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  • I didn't hear about QAnon from them


    • Your mental gymnastics deserve a gold medal at the Olympics.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


      • Originally posted by Ming View Post
        Fauci did NOT unleash a disease on the world. FACT.

        You might argue how the US reacted to the disease, but MANY MANY people are to blame for that. Trump included.
        So I guess now you hate all doctors and scientists.

        And QAnon made themselves a story with their total BS claims. It was really low hanging fruit.
        And I'm surprised you had never heard of QAnon considering many of the sites you consider as true sources of information.
        Did you ever find any more Nazi pictures to post...
        Really low hanging fruit was Dauphin's point, the guilty create strawmen to discredit accusers by association. Plenty of photos of Nazis in Ukraine, even the kids hail cabs as soldiers go by. How did covid get unleashed?


        • There is no actual proof of how covid got unleashed. Some say a lab, and other say bats... NOBODY has proved it one way or another.
          However, it wasn't Fauci, which was just Maga BS on your part.
          And the whole world was talking about the moronic QAnon crap... it wasn't just Democrats or "liberal" media. I heard it on Fox, the National Review, the WSJ... and many other conservative new sources. But as usual for you, you blame everything on the Democrats.

          And I'm not the one that posted a fake photo shopped picture in a lame attempt to make somebody look like a Nazi. That was you as usual, posting stuff you saw on the internet as fact without doing the basic follow ups.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            it works though because Z is the feckless leader of a Nazi army that mocks him to his face

        • All of the initial covid-19 infections seem to be clustered around a Wuhan wet market if i recall correctly.
          The kind of wet market that health experts have been warning China about for years if not decades.
          I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
          Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
          Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            link? How did all those CIA agents miss that?

        • There's some evidence that fauci directed some resources towards gain of function research that may have accidentally led to covid-19. But even if it, did Fauci didn't unleash covid-19 because his contribution was nowhere near decisive in allowing the dangerous research and conditions under which it would be performed to occur.


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            who else was responsible for the research?

          • Geronimo
            Geronimo commented
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            Who else is responsible is likely only known by the lab and those in the PRC government interested in knowing. What we know is that Fauci didn't authorize enough resources to be majority responsible for all of the gain of function research there which could have accidentally created covid-19. if we assume the worst of everything then we know that Fauci may have had a chance to stop no more than $600,000 of the $3.7 mill budget the Wuhan lab had for such activities.
            Last edited by Geronimo; January 16, 2024, 14:24. Reason: clearer

        • I dont care how the bug escaped the lab (I do, but thats another matter), Typhoid Tony and his friends funded the research, bribed people to lie and smeared and censored critics. The CIA bribed its own people to lie. There was an extensive multi-agency effort to hide this massive crime against humanity. Thats why the Democrats were so mad when Trump kept tying it to Wuhan. Our media and government protected China because China was our partner in this crime.
          Last edited by Berzerker; January 11, 2024, 03:22.


          • -Jrabbit
            -Jrabbit commented
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            Tell us again why none of this is Trump's responsibility.

          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            I'd have to say it once before I could say it again. Fauci and friends created this plague, not Trump. Fauci and friends dictated policy, not Trump.
            Trump's responsibility was empowering Fauci and friends.

        • The GOP field has thinned significantly, Chris Christie is dropping out leaving Trump, Haley, Desantis and Vivek Ramaswamy^$*&#@

          Haley is the clear favorite among the neocons. Desantis was their man but he not only faltered but was never fully in their camp. Vivek is looking to inherit Trump's mantle but he actually has more in common with Desantis ideologically.

          Haley has taken a solid 2nd behind Trump in New Hampshire and with South Carolina early in the season she could get a decent start before Trump pulls ahead. But what happens if Trump cant or wont run? She could win a 3 way if Vivek and Desantis split Trump's vote. I think in that case if Vivek wasn't beating Desantis he'd drop so the Trump forces support Desantis.


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            a detainee at Gitmo accusing us of torture said Desantis (a military lawyer) was laughing in his presence

        • Rep Jamie Raskin was outside the capital giving a speech

          "they openly embrace political violence"

          No, he wasn't talking about his party's support for black lies murder, those were Jamie's words condemning authoritarianism and Trump as a fascist as Medea Benjamin of Code Pink was dragged away by security

          She was standing nearby quietly holding a sign saying Israel is not above the law.

          Jamie was upset he had to start over


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            Now thats funny I dont care who you are... Jamie Raskin gives a speech condemning fascism and political violence as his security drags a woman away

          • Uncle Sparky
            Uncle Sparky commented
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            And I've kept you unblocked for a couple of months now, but you are just such a asshat.

