvements. After that, sea colony pods, transport foils, formers and naval units.

            On the expansion front, there is room for two more bases in the Fungal Fields. After that, its sea bases and the Manifold Nexus Central. With fusion, sea colony pods only cost 40 minerals (which is only ten more minerals than a land colony pod; since sea bases come with pressure domes which function as recycling tanks and recycling tanks cost 40 minerals, sea colony pods are free).

            Two needlejets and a missile foil will be sufficient to escort a sea colony pod with absolute impunity to Atlantic Ruins unless the enemy has a foil with AA ability.

            East is set to produce the Planetary Datalinks. It can switch over without penalty to the Maritime Control Center when we discover Doctrine: Initiative if we decide we don't want the Planetary Datalinks.
            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


            • If I may say so, Lt Vyeh, it seems to me we don't have needlejets yet, because we have only one. We might want to produce a few more should we wish to implement the elimination of the supply droids strategy and/or the escort of a sea colony pod to Atlantic Ruins.

              And it seems Deirdre has needlejets too. See The Flowers Preach (47,5). And another one is being produced in Song of Planet (50,8).

              And I believe we should also try to be elected planetary governor to get a boost in commerce and labs.
              Last edited by Bodissey; September 18, 2008, 05:01.
              All your base are belong to us


              • You're right about producing more needlejets.

                Deidre never researched Doctrine: Air Power and neither Zakharov nor Morgan has Air Power. Deidre is pacted with Santiago, so maybe the Spartans have Air Power.

                Good suggestion about convening the Planetary Council. It hadn't occurred to me that we are now number 2 in population.

                BEFORE ENDING 2153:

                (1) Set social engineering slider to 0% economy/100% lab (so we get Doctrine: Initiative next turn).

                (2) Change Gateway former to building road.

                (3) Change Bay Area to supply.

                (4) Change HQ to supply.

                (5) Convene Planetary Council to elect planetary governor. Vote for ourselves.

                BETWEEN 2153 AND 2154:

                (6) BRCM builds supply. Leave on supply.

                (7) Suez builds supply. Leave on supply.

                (8) Ushuaia builds supply. Leave on supply.

                (9) We will discover Doctrine: Initiative. Choose Superstring Theory (chaos gun 8).

                FOR 2154:

                (10) Ushuaia worker moves from 1-2-1 square to 2-1-1 square.

                (11) Ushuaia supply moves toward East along road.

                (12) BRCM sea former moves to bonus nutrient square and builds tidal harness.

                (13) BRCM supply at BRCM moves 1 sq. S and crawls 2 minerals for BRCM.

                (14) HQ trance scout 2 sq. SE of Drydock moves along road to 1 sq. NE of Drydock.

                (15) HQ former 1 sq. NE of Drydock moves 1 sq. NE.

                (16) Ushuaia recon rover 2 sq. NE of Drydock holds.

                (17) HQ fungicidal former 2 sq. NE of Drydock removes fungus.

                (18) Drydock missile foil between Drydock and Athens moves to Athens.

                (19) Athens former droid builds road.

                (20) Seaview recon rover near Athens moves to Suez and holds.

                (21) Gateway disciplined trance scout at Gateway moves 1 sq. NE, 1 sq. W and holds.

                (22) Suez scout at Gateway holds.

                (23) Suez former droid moves 2 sq. N, 1 sq. NE.

                (24) Missile needlejet at Athens moves next to Blast Rifle Crag and looks inside. Repeat for Parade Ground, Bunker 118 and Fleet Anchorage. If you spot any Spartan ships, attack, preferably from a sea square not adjacent to land (to avoid AA rovers). If we're elected planetary governor, just patrol the waters east of Fleet Anchorage and see if there are any sea units to attack (e.g. sea colony pods, transports)

                (25) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol.

                (26) Gateway trance scout at Suez and East trance scout at East exchange places.

                (27) Suez crawler moves to East and assigns to secret project.

                (28) Ushuaia former with movement point moves 1 sq. W.

                (29) Gibraltar missile foil moves to Southern Command.

