I am now, since Monday.
Seems like chances aren't all too low that I will survive.
Symptomes in my case are similar to an Influenza, with feeling weak/sick, having a sore throat and an increased mucus generation in throat and nose.
Fortunately no negative impact on my sense of smell.
Seems like I am lucky to have so few symptomes (so far), hope it doesn't get worse.
And afterwards I will have an increased protection against a reinfection again (combined with my vaccination and booster shot)
Anyone else who has experienced (or currently does experience) a CoViD-19 infection?
Seems like chances aren't all too low that I will survive.
Symptomes in my case are similar to an Influenza, with feeling weak/sick, having a sore throat and an increased mucus generation in throat and nose.
Fortunately no negative impact on my sense of smell.
Seems like I am lucky to have so few symptomes (so far), hope it doesn't get worse.
And afterwards I will have an increased protection against a reinfection again (combined with my vaccination and booster shot)

Anyone else who has experienced (or currently does experience) a CoViD-19 infection?