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  • Giancarlo
    A former boyfriend of Blasey's claimed the Kavanaugh accuser did advise Monica McLean on the test two decades ago.

    The ex boyfriend is lying. Kidiot was running with this story. I knew it was bull**** from the onset.

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  • Giancarlo
    Historic numbers of women are winning local, state and congressional offices and nominations. I hope kidiot enjoys the backlash.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Actually it sounds like a war on women under the guise of protecting children.
    I`d guess that, in the rare cases where a woman is the offender (and her husband didn't report it), the husband will get punished much more lightly

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  • -Jrabbit
    Ah, Oklahoma. Home of "Failure to Protect" laws. From today's Chicago Tribune....

    OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — After Robert Braxton Jr. was convicted of beating his girlfriend’s children, he was sentenced in 2006 to probation and two years already served in jail while awaiting trial for the abuse, which included choking, punching and breaking the femur and ribs of a 3-month-old daughter.

    The children’s mother, Tondalao Hall, was never accused of hurting her kids. But her penalty was much harsher: 30 years in prison for failing to tell authorities about the abuse. She could be incarcerated into her 50s and miss their childhoods altogether while their abuser moved on long ago.

    The state’s Pardon and Parole Board recently declined to shorten the sentences of Hall and three other women with similar stories, alarming women’s rights groups and bringing attention to failure-to-protect laws in Oklahoma and a few other mostly conservative states that critics say can lead to harsher punishments for abused and frightened mothers than for child abusers themselves.

    “That’s a pattern that we’re seeing all too often,” said Megan Lambert, a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma, which represents Hall, who she says Braxton also beat and psychologically abused her.

    Every state has laws designed to protect children, but only six — Oklahoma, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, South Carolina and West Virginia — have failure-to-protect laws or similar child abuse statutes that carry possible life sentences, though Texas’ equivalent carries a maximum 99-year term.

    Oklahoma’s law also doesn’t make exceptions for parents who don’t report abuse out of fear for their own safety and is disproportionately applied to the mothers of abused children, Lambert said. This has contributed to the over-incarceration of women in Oklahoma, which has the country’s highest female incarceration rate, at more than twice the national average.

    “Tondalao Hall and her children deserve the justice of her freedom,” she said.

    Former Oklahoma House Speaker Kris Steele, a member of the parole board who cast the sole vote to commute the sentences of Hall and the other three women, said two out of three women in Oklahoma prisons are victims of abuse.

    “The individual under consideration was actually a victim of intimate partner violence, and yet they’re treated as the offender,” said Steele, who now heads Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform, a group that supports policies that create alternatives to prison and keep families together.

    Failure-to-protect laws, like child neglect and endangerment statutes, are designed to protect vulnerable children from abuse and harm but have unintended consequences, said Danielle Ezell, a board member for Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform, which plans to ask the Legislature to amend state laws to prevent abused women from being penalized for being unable to protect their children from abusers.

    “Women are being sentenced to two times, three times, four times the amount that the abuser was,” said Ezell, adding that these lengthy sentences break up families and force taxpayers to support the inmate and their children.

    “Maybe we’re doing more harm than good,” she said.
    Sorry, but that is just fvcked up. It's basically a war on children under the guise of protecting children.

    Offending states: Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia .

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  • Proteus_MST
    Didn't Kid, a few days ago, repeat a claim that Dr. Ford said she used a cellphone in 1982?

    Well, both, snopes as well as politifact rate the story as false.
    Typical fabrication by Trumpists, once again, with the obvious intention to discredit Dr. Ford at all costs

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    New Harvard poll finds that 60% favor confirmation if the FBI finds no corroboration.
    Lol wrong.

    Kavanaughs confirmation approval is down to 33% in a more recent poll. 60% my ass.

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  • Kidlicious
    New Harvard poll finds that 60% favor confirmation if the FBI finds no corroboration.

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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Fairly easy to route things through a US based proxy. IP address is really not that probative.

