And Latvia has never seen any 'influence' from US side as well.
But we're quite happy that the influence is not that of IRAQ..
In answer to both Commys posts I can say:
1.Im not claiming to be very clever, but to say Moon has clouds is un-intelligent at least, so you shouldn't be the person saying that Im overestimating my knowledge.
2.Europe is not "dis"ed because it does not try to spend its influence more and does not make up fake Casus Belli against other countries.
Did you find any WMD in IRAQ - nope and I bet all of your covert agencies were aware of that.
US is a badboy, because with its actions it hurts many people's feelings. This is the reason it is hated.
It has too little of a morale and ethics and too more of a pure greed and will to power.
3.In reality it is no way how could US stop to participate in international conflicts. It has been going for it and building up for it ever since 1917 when the politics of isolation where dismissed by US government.
And in fact some international conflicts has happened or are still happening only because US wants so.
Its not simple but your govenment feeds it to you in a simple way and you blindly believe in it (meaning Commy here).