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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • You actually believe Trump made peace in Afghanistan? Wow. That explains a lot.
    “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


    • Berzerker
      Berzerker commented
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      peace between the Taliban and us

    • pchang
      pchang commented
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      That didn’t happen either.

  • Originally posted by Ming View Post
    Gee... calling Biden "Brandon" sure shows your biases... Blaming Biden for the Drug Wars and creating the Cartels...
    And you keep talking about this supposed peace deal? Exactly what was it? Was it one that would have left Ukraine's border intact or was it some massive land steal by Russia... Please provide us with a copy of this supposed deal... and some actual proof that Biden wanted a war.
    You still seem to want to show Russia as some kind of good guy who was just trying to protect people, instead of a land grabbing empire who killed and raped the people they claim they were protecting.
    I call him Brandon because a reporter intentionally mistranslated a crowd's chant to hide what they were saying, kinda exemplifies the state of our media. But yes, Brandon is competing with Shrub, Nixon and LBJ for the worst president in my life. Well, Obama and Clinton are up there too, they killed a couple million or so. Biden has been writing our drug war laws for a half century, alcohol prohibition created cartels within days and weeks of the law's enforcement. When Prohibition was repealed the homicide rate dropped 13 years in a row. Joe Biden has not only destroyed black and brown communities across the USA he created the slaughterhouses south of the border that result in waves of immigrants at the border escaping the mayhem. Kinda like how Obama created a wave of refugees flooding into Europe thanks to his "Arab Spring" destroying several countries.

    Whatever the peace deal was it involved Putin withdrawing the Russian army from Kiev. No, Ukraine would not get Crimea or the Donbas. If it was a land steal Putin wouldn't have waited 8 years, he wanted Minsk where the Donbas remains in Ukraine but with greater autonomy so Azov didn't get to run eastern Ukraine. Maybe we should be asking the people of the Donbas and Crimea what they want, I'd prefer letting them decide who is good or bad. If Azov was actually defending them from a Russian invasion you'd have an argument, but the Donbas was at war with Azov before Russia intervened on their behalf.


    • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

      WTF would NATO sign a treaty forbidding Ukraine from ever joining? Already, in Annexing Crimea Putin already had violated the United Nations Charter, the1975 Helsinki Final Act: and the 1997 Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty - just to mention fully binding treaties to say nothing of written commitments like the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. In signing the treaty in an attempt to placate an unapologetic treaty breaker still in office what possible safety would that have offered to Ukrainians? Anybody in NATO could have literally officially wiped their dirty arses with any draft treaty and it would not extend the tiniest culpability to them for any of Russia's actions. In any case, since logically the the only way that Russia could carry out a threat to invade Ukraine intended to coerce NATO into compliance would be by overtly breaking several treaties, what value would signing the treaty possibly have for NATO since the other party has already indicated that it does not recognize treaties as providing any constraint on its actions? It would be incredibly stupid to sign any treaty in response to a promise to refrain from a certain treaty breaking behavior.

      Anyway when you said "draft treaty" I thought you were referring to the quasi-fictional early 2022 draft treaty that supposedly made Putin leave Kiev. You talk about that far more often. Please provide more context.
      To spare Ukraine and the people of the Donbas this war, I thought peace was our goal It aint like we actually observe treaties but we could have easily prevented this war if we allowed "democracy" in Ukraine. If Biden was serious about peace he wouldn't have been telling Zelensky to lie about potential Nato membership. I dont think you have a leg to stand on as far as laws and charters, the 2014 coup and slaughter of protesters wasn't legal and no amount of lipstick will cover that pig. People in eastern Ukraine rejected it and Joe Biden doesn't get to send Nazis after them and call it democracy. Russia spent 7-8 years watching Kiev and Washington break the Minsk treaties and now we know why, it was a sham by the west to arm Ukraine. Thats why we kept the war in the Donbas going, couldn't make peace and expect Russia to invade.


