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  • I see you continue with the childish Maga nick names... real mature there.
    But the fact you use them sums up how invalid most of the stuff you post.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • Dauphin
      Dauphin commented
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      Don't know about Trump, but Gateway Pundit used that exact phrase.

    • Berzerker
      Berzerker commented
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      The exact phrase is 2 words based on Typhoid Mary. Maybe they got it from me, I sure didn't get it from them or MAGA and I still haven't seen it used. But since I dont frequent MAGA sites I wouldn't know what they're calling Fauci. I do find it amusing Democrats are upset by insults after spending years smearing people as traitors.
      Last edited by Berzerker; February 9, 2024, 00:12.

    • Ming
      Ming commented
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      Maga has used that term, and they got it from Trump and not you.
      But the real issue is that you think it's cool to use those childish nick names in the first place.
      It doesn't add any credibility to your posts... it just takes it away.
      We all await your next use of some Maga childish nick name.

  • <snip snip snip>
    Last edited by Geronimo; February 8, 2024, 10:27. Reason: wrong post


    • Stop the press. Special Counsel report into Joe Biden's document case says he comes across to many as an elderly man with a poor memory.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • I listened to a good chunk of the SCOTUS arguments about Trump's ballot access in Colorado. It doesn't look good for the state, even the Democrat appointed judges were skeptical. Might be a 9-0 vote

        Main argument was over whether or not the prez is an officer because he holds an office and therefore included on the 14th Amendment's list of disqualifications as an insurrectionist. They didn't debate as much the matter of due process and if people can be barred from the office without a trial and conviction for insurrection.


        • -Jrabbit
          -Jrabbit commented
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          This is pure theater -- right down to the timing of the Biden document (complete with personal insults regarding his memory) from the Trump-appointed special counsel.

          It's been pretty clear from the start that SCOTUS was never going to support keeping Trump off the ballot.

      • Biden said Israel's war on Gaza is over the top


        • Pfizer had a SB ad showing themselves in the company of various scientists thru time all to the voice of Freddie Mercury singing "Dont Stop Me Now"

          a line from the song is 'traveling at the speed of light' as Freddie describes his unstoppable momentum. Speed of light sound familiar? When Pfizer had to testify before a European body they were asked why they didn't test their vaccine for transmission and their rep said they were moving at the speed of science. The media and politicians they bribed told us the vaccine did prevent transmission. That lie got people killed, the vaccinated became infected anyway and spread it to the people being blamed - the unvaccinated.

          Didn't Pfizer get in trouble a while back for knowingly sending a batch of medicine tainted with HIV to Africa? Eh, maybe not. That would be evil.


          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
            Pfizer had a SB ad showing themselves in the company of various scientists thru time all to the voice of Freddie Mercury singing "Dont Stop Me Now"

            a line from the song is 'traveling at the speed of light' as Freddie describes his unstoppable momentum. Speed of light sound familiar? When Pfizer had to testify before a European body they were asked why they didn't test their vaccine for transmission and their rep said they were moving at the speed of science. The media and politicians they bribed told us the vaccine did prevent transmission. That lie got people killed, the vaccinated became infected anyway and spread it to the people being blamed - the unvaccinated.

            Didn't Pfizer get in trouble a while back for knowingly sending a batch of medicine tainted with HIV to Africa? Eh, maybe not. That would be evil.
            Berz, social distancing appears to have failed to significantly save lives. Do you disagree? If social distancing didn't work and the vaccine also didn't slow the transmission then how did the lies get anybody killed?

            For the record, the real lie appears to be the one that the vaccines didn't drastically slow transmission rates and shorten hospitalizations. That lie probably actually did get hundreds of thousands killed by convincing them to not get vaccinated.

            Vaccines that work against SARS-CoV-2 have helped change the course of the pandemic by reducing illness and hospital admissions. But Chris Stokel-Walker asks what we know about their impact on preventing transmission. The range of vaccines developed in record time by pharmaceutical companies and research laboratories have helped quell the worst effects of SARS-CoV-2. But much of the focus of research has been on effectiveness in preventing infection, illness, and hospital admission. What is less well measured is the impact of vaccination on preventing onward transmission. Most papers to date (notably, many are preprints and have yet to be peer reviewed) indicate vaccines are holding up against admission to hospital and mortality, says Linda Bauld, professor of public health at the University of Edinburgh, “but not so much against transmission.” The first weekly covid-19 vaccine surveillance report for 20221 from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) was more positive than Bauld’s assessment—but didn’t say outright that covid-19 vaccines prevent transmission. “Several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection,” it states, “Uninfected people cannot transmit; therefore, the vaccines are also effective at preventing transmission.” A study2 of covid-19 transmission within English households using data gathered in early 2021 found that even a single dose of a covid-19 vaccine reduced the …



            • Do you have a link about social distancing? I haven't looked at studies on that specific subject. The lie was the vaccine prevented transmission. Pfizer claimed they didn't test the vaccine for transmission (Thats another lie, ofc they did). But instead 'the establishment' running the country told us the vaccine prevented transmission. As a result of that lie people got vaccinated, got infected, and spread covid to others, including the unvaccinated people being blamed for the pandemic. It became obvious in the summer of '21 when lockdown restrictions were being lifted for the vaccinated in various parts of the world followed by covid spikes.

              From your article:

              “but not so much against transmission.”

              Feb '22... We knew that months earlier but when did Pfizer and their propagandists know?

              ​​​​​​"A subsequent study,4 conducted later in the course of the pandemic when the delta variant was dominant, showed vaccines had a less pronounced effect on denting onward transmission, but were still effective."

              Thats when I got the shots, I was told I wouldn't get covid much less spread it. I wasn't worried so much for myself as giving it to others. I wouldn't have gotten the vax if not for the lies and panic 4 profit created by Wall St. ​


              • FACT The Vaccine saved lives
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Berzerker
                  Berzerker commented
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                  Didn't save the people who died after getting infected from vaccinated people

                • Ming
                  Ming commented
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                  People got infected from both those vaccinated and those that weren't. That's a fact.
                  The vaccination saved lives. FACT

                  So what's your point again?

              • You dont know that


                • pchang
                  pchang commented
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                  Actually all of us who knows how pathogens work know that. You on the other hand have no idea how any of that works.

              • 214-213 House GOP impeaches Mayorkas over border policy​

                Biden's in charge, why bother with somebody following orders?

                This hurts the GOP, it looks petty and illogical


                • Bit odd that a vote for impeachment fails, and you can just revote the next week for the same reasons. Most other systems I know make you 'safe' from such actions for a limited period of time.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • I didn't know they had to vote twice to get the desired result... Kinda at odds with the notion of double jeopardy.

                    Weiss indicted Smirnov for making a false statement about Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine. Not sure yet what he said but it might be related to his claim Joe and Hunter got $5-$10m, possibly for getting rid of Shokin. I think Weiss is the Delaware guy in charge of Hunter's gun & tax problems, whatever deal he made with Hunter's lawyers blew up in his face when the judge noticed Weiss was granting Hunter potential immunity from future charges.

                    Whistleblowers beware, dot the i's and cross them t's...


                    • "Gratuitous"

                      Thats the establishment buzzword because the DoJ guy in charge of Biden's documents issue said they wont prosecute because the jury will see Joe as an old forgetful man. Crazy, Biden wont be charged and Democrats are mad anyway. Maybe the outrage is BS because they cant embrace the dismissal of charges while pushing for Trump's prosecution.


                      • Hunter Biden and Burisma: FBI source charged with lying about Biden bribe claims

                        I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                        Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                        Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!