                (30) Bay Area fungicidal former moves 1 sq. SW and builds mining platform.

                (31) Northern Drydock plasma hoverboat moves to monolith and repairs.

                (32) Drydock missile foil at Sunken City moves 2 sq. E of Judgment Seat (will move next to Judgment Seat next turn and look in).

                (33) Bay Area missile foil moves to Southern Command.

                (34) Both damaged mindworms near Greenhouse Gate move 1 sq. N, 1 sq. NW, 1 sq. N (we will load the mindworms on the IoD next turn).

                (35) Drydock gun foil rests.

                (36) Damaged IoD rests.

                (37) Bay Area gun foil joins damaged IoD.

                (38) Undamaged IoD moves to Atlantic Ruins (for promotion).

                (39) Mindworm near Gaia's Landing moves 1 sq. E, 2 sq. SE and investigates monolith.
                Last edited by vyeh; September 18, 2008, 10:19.
                Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                • Congratulations on the planetary governorship.

                  The Spartans have Air Power and a Falcon supported by Sparta Command (its out on patrol right now).

                  We won't have to look inside the enemy bases now.

                  BETWEEN 2153 AND 2154:

                  (1) BRCM builds supply. Leave on supply.

                  (2) Suez builds supply. Leave on supply.

                  (3) Ushuaia builds supply. Leave on supply.

                  (4) We will discover Doctrine: Initiative. Choose Superstring Theory (chaos gun 8).

                  FOR 2154:

                  (5) Ushuaia worker moves from 1-2-1 square to 2-1-1 square.

                  (6) Ushuaia supply moves toward East along road.

                  (7) BRCM sea former moves to bonus nutrient square and builds tidal harness.

                  (8) BRCM supply at BRCM moves 1 sq. S and crawls 2 minerals for BRCM.

                  (9) HQ trance scout 2 sq. SE of Drydock moves along road to 1 sq. NE of Drydock.

                  (10) HQ former 1 sq. NE of Drydock moves 1 sq. NE.

                  (11) Ushuaia recon rover 2 sq. NE of Drydock holds.

                  (12) HQ fungicidal former 2 sq. NE of Drydock removes fungus.

                  (13) Drydock missile foil between Drydock and Athens moves to Athens.

                  (14) Athens former droid builds road.

                  (15) Seaview recon rover near Athens moves to Suez and holds.

                  (16) Gateway disciplined trance scout at Gateway moves 1 sq. NE, 1 sq. W and holds.

                  (17) Suez scout at Gateway holds.

                  (18) Suez former droid moves 2 sq. N, 1 sq. NE.

                  (19) Missile needlejet at Athens patrols the waters east of Fleet Anchorage and see if there are any sea units to attack (e.g. sea colony pods, transports). If you spot any Spartan ships, attack, preferably from a sea square not adjacent to land (to avoid AA rovers).

                  (20) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol.

                  (21) Gateway trance scout at Suez and East trance scout at East exchange places.

                  (22) Suez crawler moves to East and assigns to secret project.

                  (23) Ushuaia former with movement point moves 1 sq. W.

                  (24) Gibraltar missile foil moves to Southern Command.

                  (25) Bay Area fungicidal former moves 1 sq. SW and builds mining platform.

                  (26) Northern Drydock plasma hoverboat moves to monolith and repairs.

                  (27) Drydock missile foil at Sunken City moves 2 sq. E of Judgment Seat (so it can move next to Judgment Seat next turn and attack).

                  (28) Bay Area missile foil moves to Southern Command.

                  (29) Both damaged mindworms near Greenhouse Gate move 1 sq. N, 1 sq. NW, 1 sq. N (we will load the mindworms on the IoD in a future turn).

                  (30) Drydock gun foil rests.

                  (31) Damaged IoD rests.

                  (32) Bay Area gun foil joins damaged IoD.

                  (33) Undamaged IoD moves to Atlantic Ruins (for promotion).

