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  • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

    In no way shape or form does encountering an antigen constitute a "beat down" of the immune system berz. Unless maybe in the sense that eating food is a beat down of the digestive system or breathing air is a beat down of the lungs. And covid boosters aren't even the kind of antigens that can fight back. It's definitely not a beat down of the immune system in the way that thinking is a beat down of Berz's brain.

    link to the study berz then we can discuss.

    Then people wouldn't get sick when encountering antigens, but now you're comparing an apple to the varied side effects of the vaccine? Fighting back would better train the immune system for future encounters, but the boosters provoke a response. The immune system still has to ramp up the 'needed' defenses and that might weaken or distract the defenses keeping cancer at bay. How many shots a year is safe, and if you have an answer, why would more shots be unsafe? Would damage to the immune system from repeated boosters be a consideration?


    • Originally posted by Ming View Post
      And that's why I say that NEITHER Doctor can make ANY CLAIMS with out all the data.
      You seem to be claiming that your expert's claims are better than anybody else's claims... and that is total BS since there is no Clinical data to support ANY CLAIM AT THIS POINT.
      And you continue to support Anti Vax Propaganda anyway, even when the facts DON'T SUPPORT IT.

      But keep trying to claim that your expert is the only expert that can have an OPINION.
      What was his claim? He has seen a higher relapse rate in fully boosted patients. How can your doctor call that BS without seeing his data? That would be required reading, nothing else matters. And BS means untrue... The absence of clinical data is irrelevant.​


      • Yeah yeah yeah... your expert can say whatever he wants and you will back him because it supports your anti vax stance.
        I will say it one more time so maybe you will understand it. He is stating an opinion based on very limited data and no clinical data to back it up. Whether it's true or not can not be based on his LIMITED data. And that's what my doctor is saying. That NOBODY AT THIS TIME can make a claim either way because there is NO SOLID DATA available. My doctor says it's BS for him trying to make a claim that can not be supported by clinical data. CLINICAL DATA IS NOT IRRELEVANT... it's reality. Unlike somebody seeing a limited trend on a limited basis and trying to make claims based on insufficient data. There is a real fear that opinions that are presented as fact could cause serious damage.
        If your "expert" is so serious about his claims, he should go out and do the clinical trials needed to actually prove it, and then make his claims. instead of just stating an opinion not supported by real facts except for the limited patients he has seen. And yes, my doctor says that is what is BS about it.
        But feel free to keep touting your expert as the only expert that is allowed to have an OPINION. Because that's all it is at the moment, no matter how much you want to push it in support of your anti vax propaganda.

        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • NCI collects data from many doctors. They disagree with Berz’s doctor. The conspiracy here is that vaccines are bad and that the establishment is trying to hide this from the public. Vaccines are actually one of the best forms of medicine we have ever invented.
          “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

          ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


          • Originally posted by Ming View Post
            Yeah yeah yeah... your expert can say whatever he wants and you will back him because it supports your anti vax stance.
            I will say it one more time so maybe you will understand it. He is stating an opinion based on very limited data and no clinical data to back it up. Whether it's true or not can not be based on his LIMITED data. And that's what my doctor is saying. That NOBODY AT THIS TIME can make a claim either way because there is NO SOLID DATA available. My doctor says it's BS for him trying to make a claim that can not be supported by clinical data. CLINICAL DATA IS NOT IRRELEVANT... it's reality. Unlike somebody seeing a limited trend on a limited basis and trying to make claims based on insufficient data. There is a real fear that opinions that are presented as fact could cause serious damage.
            If your "expert" is so serious about his claims, he should go out and do the clinical trials needed to actually prove it, and then make his claims. instead of just stating an opinion not supported by real facts except for the limited patients he has seen. And yes, my doctor says that is what is BS about it.
            But feel free to keep touting your expert as the only expert that is allowed to have an OPINION. Because that's all it is at the moment, no matter how much you want to push it in support of your anti vax propaganda.
            I'm reporting what he said and you are reporting what your doctor said. The truthfulness of what he said depends on his data, so calling it BS requires seeing his data. Didn't your doctor claim he hasn't seen differences in relapse rates? If this Melanoma specialist said your doctor's claim was BS without seeing his data I'd be pointing out the flaw with his logic. Did your doctor say this Melanoma specialist's observation is BS because he made it before clinical trials? I know he's stating an opinion based on limited data, he doesn't need a clinical trial to observe relapse rates in his patients. How do they get to the trial stage if doctors dont observe and report data? I dont see Pfizer or the politicians and media on their payroll rushing in to find out if boosters can cause relapses, look at how long they kept lying about transmissibility.