          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            Thats gold, Jerry! Gold!

        • Your maga underwear is showing again when you use terms like Typhoid Tony.
          And you keep stating that it "escaped a lab" like that is a fact. There is still no actual proof on how it got into this world.

          And you are THE ONE that believed the deep fake picture and gleefully posted it thinking it proved something besides how you were suckered by an easy to determine fake.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Geronimo
            Geronimo commented
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            I think you give way too much credit in calling that weak Photoshop a deep fake ming.

        • 2022er article, but Berz may have missed it:

          The usual deluge of invective prompted by coronavirus and vaccine issues is absent – Russia’s invasion may be a factor


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            lol, its Marcia again... "Joel Finkelstein, the chief science officer and co-founder of the Network Contagion Research Institute at Rutgers University"

            Guess who funds him

        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
          Your maga underwear is showing again when you use terms like Typhoid Tony.
          And you keep stating that it "escaped a lab" like that is a fact. There is still no actual proof on how it got into this world.

          And you are THE ONE that believed the deep fake picture and gleefully posted it thinking it proved something besides how you were suckered by an easy to determine fake.
          I came up with Typhoid Tony on my own, but it is unfair to Mary. She didn't invent the disease in a lab, she was just immune and spread it to others. The 'experts' who looked at the virus said it had a feature not found in nature but possible with lab manipulations, ie gain of function. Recognizing narratives is easy when "everybody" is spouting the same lines, the wet market was a narrative to cover for the Wuhan lab. Jon Stewart did a bit on Stephen Colbert about it. Then he handed an award to a Nazi who covered his tattoos for the occasion, Jon being Jewish and all. Oh well, nobody's perfect. I didn't know if the photo was real, the underlying message is. Zelensky is the feckless leader of a Nazi army that mocks him.


          • Originally posted by Dauphin View Post
            Your mental gymnastics deserve a gold medal at the Olympics.
            I didn't watch Hannity, Jones and Barr when QAnon became 'news' (and still dont), I was a devotee of MSNBC which is where I did hear about QAnon. Moving goal posts is not an Olympic sport.


            • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

              I came up with Typhoid Tony on my own, but it is unfair to Mary. She didn't invent the disease in a lab, she was just immune and spread it to others. The 'experts' who looked at the virus said it had a feature not found in nature but possible with lab manipulations, ie gain of function. Recognizing narratives is easy when "everybody" is spouting the same lines, the wet market was a narrative to cover for the Wuhan lab. Jon Stewart did a bit on Stephen Colbert about it. Then he handed an award to a Nazi who covered his tattoos for the occasion, Jon being Jewish and all. Oh well, nobody's perfect. I didn't know if the photo was real, the underlying message is. Zelensky is the feckless leader of a Nazi army that mocks him.
              First... creating kindergarten type insults is a Maga Thing. You also use the Brandon BS one too.
              Second... there is still no absolute proof it came from a lab or a wet market. I can find you the equal number of experts who all disagree on where it came from. NOTHING has been proved. FACT.
              Third... the fact that you posted the picture from one of your websites as if it was true, pretty much sums up the websites you are getting your Supposed facts from. It shows you are more than willing to believe anything they say without making the effort to check if it's actually true or not.
              And last... the fact that you blame liberal media for QAnon because you heard it on MSNBC is a total joke. It was everywhere, across all types of conservative and liberal media. For you to make the assumption it's a liberal plot because YOU heard it first on MSNBC sums up how you don't bother to use multiple sources for actual facts. You seem to see something in a single totally biased place, like the Nazi picture, and assume it must be true since you saw it on the internet.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Berzerker
                Berzerker commented
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                I blamed Democrat media for the QAnon narrative, they made it a national story for months if not years. Why?

            • The kindergartner insult was f Joe Biden, a sportscaster changed it to lets go Brandon. I like her version, its a commentary on our media kindergartners might not get. Why is Typhoid Tony a kindergartner insult? Anybody around here ever see Trump and his supporters the target of insults? Anyone, Bueller... Bueller? Where is there absolute proof for much of anything posted here? Where are your experts? We can start with the CIA's analysts, what was it, 8 of 9 said it was likely the lab before the dissenters were bribed. Tony's own people were telling him it came from a lab and they got grants to shut up. The photo came from X, I didn't know it was a fake, I do know it represents Z's predicament. I didn't blame liberal media. I said I heard about QAnon from Democrat media and somebody brought up Hannity, Jones and Barr as if I got my news from them.