                  (34) Mindworm near Gaia's Landing moves 1 sq. E, 2 sq. SE and investigates monolith.
                  Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                  • If we plan the moves of our crawlers carefully, we can build the Planetary Datalinks between 2155 and 2156 and the Maritime Control Center between 2156 and 2157. Note that this requires that the two crawlers closest to East, the site of the Planetary Datalinks, go to Gibraltar, the site of the Maritime Control Center, while crawlers further away will assign their minerals to East.

                    Since we can calculate which bases need to build crawlers to build the Maritime Control Center, we can set other bases to building other units, mostly missile needlejets.

                    BEFORE ENDING 2154:

                    (1) Change Gibraltar to building the Maritime Control Center.

                    (2) Change HQ to building a basic (fission) former (this is for Syrtis).

                    (3) Change BRCM to building a missile needlejet.

                    (4) Change Suez to building a missile needlejet.

                    (5) BRCM supply 1 sq. W of East moves to 1 sq. E of Bay Area.

                    (6) HQ crawler 1 sq. W of HQ moves to 1 sq. W of East and crawls 2 minerals for HQ.

                    (7) Gateway trance scout 1 sq. NW of Gateway moves 1 sq. W.

                    BETWEEN 2154 AND 2155:

                    (8) Drydock builds missile needlejet. Leave production on missile needlejet.

                    FOR 2155:

                    (9) Move Drydock missile needlejet to Sunken City (feel free to explore the Believing continent as long as the plane ends in Sunken City).

                    (10) Northern Drydock plasma hoverboat moves 1 sq. N and placed on sentry duty.

                    (11) Drydock missile foil near Sunken City goes to Water Music.

                    (12) Bay Area missile foil moves to central monolith and investigates.

                    (13) Gibraltar missile foil moves to western monolith and investigates.

                    (14) Drydock former droid moves 1 sq. NE.

                    (15) HQ former 2 sq. NE of Drydock removes fungus.

                    (16) HQ trance scout 1 sq. NE of Drydock moves 1 sq. NE.

                    (17) Seaview former 1 sq. S of Seaview builds mine.

                    (18) Gateway former 1 sq. W of Gateway moves 1 sq. NE, 1 sq. N and plants forest.

                    (19) Gateway former droid 1 sq. NE of Gateway moves 1 sq. W, 1 sq. N and plants forest.

                    (20) Athens former droid 2 sq. S by SW from Athens moves 1 sq. NW.

                    (21) Gateway trance scout 2 sq. W by NW from Gateway moves 1 sq. NW.

                    (22) Drydock missile foil near Athens goes to patrol area.

                    (23) Gateway needlejet returns to Athens patrolling waters between Blast Rifle Crag and Morgan Interstellar.

                    (24) East trance scout at Suez holds.

                    (25) Seaview recon rover at Suez moves to East and holds.

                    (26) Gateway trance scout at East moves 2 sq. W and investigates monolith.

                    (27) Seaview former 1 sq. SE of BRCM builds road.

                    (28) Ushuaia supply near East moves to 1 sq. SW of Bay Area (note: it is going to be used for the Maritime Control Center at Gibraltar).

                    (29) Gibraltar trance rover supply 2 sq. SE of East moves into east and assigns 180 minerals to the Planetary Datalinks secret project.

                    (30) HQ crawler 1 sq. W of East moves into East and assigns 30 minerals to the Planetary Datalinks secret project.

                    (31) BRCM supply 1 sq. S of BRCM moves to East and assigns 30 minerals to the Planetary Datalinks secret project.

                    (32) BRCM supply 1 sq. E of Bay Area moves to 1 sq. E of Gibraltar (note: it is going to be used for the Maritime Control Center at Gibraltar).

                    (33) Ushuaia former 2 sq. W by SW of Ushuaia builds road.

                    (34) Ushuaia former 1 sq. SW of Ushuaia builds road.

                    (35) Sunken City plasma hoverboat and Drydock impact foil patrol, attacking any Spartan units, especially noncombat ones, revealed by the needlejet.

                    (36) Eastern IoD moves to monolith and investigates.

                    (37) Both gun foils and Western IoD rest.

                    (38) All three mindworms attempt to load onto Western IoD.