      • Originally posted by pchang View Post
        Putin did not invade because Trump was weakening NATO. Once Trump was gone and NATO started to strengthen its cohesiveness, there was nothing to be gained from waiting anymore.
        8 years was long enough I guess... Putin invaded for 2 reasons: stop Kiev's attack on the Donbas and ensure Ukraine doesn't become a Nato platform for missiles along the border manned by Azov


        • I somehow find this guy interesting - he's kind of boring , but then again, he is german

          With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

          Steven Weinberg


          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

            8 years was long enough I guess... Putin invaded for 2 reasons: stop Kiev's attack on the Donbas and ensure Ukraine doesn't become a Nato platform for missiles along the border manned by Azov
            Nice way to stop an attack... attack yourself and kill and rape far more people. Great Job.
            And they attacked for only one reason... A land grab/empire building. It's obvious they never cared about the people.
            But please keep pushing the "Russians are saviors" narrative...
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Berzerker
              Berzerker commented
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              waiting 8 years didn't end the attack on the Donbas, this will

            • pchang
              pchang commented
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              Putin’s attack has only increased the killing in the Donbas. The only way Putin’s war stops the killing in the Donbas is by killing all the people so there are no more left to kill.
              Last edited by pchang; October 24, 2023, 11:56.

            • Berzerker
              Berzerker commented
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              Putin called that denazifying Ukraine

          • Originally posted by BlackCat View Post
            I somehow find this guy interesting - he's kind of boring , but then again, he is german

            Lies! It's far more probable that lots of helis fell out of airbase windows or that some drunk/drugged guys toyed with hand grenades


            • Berzerker
              Berzerker commented
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              WWII? Gee, what happened back then to kill so many Russians? This is how the Canadian parliament ends up giving a standing ovation to Nazis

          • Just rumours for now, so maybe it's something, or just nothing:

            Russian President Vladimir Putin suffers cardiac arrest in presidential bedroom, an insider group reveals

            Russian President Vladimir Putin has suffered a cardiac arrest in his bedroom following months of speculation over his health, a source has claimed.



            • pchang
              pchang commented
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              Fembot assassination attempt.

          • I think they are confusing it with a sudden heart failure and death of another Lukoil executive. Russia suspects foul play as this executive failed to fall out of the window like the last one.
            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


            • BeBMan
              BeBMan commented
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              Just read about this, second guy in a year. I think he was planned to go to a hospital first to properly fall out of the hospital window like the earlier chap to avoid any supicions, but something went wrong...

          • The Kremlin has rejected speculation about Vladimir Putin’s health, saying the president is fit and well.

            In a regular call with reporters, Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, also denied suggestions that the Russian leader was using body doubles, calling them an “absurd hoax”.(...)​

            I guess that settles it...


            • Putin was skating around the outside of the rink next to the wall before a hockey game and someone had laid out a small carpet for some reason and Vlad hit that and face planted... that was a few years ago.


              • Is Belarus pessimistic about the big push south? Or is Putin still alive and sends out his underling to beg for peace in three days?? So many questions and no youtube vid



                • Putin has been offering peace deals for over 2 years, Nato/Biden said "NYET"... Once Russia is ready to send in the reserves and no deal is made and/if the ground can support heavy machinery the push will come. Maybe... is there a need for it? Russia can sit back and take advantage of their defensive lines while Biden badgers Zelensky into more 'counter offensives'.


                  • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                    Putin has been offering peace deals for over 2 years, Nato/Biden said "NYET"... Once Russia is ready to send in the reserves and no deal is made and/if the ground can support heavy machinery the push will come. Maybe... is there a need for it? Russia can sit back and take advantage of their defensive lines while Biden badgers Zelensky into more 'counter offensives'.
                    suppose Ukraine and Putin say "Da" to a peace deal Berz. How does Nato/Biden say "NYET"? use Azov to kill Zelensky's family? Couldn't Zelensky and Putin kill Azov instead? Really, what possible leverage would Nato/Biden have to force an unwanted war on Putin/Zelensky?


                    • Biden made Zelensky a better offer... and Azov wouldn't kill him.

                      and... no, Zelensky couldn't kill Azov and if he tried they'd/we'd kill him. You already know Zelensky got elected to make peace and when he showed up in the Donbas Azov sent him packing with his tail between his legs. He's an actor playing a role and trying to stay alive. When Azov objected to his friend and adviser Zelensky sent his friend packing.


                      • Berzerker
                        Berzerker commented
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                        probably for his own protection... if Nazis were pissed off at my friend and firing him removed him from potential crosshairs I'd consider it a wise move