So, the Kurds just voted yes on independence. It's a nonbinding popular vote, but the Iraqi Supreme Court ordered them not to, and they gave said court the finger. I don't know what this means. I don't know how likely they are to act on this, or if anybody would be on their side in the dogpile that followed. I do wish the Kurds well, but I don't see this ending well for them. Even if Trump happens to intervene on their side, they can't rely on him any more than anyone else can. Without him, it's them against Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, and IS combined. With support from Russia. The best thing I can say in their favor is that nobody expected Israel to survive either, back in the day.
Do any of you know more about this, and care to weigh in?
Do any of you know more about this, and care to weigh in?