                    (39) East worker moves from 1-2-1 forest square to 1-3-1 forest canyon square 2 sq. SE of East.
                    Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                    • Three units sunk! Great job.

                      The Ushuaia supply ended up east of Bay Area instead of southwest of Bay Area. If we're going to use it, this will delay the Maritime Control Center by one turn.

                      BETWEEN 2155 AND 2156:

                      (1) East builds the Planetary Datalinks. Change to missile needlejet.

                      (2) Bay Area builds supply. Change to recreation commons.

                      FOR 2156:

                      (3) Bay Area supply moves to Gibraltar and assigns 30 minerals to the Maritime Control secret project.

                      (4) Gibraltar worker moves from forest 2 sq E by NE to kelp square.

                      (5) Ushuaia supply moves 1 sq. W, 1 sq. SW and crawls 2 minerals for Ushuaia.

                      (6) BRCM supply moves 1 sq. SE and crawls 2 minerals for BRCM.

                      (7) Gateway trance scout at monolith moves to East and holds.

                      (8) Seaview fungicidal former moves 2 sq. SW.

                      (10) Drydock former droid 2 sq. NE of Drydock builds road.

                      (11) HQ former, HQ fungicidal former and HQ trance scout 2 sq. NE of Drydock move 1 sq. N (move scout after moving formers).

                      (12) Athens former droid 2 sq. SW of Athens remove fungus.

                      (13) Gateway trance scout 2 sq. SW of Athens holds.

                      (14) Gateway missile needlejet at Athens patrols, returning to Athens unless it spots an enemy unit that can't be handled by the naval units.

                      (15) Naval units near Athens patrol, attacking any enemy unit at odds better than 1-1.

                      (16) Suez former 2 sq. E by SE of Gateway moves to Suez.

                      (17) East formers 1 sq. SW of Persepolis move 1 sq. S.

                      (18) Bay Area missile foil at Sunken City goes on sentry duty.

                      (19) Gibraltar missile foil at Sunken City heads to Water Music.

                      (20) Drydock missile foil between Sunken City and Water Music heads to Water Music.

                      (21) Drydock missile needlejet at Sunken City moves 8 sq. SW, 3 sq. W and attacks He Walked on Water unless it spots a Believing naval unit (protection of Water Music is a priority).

                      (22) Bay Area gun foil, Drydock gun foil, and western IoD rest.

                      (23) Mindworm on land loads onto western IoD.

                      (24) Eastern IoD moves to gun foils and other IoD.

                      (25) Contact Morgan and coordinate battle plans against He Walked on Water. Try for tech trade.
                      Last edited by vyeh; September 19, 2008, 08:39.
                      Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                      • I'm calling for a vote on taking He Walked on Water with our needlejet and two missile foils.

                        We can decide later whether to keep the base or turn it over to Morgan.


                        (1) improves Water Music's security:
                        (2) makes Morgan happier;
                        (3) payback for two gun foils.


                        some healing time for the needlejet and missile foils.
                        Last edited by vyeh; September 19, 2008, 10:01.
                        Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                        • Now we can plan our tech based on which ones we'll likely get for free through the datalinks and which ones we'll have to research ourselves. This'll give us parity and eventually a solid lead in tech.


                          • Don't forget trades. With pact (and governorship), we can see what techs our pactmates have and we can try to trade.

                            We probably should continue to research weapons and armor. We can trade those techs to our pactmates.

                            Morgan is doing a good job on the Believer's land bases. I'd like to concentrate on the Believer's sea bases.

                            The Hive has a new sea base within needlejet range. I think we should attack it. Maybe the Hive will be willing to pay us for a blood truce, which I'm inclined to accept so we can get those IoD's, mindworms and gun foils home.
                            Unofficial SMAC/X Patches Version 1.0 @ Civilization Gaming Network


                            • With Morgan and the Spartans pressuring the Believers we can steal bases much more easily. When there's blood in the streets, buy property.


                              • When we finish maxing out a few sea squares next to Seaview we should space out some kelp with one sea former while the other goes through Suez to improve the mineral bonus sea square next to it.

