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WW2 Soviet Revisionism Has Gone too Far

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  • #16
    We have overcome american/british backed dictatorship so I'm free to talk sh!t about the prime minister if I choose to
    And i choose to


    • #17
      It's amazing how many nazi ****s both iternal and external this country's left wing has beaten


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
        our clown lower than the sewers right wing piece of sh!t corrupted incompetent son of a b!tch prime minister quivers in front of the strength and integrity of ideals of the left wing that like a tsunami will drawn in RED BLOOD (ideological) their clown of a government

        very soon
        You sound like Serb.


        • #19
          The number you guys are looking for is actually 65%. Which could have been cut in half if it wasn't for inept leadership until Zhukov arrived and stood up to Stalin.

          You'll also notice the Chinese contribution gets completely ignored in all of these conversations. Chinese and US absorbed the entire Eastern flank for the Soviets.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	WWII-Militarty-Deaths.jpg
Views:	222
Size:	57.2 KB
ID:	9387175

          Also, Poland took the worst out of anybody, and their invasion by the Soviets (enablers of Nazi aggression) gets also conveniently left out of these discussions.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	World-War-2-Deaths-by-Country-Map.jpg
Views:	360
Size:	454.1 KB
ID:	9387176

          We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


          • #20
            Yeah the Soviets enabled Nazi aggression a year after the British and French let the Nazis have Czechoslovakia.


            • #21
              The big difference is Stalin just didn't give a **** about his own people, not at all, not at all. No gun? Doesn't matter. Off to the front! No food? Doesn't matter. Fight until you starve. Meanwhile Stalin and the communist party's top brass all got to feast every day. They had zero care but we knew that based upon how they acted during the Russian civil war and especially how Stalin acted during the Polish-Soviet war in the early 1920's. Hell, we haven't even gotten to Stalin's gulag's or his great purge. The guy killed more people than Hitler and each communist dictator also racked up impressive body counts (Mao even more than Stalin or Hitler) yet our modern commies still make excuses for these evil people because of ideology.

              They're horrible people for attempting to justify and/or over look these crimes against humanity.

              The main reason US and UK (plus commonwealth) KIA counts were so low is because they DID care about the lives of their people and made sure they had best in the world field hospitals as well as best possible equipment and leadership for them.
              Last edited by Dinner; January 29, 2020, 21:27.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • #22
                Speaking of revisionism, the US embassy in Denmark forced to issue a correction after claiming that American soldiers liberated Auchwitz.


                • Ted Striker
                  Ted Striker commented
                  Editing a comment
                  I can't read Ancient Norse gibberish. Something something Asgard, human sacrifice, pastries

              • #23
                Claiming the % of contribution to victory based on the number of soldiers killed is a real stupid metric.
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #24
                  In specific cases, yes there are outliers, but from what I can see it’s not a bad proxy when comparing war allies relative losses (or mobilised and engaged). I’d like to see a statistical chart across multiple wars vis a vis historians’ views of actual contribution.

                  Economic metrics would probably be better, in recent history.
                  One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                  • #25
                    Originally posted by rah View Post
                    Claiming the % of contribution to victory based on the number of soldiers killed is a real stupid metric.
                    Do you mean number of soldiers lost fighting the Nazis or number of Nazis killed/captured. Destroying the German military seems like a pretty big part of winning.


                    • #26
                      Originally posted by Braindead View Post

                      You sound like Serb.
                      He sounds like a free man, not a brainwahed zombie. The man who knows the truth about history.


                      • #27
                        Originally posted by Ted Striker View Post
                        The number you guys are looking for is actually 65%. Which could have been cut in half if it wasn't for inept leadership until Zhukov arrived and stood up to Stalin.
                        First of all - facepalm!!!

                        Secondly, when I was talking about 75%, I meant the number of the Third Reich and it's allied forces destroyed by Soviet Union, not the price we have paid for their invasion.

                        The West have arrived to Europe to get the spoil, when everything was already clear already and the Nazi beast have beet crushed by Russia.


                        • #28
                          Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                          The big difference is Stalin just didn't give a **** about his own people, not at all, not at all. No gun? Doesn't matter. Off to the front! No food? Doesn't matter. Fight until you starve. Meanwhile Stalin and the communist party's top brass all got to feast every day. They had zero care but we knew that based upon how they acted during the Russian civil war and especially how Stalin acted during the Polish-Soviet war in the early 1920's. Hell, we haven't even gotten to Stalin's gulag's or his great purge. The guy killed more people than Hitler and each communist dictator also racked up impressive body counts (Mao even more than Stalin or Hitler) yet our modern commies still make excuses for these evil people because of ideology.

                          They're horrible people for attempting to justify and/or over look these crimes against humanity.

                          The main reason US and UK (plus commonwealth) KIA counts were so low is because they DID care about the lives of their people and made sure they had best in the world field hospitals as well as best possible equipment and leadership for them.
                          I read just the first line of your post. Can't handle to read the rest of the sh!t.
                          You are an Idiot, Oedrin, really! A blind, brainwashed idiot, raised on Hollywood propaganda.
                          I don't even feel a pity for you.

                          The idiots are doomed to repeat the mistakes.

                          So we will crush you, as we have crushed your predescessors, who thought exactly like you do now!

                          A ****ing brainwashed idiots, who never learns!


                          • #29
                            Originally posted by rah View Post
                            Claiming the % of contribution to victory based on the number of soldiers killed is a real stupid metric.

                            600+ of the Third Reich divisions alone, not to mention AXIS allies, destroyed on the Eastern Front is another thing to valuate contribution.


                            • #30
                              The Whole World in 1945 KNEW PERFECTLY who had destroyed Nazism.

                              After decades of Cold war propaganda - you don't know a sh!t now about history!

