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  • #31
    Originally posted by giblets View Post

    Transgender people are not known for "getting over it"
    Then cry. My gives a **** is broken. The boy who cried wolf cried to many times. The whole ideology is evil and they need to leave children alone especially since 95%+ just grow out of it without being mutilated or sterilized. There is a reason most of the civilized world has banned it for minors and that is because there is zero evidence it works and lots of evidence it does actual harm.

    I wish Thorn well. I am sorry for his mental illness and as an adult he is free to harm himself if he so wishes. They will leave children alone though.
    Last edited by Dinner; February 11, 2025, 02:34.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #32
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
      "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
      He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


      • #33
        Originally posted by Dinner View Post

        Then cry. My gives a **** is broken. The boy who cried wolf cried to many times. The whole ideology is evil and they need to leave children alone especially since 95%+ just grow out of it without being mutilated or sterilized. There is a reason most of the civilized world has banned it for minors and that is because there is zero evidence it works and lots of evidence it does actual harm.

        I wish Thorn well. I am sorry for his mental illness and as an adult he is free to harm himself if he so wishes. They will leave children alone though.
        Take it up with the child psychologists recommending a course of treatment you disagree with.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dinner View Post

          Then cry. My gives a **** is broken. The boy who cried wolf cried to many times. The whole ideology is evil and they need to leave children alone especially since 95%+ just grow out of it without being mutilated or sterilized. There is a reason most of the civilized world has banned it for minors and that is because there is zero evidence it works and lots of evidence it does actual harm.

          I wish Thorn well. I am sorry for his mental illness and as an adult he is free to harm himself if he so wishes. They will leave children alone though.
          Do you also call homosexual people mentally ill?

          Also, stop making up fake statistics, and parroting other stupid crap you hear in online videos from other bigots like you.
          Indifference is Bliss


          • #35
            Originally posted by Thorn View Post

            He's actively going after trans people:

            6 ways Trump’s executive orders are targeting transgender people | PBS News​

            Pentagon to ban trans people from joining military, pauses gender-transition procedures​

            Obviously, they don't care because a lot of the IT jobs in the military are/were run by transgender people and in intelligence and interpreters/decoders.
            That's all stuff JM mentioned (things mainstream Americans have concerns about), plus the military. I'll grant you that. I imagine Trump wants them/you out of the military because it doesn't look "manly" or project strength. And techbros have no cause to care about IT jobs in the military. If you start reducing the supply of hireable Silicon Valley nerds, they might have cause to be less enthusiastic Trumpists. That's my point.

            Also this has happened before historically, we were the first people to get blamed, even though in the earlier case their main targets were jewish and slavic people:

            Transgender people in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia​

            I'm not making up my concerns out of thin air!

            It took Hitler only 53 days less then two months to gut German Democracy and have total control, just so you remember now! According to the survivors of the regime in different circumstances. All that was needed was apathy, and not challenging issues before it was too late. People just looked away and ignored what was going on, saying to their selves there is nothing that can be done, you know where that headed everything. Holocaust, and World War!
            Hitler was also a vegetarian. Shouldn't we shut down PETA now, before it's too late? EDIT: also, basically every country was horrible to gay/trans people at that time. The UK drove Alan Turing to suicide shortly after the war. Despite this, the UK did not go on to become a jackbooted dictatorship.
            Last edited by Elok; February 11, 2025, 09:47.
            1011 1100
            Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


            • #36
              Originally posted by N35t0r View Post

              Do you also call homosexual people mentally ill?

              Also, stop making up fake statistics, and parroting other stupid crap you hear in online videos from other bigots like you.

              A study commissioned by the British NHS finds there's poor evidence to support GAHC for minors.

              The leader of the long-running study said that the drugs did not improve mental health in children with gender distress and that the finding might be weaponized by opponents of the care.

              Paywalled, and I can't be bothered to subscribe or get around it, but this was rather infamous a while back--an American researcher started a study on puberty blockers at taxpayer expense, got data she didn't like, and declined to publish the results for fear they would be "weaponized" and used to deny care to trans teens.

              I favor a pluralistic society following the beautiful dream of the Rev. Dr. David K.W. Chapelle, Phd, MD, Esq., where no American needs to produce their birth certificate to take a **** at a Walmart bathroom. Much of the right-wing panic on this is just that, panic. But it is not baseless panic. Last I heard, progressives outnumber conservatives in the social sciences by a factor in the neighborhood of twenty to one, and the one was mostly economists. The Venn diagram of trans researchers and trans advocates at least appears to be dangerously close to a circle. And there are very obvious objections to the standard narrative on trans care for minors, and just the state of research and public dialogue on "trans" in general, which I at least have never heard answered.