  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Broken_Erika View Post
    The Average Trumpsters responses to the money laundering thingey

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20181003-064937_Reddit.jpg
Views:	101
Size:	381.7 KB
ID:	9361443
    Typical Trumpist rhetorics ...
    every time one of their Trumpian heroes gets caught with something,
    they get not tired to mention that (Obama | Clinton/s | The Democrats | The Liberals | The Fake News Media | Someone else ) is much much worse (of course without ever citing any proof for this ... the others just are worse because it is so )

    I guess it will get interesting when Trump himself ever gets impeaced and/or jailed for one of his crimes.
    I foresee lots of Trumpists who will run Amok or perform acts of Self-Immolation in public places

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  • Proteus_MST
    Herer is another good reason why everyone (except Trumpsters, of course) should jhope that the democrats win back congress in the midterms:

    The congress can, with a simple commitee majority vote, decide that Trumps tax returns should be disclosed to the public.

    The article goes on to describe why it is rather probable that one can find enough traces for current illegal tax avoiding schemes by Donnie

    Most important:
    Trump got away with illegal tax avoiding schemes in the 80s/90s when it still was difficult to not get caught by the IRS.
    Nowadays (since the last 7 years) the republicans in congress took care to massively slash the budget of the IRS (so massively, that the IRS had to let go of 1/3 of its employees it still had in 2011.
    This means that for rich people is it easier than ever before, to ilegally cheat on taxes without getting caught (it is assumed that the loss by illegal tax avoidance (without getting caught) is around 125 B $ a year)

    So, it can be assumed to be rather improbable that Trump now (that it is easier than before) should have stopped soemthing he successfully got away with at a time it was still harder to do.

    Especially since every time when he got caught doing illegal things, he always got away with merely a slap on the wrist (example: The Trump University Fraud)

    Well, Al Capone also got doomed by cheating on taxes

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  • Giancarlo
    In the latest seven-day average in a survey of U.S. adults, 41 percent of respondents opposed Kavanaugh, 33 percent supported the conservative federal appeals court judge and 26 percent said they did not know. Opposition to Kavanaugh grew 4 percentage points after the Sept. 27 Judiciary Committee hearing in which university professor Christine Blasey Ford detailed a sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh and he denied it, portraying himself as the victim of a "political hit." Opposition grew every day after the hearing in the poll, conducted between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1. The increase in opposition to Kavanaugh, facing a confirmation vote in the Senate after being nominated by Trump for a lifetime position on the court, appears to be driven by those who previously did not have an opinion.

    The American public are increasingly against Kavanaugh. This could be disastrous for many republicans in the midterms. Kavanaugh confirmed or not, damned if they do, damned if they don't.

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  • Giancarlo
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    The plot thickens.

    Guess who lives in Rehoboth. Dekaware.
    The lunacy thickens. Think the hamster running in a wheel in kidiots head. I live in Los Angeles. Guess who lives in Los Angeles? What an idiot.

    Hey did anyone get that Presidential test alert? Mine said that Donny lost his KFC bucket.

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  • Kidlicious
    The plot thickens.

    MITCHELL: The second is the letter that you wrote to Senator Feinstein, dated the — July 30th of this year.

    MITCHELL: Did you write the letter yourself?

    FORD: I did.

    MITCHELL: And I — since it’s dated July 30th, did you write it on that date?

    FORD: I believe so. I — it sounds right. I was in Rehoboth, Delaware, at the time. I could look into my calendar and try to figure that out. It seemed…

    MITCHELL: Was it written on or about that date?

    FORD: Yes, yes. I traveled, I think, the 26th of July to Rehoboth, Delaware. So that makes sense, because I wrote it from there.
    Guess who lives in Rehoboth. Dekaware.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
    Why isn't Kid writing to complain about the $500,000 Brett Kavanaugh Family GoFundMe account?
    Totally different ... Dr. Ford is female and a liberal, therefore it is evil ... Kavanaugh is male and republican, therefore it is OK

    In extension:
    Because Dr. Ford is female and liberal, she lies, no matter how much proof she could bring forward.
    Because Kavanaugh is male and republican, he is innocent, without any need to investigate further

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  • Giancarlo
    Right wing morons in Russia calling for civil war? They should do an IP trace on these comments... I bet you that is where most of them originate.

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