And I play at FFZ because I know most of the people in RL. They are my friends, we have fun, and they don't quit.
Then when I get invited to your precious precious league which you're opposed to from the start, you go out of your way to evict me asap.
I don't know why you're so insanely bitter about it, but whatever. At least I play in challenging fantasy leagues where I can't kick out people I don't like because they beat me too often.
What is a fact is that you quit.
You, have, and I know for a fact that you wanted to get rid of me before we even started. Probably for the same reason you pissed on me when I tried to do something nice for you. Because it just killed you to have to admit that you ****ed up and treated someone like **** who didn't deserve it in the slightest.
You want to call me out? Man up and play next year. We'll wait for you, but we all know you'll never play a competitive poly league ever again.
Guarantee it.
And, can you please take this **** elsewhere Ming? I know you love just pissing on me whenever you get a shot.