              1. "Trans" is a heterogeneous category, determined by self-assignment. My one online writer friend, who is biologically male but dresses and identifies as female, is trans. My other online writer friend is biologically female, asexual, cultivates an androgynous style, and doesn't care what pronoun you call her. Also trans. My teen nephew hung out with the drama club and had a supportive mom, so now he's "genderfluid" which means he gets his nails painted, wore a dress to prom and nowhere else, and wishes to be referred to by the often-confusing pronoun "they." Trans. Old college friend I haven't spoken to since graduation appears to have transitioned entirely, maybe even surgically (haven't asked). Trans. When studies make claims about the nature of trans identity, do they bother to sort out which sort of person is meant, or do they treat the identity as a monolithic thing? I don't see how you would tease apart the billion overlapping variations, and anybody who tried to say, "not you, teenage boy who wants to fit in, I mean actual trans people" would get the bigot brush.

              2. Teens and tweens who need GAHC are uncomfortable with their bodies, and feel deep distress over being male/female. This is treated as a problem to be rectified. However, it is also a perfectly normal, maybe even typical, way for young girls to react to adolescence. Menstruation is gross and uncomfortable, boobs make exercise awkward, and everywhere you go your male classmates (and sometimes older boys/men) stare at you like dogs hoping you'll drop your steak on the floor. How do you distinguish this perfectly ordinary discomfort from "real" trans boys, especially in an environment where authority figures are praising the bravery of trans? Are all tween girls a little bit trans?

              3. Trusting a teenager's sense of their own identity is, in general, asinine. It's like trusting in a drunk's sense of balance. It practically doesn't exist. Identity is in flux during adolescence, and the kid is still figuring out who they are. That's, like, the point. This should be obvious. The answer we get is that the researchers ask questions very carefully and should be trusted. Given the intrinsic and unavoidable haziness of psychology as a discipline, and the way we also trusted the experts when they discovered repressed memories, this is not reassuring.

              4. A lot of what gets touted out in favor of trans in public discourse is sloppy, disingenuous, or stupid. Lots of casual assertions that cis people have a "gender identity" too, even though this is plainly unfalsifiable. Lots of digressions on how ackshually biological sex is very complicated, which go into genetics, mosaics, chimeras, androgen insensitivity, sexual development in utero, chemical markers, etc., etc., and somehow fail to ever, even once, reference the simple and clear definition used by biologists--ironically, the one used by Trump's executive order (eggs or sperm). Lots of references to random variously obscure peoples who had a third gender identity (and never mind that these peoples knew nothing of biology and they all likewise believed in shamanistic magic), which fail to mention that in many cases these genders were ways to accommodate male homosexuality (thing that gets penetrated by men, but has penis? We need a third category!). Just an endless barrage of junk. None of it ever gets attacked or questioned from the left.

              Anyway, this is not the start of a gay purge. It's an ordinary thermidorean reaction. Obergefell happened, the progressive media/academic/entertainment-industrial complex did a full-court press on trans stuff to take advantage of their momentum, and made some big progress in the face of growing public discomfort, calling dissenters terrible people who want teenagers to kill themselves. Now we're getting a backlash. It happens.
              1011 1100
              Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


              • #37
                "Hey man it's just normal for the culture war back and forth to hurt vulnerable people" is not reassuring.
                Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                • #38
                  It is, or should be, compared to "they'll be rounding me up into a camp to kill me any day now."
                  1011 1100
                  Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Elok View Post

                    A study commissioned by the British NHS finds there's poor evidence to support GAHC for minors.

                    The leader of the long-running study said that the drugs did not improve mental health in children with gender distress and that the finding might be weaponized by opponents of the care.

                    Paywalled, and I can't be bothered to subscribe or get around it, but this was rather infamous a while back--an American researcher started a study on puberty blockers at taxpayer expense, got data she didn't like, and declined to publish the results for fear they would be "weaponized" and used to deny care to trans teens.

                    I favor a pluralistic society following the beautiful dream of the Rev. Dr. David K.W. Chapelle, Phd, MD, Esq., where no American needs to produce their birth certificate to take a **** at a Walmart bathroom. Much of the right-wing panic on this is just that, panic. But it is not baseless panic. Last I heard, progressives outnumber conservatives in the social sciences by a factor in the neighborhood of twenty to one, and the one was mostly economists. The Venn diagram of trans researchers and trans advocates at least appears to be dangerously close to a circle. And there are very obvious objections to the standard narrative on trans care for minors, and just the state of research and public dialogue on "trans" in general, which I at least have never heard answered.

                    1. "Trans" is a heterogeneous category, determined by self-assignment. My one online writer friend, who is biologically male but dresses and identifies as female, is trans. My other online writer friend is biologically female, asexual, cultivates an androgynous style, and doesn't care what pronoun you call her. Also trans. My teen nephew hung out with the drama club and had a supportive mom, so now he's "genderfluid" which means he gets his nails painted, wore a dress to prom and nowhere else, and wishes to be referred to by the often-confusing pronoun "they." Trans. Old college friend I haven't spoken to since graduation appears to have transitioned entirely, maybe even surgically (haven't asked). Trans. When studies make claims about the nature of trans identity, do they bother to sort out which sort of person is meant, or do they treat the identity as a monolithic thing? I don't see how you would tease apart the billion overlapping variations, and anybody who tried to say, "not you, teenage boy who wants to fit in, I mean actual trans people" would get the bigot brush.

