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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by Ming View Post

    Thanks for proving my point. This is a land grab by Putin, pure and simple. His troops keep killing and raping the people you claim he's protecting. He doesn't give a damn about the people, only the territory. Right from Putin's mouth... he's a conqueror. The real heroes are those that are trying to stop this illegal invasion by Putin.
    He was responding to Ukraine's 10 pt peace deal requiring Russia leave Ukraine entirely without concessions, that would mean abandoning the people of the Donbas to Nazis. That aint happening.


    • Joe Biden let Ukrainian Nazis murder an American citizen and journalist


      • You always ignore Putin's ILLEGAL invasion which has killed thousands of those you claim he was protecting. His soldiers raped the women and destroyed their towns and lives. And all you can say is Biden this and Biden that.

        Putin is expanding his empire. That's all there is to it. He doesn't give a damn about any body but the empire. No matter how many Russian and Ukrainians die, he won't give up an inch of land he has illegally taken.
        Your Hero.

        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • We are not arming Russia, we armed Nazis to kill Ukrainian protesters.


          • And Putin illegally invaded another county and his soldiers killed and raped those he claimed to be defending, while destroying their towns and lives.
            You keep skipping over that part
            Keep on Civin'
            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • Was arming Nazis to kill Ukrainians legal?

              7 minutes in Glenn Greenwald discusses Zelenky's peace deal

              reminds me of the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail where King Arthur dismembers the Black Knight who doesn't know when to quit


              • You keep ignoring the illegal invasion, and Putin killing all the people you claim he was saving in a pure land grab.
                But keep bringing up Nazi's...
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • The word "завоевание" (zavoevanie) in russian has a broader meaning than just "conquest". It may also mean "achievement".

                  gains, achievements...


                  • Yawn... so what. Simple distraction at best.
                    Why is Putin killing, raping, destroying town and lives of the people you claim he's saving?
                    Oh that's right, it's a land grab and he doesn't actually care about the people.
                    But keep saying NAZI, like that makes his war crimes and illegal invasion OK.
                    Your hero isn't a hero.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                      The word "завоевание" (zavoevanie) in russian has a broader meaning than just "conquest". It may also mean "achievement".

                      gains, achievements...
                      Thank you, berZ


                      • Originally posted by BlackCat View Post

                        Interestng, a danish officer in some local news mentioned that the Ukrainians had som old soviet AA-system called S-200 with a range of 300 km. It was apparently retired in 2013, but if it was only stockpiled under good conditions, it could be brought back to life. Of course not in it's original design, then the russians would recognize it, but if they have been able to change it's radar signature to say a S-300, the russians might see it and just move out of range of a such - then surprise happened when it continued.
                        I'm not sure I get this correctly ... IIRC there were lotsa rumours about the actual cause of the downing, incl. that it may have been friendly fire (tho it was two planes after all, so that would be an epic fail).

                        Is the missile thing above hinting towards a Ukrainian strike where they somehow managed to disguise their missile(s?) in use as Russia's?

                        That would be quite impressive.


                        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                          Yawn... so what. Simple distraction at best.
                          Why is Putin killing, raping, destroying town and lives of the people you claim he's saving?
                          Oh that's right, it's a land grab and he doesn't actually care about the people.
                          But keep saying NAZI, like that makes his war crimes and illegal invasion OK.
                          Your hero isn't a hero.
                          Nazis are relevant to the story because it was Nazis who attacked and killed thousands of protesters with our aid and comfort. Mariupol was taken by Azov and held for 8 years and the Donbas was nearly overrun and protesters asked for help and Russia sent troops in twice to stop Azov's advances and peace talks began. A peace that kept the Donbas in Ukraine. How do you explain that if Putin's motive is a land grab? As recently as March '22 Putin was offering basically the same deal. My heroes are the people of the Donbas who fought back, it took balls to stand up to a Nato proxy war with Nazis in the vanguard. That was indeed heroic.


                          • BeBMan
                            BeBMan commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Non-Nazi Meduza non-Nazi-revealed that Nazi-Putin Nazi-armed his Nazi-Nazis.

                          • Berzerker
                            Berzerker commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Are you accusing the people of the Donbas of being Nazis to justify sending a Nazi army to kill them?

                          • BeBMan
                            BeBMan commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Nazi-Putin is so Nazi that even his own Nazis went Nazi on him, even brought Nazi-Grenades onto their Nazi-Planes or somesuch..

                        • And Putin is your hero because he invaded another country and killed and raped the people you claim he was protecting.
                          What a guy.
                          But I guess if you scream Nazi over and over again, Putin is the good guy. Guess what, he's a war criminal, and doesn't give a damn about the people... only the land.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Russia is sad now.
                            Ukraine is destroyed.

                            Maybe there will be a cease fire and an accord.

                            But noone seems to want it.
                            the west supports ukraine without a sweat. China wanst to try and support Russia.

                            thing is poor ukriane is wasted. and russia is pushed back to the middle ages.

                            I don't know if someone wantys this, but it has happened.

                            What is far more intersting and far more dangerous is that iran is an emering superpower.

                            and they are persians not some mongol tribe,


                            • the audacity for pakistan to attack iran and for iran to hit back

                              iran is amred to the teeth. unlike russia it has an endless wealth and determination. the fact that it didn't give a damn and attacked pakistan means a looooooooot.

                              Iran is where it's at

                              not russia, not israel

                              IRAN (respect to the old persian adversaries but they are a force to ber ecogned with)

                              the cresent moon of converging superpowers capabilities concentrate on Iran
                              (I hope it goes aginst turkey )

