Originally posted by Asher
Again...he's written for many reputable hockey magazines and he has one of the most popular hockey blogs around. You may downplay the importance of people like him, but he gets read more regularly than similar bufoons like Mike Brophy (who is a certifiably douche, despite having lots of oldschool journalistic "cred").
This is a very pathetic way to dismiss a sound argument, by the way...you seem to think that everyone in the world thought the Raycroft deal was good, while it VERY MUCH was not.
Again...he's written for many reputable hockey magazines and he has one of the most popular hockey blogs around. You may downplay the importance of people like him, but he gets read more regularly than similar bufoons like Mike Brophy (who is a certifiably douche, despite having lots of oldschool journalistic "cred").
This is a very pathetic way to dismiss a sound argument, by the way...you seem to think that everyone in the world thought the Raycroft deal was good, while it VERY MUCH was not.
It's easy to sell freelance stories to publications in Canada. Lots of people do it. That doesn't make them experts.
This guy is just a blogger, and not a very good one either.
A sound argument? Only you would say that.
He contends the Leafs should have picked Legace as their starter. This is a goalie who Scotty Bowman did not have faith in as a starter. Instead of using Legace as a starter, the Wings went out and got Cujo, and then Hasek, and even hired Hasek again rather than put their faith in Legace.
And yeah, Legace has looked good in the past couple of weeks, but look at how he played in October and November.
Oh, and Mirtle thinks the Leafs also should have considered Dunham (another old backup goalie) or Brian Boucher (another old backup goalie) or Martin Prusek (not even in the NHL this year).
He also suggested Hasek and Cujo (please note this is not a typo, it is a nickname for Curtis Joseph), but the Leafs need a goalie who can play for a couple of years until Pogge is ready. (although part of me would like to see Cujo back)
Your buddy has simply proven my case that the Leafs needed a no. 1 goalie and Raycroft was the best viable option.