                    2. Teens and tweens who need GAHC are uncomfortable with their bodies, and feel deep distress over being male/female. This is treated as a problem to be rectified. However, it is also a perfectly normal, maybe even typical, way for young girls to react to adolescence. Menstruation is gross and uncomfortable, boobs make exercise awkward, and everywhere you go your male classmates (and sometimes older boys/men) stare at you like dogs hoping you'll drop your steak on the floor. How do you distinguish this perfectly ordinary discomfort from "real" trans boys, especially in an environment where authority figures are praising the bravery of trans? Are all tween girls a little bit trans?

                    3. Trusting a teenager's sense of their own identity is, in general, asinine. It's like trusting in a drunk's sense of balance. It practically doesn't exist. Identity is in flux during adolescence, and the kid is still figuring out who they are. That's, like, the point. This should be obvious. The answer we get is that the researchers ask questions very carefully and should be trusted. Given the intrinsic and unavoidable haziness of psychology as a discipline, and the way we also trusted the experts when they discovered repressed memories, this is not reassuring.

                    4. A lot of what gets touted out in favor of trans in public discourse is sloppy, disingenuous, or stupid. Lots of casual assertions that cis people have a "gender identity" too, even though this is plainly unfalsifiable. Lots of digressions on how ackshually biological sex is very complicated, which go into genetics, mosaics, chimeras, androgen insensitivity, sexual development in utero, chemical markers, etc., etc., and somehow fail to ever, even once, reference the simple and clear definition used by biologists--ironically, the one used by Trump's executive order (eggs or sperm). Lots of references to random variously obscure peoples who had a third gender identity (and never mind that these peoples knew nothing of biology and they all likewise believed in shamanistic magic), which fail to mention that in many cases these genders were ways to accommodate male homosexuality (thing that gets penetrated by men, but has penis? We need a third category!). Just an endless barrage of junk. None of it ever gets attacked or questioned from the left.

                    Anyway, this is not the start of a gay purge. It's an ordinary thermidorean reaction. Obergefell happened, the progressive media/academic/entertainment-industrial complex did a full-court press on trans stuff to take advantage of their momentum, and made some big progress in the face of growing public discomfort, calling dissenters terrible people who want teenagers to kill themselves. Now we're getting a backlash. It happens.
                    If you want some answers, then maybe asking in a less front-loaded, aggressive and dismissive way might help.

                    Although then you might actually get some answers.
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Elok View Post
                      It is, or should be, compared to "they'll be rounding me up into a camp to kill me any day now."
                      Right, that's totally unheard of.
                      Indifference is Bliss


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Elok View Post
                        It is, or should be, compared to "they'll be rounding me up into a camp to kill me any day now."
                        You're talking to a person who is scared and vulnerable and facing a sudden, dramatic increase in hateful rhetoric alongside legal persecution. Seriously, "you probably won't be genocided, just have your life royally ****ed up as collateral damage" is not helpful, man. An administration dominated by uncaring *******s who actively campaign against empathy and are supported by a sizable chunk of people who really do hate certain minorities is dangerous, even if it's not literally Nazi Germany 2.0 with Hitler reincarnated. You're not calming people down; you're dismissing their real concerns.
                        Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                        • #42
                          Trump's approval ratings have never been higher ðŸ‘

                          Ah America, what a nation of stupid heartless C*NTS that deserve everything they've got coming to them...

                          I feel sorry for the people getting ****ed over, but it's not like it's not obvious you've been living in a fascist state since, oh at least the 1920s...

                          Where do you think Hitler got his ideas from in the first place!? 🤷🙄
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by MOBIUS View Post
                            Ah America, what a nation of stupid heartless C*NTS that deserve everything they've got coming to them...
                            **** you.

                            Where do you think Hitler got his ideas from in the first place!? 🤷🙄
                            This is the stupidest piece of historical revisionism liberals trot out. Literal thousands of years of antisemitism, scapegoating, blood libel, expulsions, pogroms, and massacres across Europe and somehow people are like "har har the Nazis studied American slavery and Jim Crow laws." Dumbest ****ing nonsense.
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Thorn View Post

                              He's actively going after trans people:

                              6 ways Trump’s executive orders are targeting transgender people | PBS News​

                              Pentagon to ban trans people from joining military, pauses gender-transition procedures​

                              Obviously, they don't care because a lot of the IT jobs in the military are/were run by transgender people and in intelligence and interpreters/decoders.

                              Also this has happened before historically, we were the first people to get blamed, even though in the earlier case their main targets were jewish and slavic people:

                              Transgender people in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia​

                              I'm not making up my concerns out of thin air!

                              It took Hitler only 53 days less then two months to gut German Democracy and have total control, just so you remember now! According to the survivors of the regime in different circumstances. All that was needed was apathy, and not challenging issues before it was too late. People just looked away and ignored what was going on, saying to their selves there is nothing that can be done, you know where that headed everything. Holocaust, and World War!
                              Hitler didn't spend 4 years in power before doing Hitler stuff. This isn't Trumps first rodeo. We can look back and surmise that death camps are probably not in the cards.


                              • #45
                                He could rename Guantanamo to Filtration Camp so nobody takes notice.

