I figure that Aucoin is my emergency plus-minus guy and Whitney gets me plenty of scoring, so I can use whomever I need for whichever
( Or just use them both as they often don't play on the same nights... no penalty to more skater games after all.)
Asher, have you ever played in a league with stats on a per game basis exclusively (with a min games played of course)? (P/G, A/G, PPG/G, PPA/G, etc.) Would certainly be an interesting contrast to the current system. I would think it would reward 'good drafters' more than this system (as in this system if you have 4 or 5 bad guys on your team you can just do like Flubber and pick up new guys constantly to replace them, and the extra skater games helps counteract the fact that you're regularly starting waiver wire guys).

Asher, have you ever played in a league with stats on a per game basis exclusively (with a min games played of course)? (P/G, A/G, PPG/G, PPA/G, etc.) Would certainly be an interesting contrast to the current system. I would think it would reward 'good drafters' more than this system (as in this system if you have 4 or 5 bad guys on your team you can just do like Flubber and pick up new guys constantly to replace them, and the extra skater games helps counteract the fact that you're regularly starting waiver wire guys).