Originally posted by Ted Striker
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Yeah, I can speak to that last bit. I have 2 kids, and I have them half the week. I'm working from home. Even if it's not especially busy, I cannot give them the attention they actually need, and they end up kind of doing whatever. And they're pretty good! Maybe it can be improved and work better. I'm skeptical, but at the same time I recognize that reopening in person learning may not be viable and I'd rather have the so-so at best distance learning that in-person that leads to disaster.
I have two close friends in education - one is a middle school teacher, the other a college professor. They're both trying to figure it out, and there are no easy answers. ETA: I have several other friends, actually, who are teachers, I just haven't talked to them about this as much. But they're all scrambling.
Also: w/r/t spread, it's not just the kids bringing it home. It's the teachers & other staff! I watch this and I'm like... does no one remember what it's like when your kids go back to school each year and everybody gets whatever bugs are going around? Granted, we'll have precautions in place this time and that's all to the good. But I worry, and I think for good reason.