            Questioning the efficacy of boosters in people who already got covid is not anti-vax. I never got covid but I did get the original 2 shots and Pfizer/Fauci royally screwed that up by administering them too closely in time thereby effectively negating much of the 2nd shot ('coincidentally' the 2nd shot was most associated with serious side effects). At the time I thought about putting the 2nd shot off for a few months to let my immune system settle down but Delta was peaking so I was a good soldier and did what they instructed. I'm not so much anti-vax as I am anti-Fauci/Pfizer and the propagandists bringing us their messages. I got the vax because of their lies and now I get to worry about what it did to me.


            • Originally posted by pchang View Post
              NCI collects data from many doctors. They disagree with Berz’s doctor. The conspiracy here is that vaccines are bad and that the establishment is trying to hide this from the public. Vaccines are actually one of the best forms of medicine we have ever invented.
              The vaccine was never tested for transmissibility but the establishment not only hid that from the public we were told it prevented transmissibility. The establishment inflated mortality rates and buried the risk to most people under a barrage of stats relying on old sick people. Many first responders and health care workers who got Covid long before the vax arrived lost their jobs thanks to Tony Fauci throwing them under the Pfizer bus. The establishment ignored or attacked and censored non-vaccine efforts and their proponents and closed parks and beaches for God's sake. No really, vitamin D deficiency was directly linked to the severity of Covid outcomes and the establishment told people to stay inside.

              People died because of that lie. Vaccinated people were led to believe they couldn't get or spread Covid and they did... to their family and friends, to the very people - the unvaccinated - being blamed for spreading Covid. This became obvious in the late summer and early fall of '21 when lockdown restrictions were being reduced for vaccinated people and Covid infections kept spiking. How's that for adding insult to injury, vaccinated people spread Covid to unvaccinated people and blamed them for getting Covid, didn't even want them to leave their homes or go to a hospital. Whether or not the vax was good or bad is situational, maybe not so good for Hank Aaron but might have saved Meatloaf. This is not about vaccines, just the Covid vaccine and the propaganda effort to panic and censor people.

              "So the movie goes like this, the biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked up in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartel's drugs and keep taking them over and over. I threw the script away. I mean who was going to believe that crazy idea? - Woody Harrelson SNL


              • "Questions about whether COVID-19 leaked from a Chinese laboratory have cast a chill over American virus research, drying up funding for scientists who collect or alter dangerous pathogens and intensifying a debate over those practices.

                The pullback has transformed one of the most highly charged fields of medical science. While some believe such experiments could fend off the next pandemic, others worry that they are more likely to start one."

                "Some of the affected experiments constitute gain-of-function research, in which scientists genetically alter a virus to see whether that makes the pathogen deadlier or more contagious."


                I thought it was racist to suggest the virus came from a Chinese lab. Looks like the critics were right, they did start a pandemic, not fend one off. Its alive... ITS ALIVE!!!

                But we dont do fund gain of function research, Tony Fauci said so... Or did he mean we dont fund it at the Wuhan lab but do so elsewhere? If you lie for the establishment you're rewarded, tell the truth and you're punished.


                • Berzerker
                  Berzerker commented
                  Editing a comment
                  you know, thats what they did to covid, they genetically altered it with a feature not found naturally to make it more contagious. Fauci denied they were funding gain of function under oath.

              • Uhhhh.... there is still plenty of disagreement in the scientific community on this issue. And almost every expert says it is near impossible to prove it one way or another.
                So to claim "they did it" is still an opinion at best. But again, feel free to parrot as fact every theory you see on the internet.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • In a trial when someone testifying is caught lying - repeatedly in this case - the jury is told they can disregard their other claims. I'm doing that with Tony Fauci and the people he and the CIA bribed to lie. But I thought Jon Stewart's bit on Stephen Colbert's show about the wet market vs Wuhan Institute of Virology as the source covered the matter sufficiently.

                  "A team of scientists is proposing a new explanation for some cases of long COVID, based on their findings that serotonin levels were lower in people with the complex condition.

                  In their study, published Monday in the journal Cell, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggest that serotonin reduction is triggered by remnants of the virus lingering in the gut. Depleted serotonin could especially explain memory problems and some neurological and cognitive symptoms of long COVID, they say."


                  They're looking at boosting seratonin levels as a treatment


                  • In other words... no actual proof, just your opinion. Got it.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • Found this somewhat amusing:

                      Republican dissenters vote for people who are not running

                      There were two official candidates for House speaker today: Republican Jim Jordan and Democrat Hakeem Jeffries. That didn’t stop some Republicans from voting for someone else, however.

                      Some voted for Kevin McCarthy, the former House speaker who was unseated two weeks ago after a band of right-wing Republicans joined Democrats to oust him.

                      Another group voted for Steve Scalise, who is the second-ranking Republican in the House and was the pick of the party last week to succeed McCarthy before it became clear that he could not unify House Republicans behind him.

                      The wildcard pick from other Republicans has been former Congressman Lee Zeldin of New York, who resigned last year to launch an unsuccessful bid for governor of his state.

                      When combined, more than a dozen Republicans have voted against Jordan now – a sizeable amount of opposition, given that the Ohio Republican can only afford to lose three Republican votes to win the speakership.


                      • Being a New York Republican, after reading that, I hoped that Lee Zeldin would be reasonable. He doesn't appear to be, and might be worse than Kevin McCarthy.

                        He is credited with the success Republicans had in New York in 2022.

                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                          In a trial when someone testifying is caught lying - repeatedly in this case - the jury is told they can disregard their other claims. I'm doing that with Tony Fauci and the people he and the CIA bribed to lie. But I thought Jon Stewart's bit on Stephen Colbert's show about the wet market vs Wuhan Institute of Virology as the source covered the matter sufficiently.

                          "A team of scientists is proposing a new explanation for some cases of long COVID, based on their findings that serotonin levels were lower in people with the complex condition.

                          In their study, published Monday in the journal Cell, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania suggest that serotonin reduction is triggered by remnants of the virus lingering in the gut. Depleted serotonin could especially explain memory problems and some neurological and cognitive symptoms of long COVID, they say."


                          They're looking at boosting seratonin levels as a treatment

                          actually not sure if that would solve the problem though if the bug is still in the body disrupting processes... what will get at the bug?

                          is there an anti-viral diet or drink? I use a variety of spices and supplements that are supposedly good for stomach and intestinal problems

                          and if the bug can cause gut problems can the vax? The people who pushed Pfizer's messages and censored dissent will undoubtedly continue lying about the results of their policies so maybe we'll find out when most of the people who got the jabs are dead anyway.


                          • -Jrabbit
                            -Jrabbit commented
                            Editing a comment
                            I'm curious, Berz: What's your source for these New York Times stories? They are generally paywalled and I can't believe you actually subscribe.

                          • Berzerker
                            Berzerker commented
                            Editing a comment
                            yahoo news

                        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                          and if the bug can cause gut problems can the vax? The people who pushed Pfizer's messages and censored dissent will undoubtedly continue lying about the results of their policies so maybe we'll find out when most of the people who got the jabs are dead anyway.

                          Your OPINIONS are getting funnier and funnier. Next you will probably claim that the vax stops babies and kills kittens.
                          Is there anything that your aren't blaming the vax for?

                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • The vax can cause some of the same side effects as the virus. It would be interesting to see if the vax injured have low seratonin levels and respond to treatment

