Is there a business related law or regulation in Saudi Arabia demanding business partners from abroad doing this? I guess no, and it would be pretty hard to enforce as long ppl stay outside the country, the fact aside that it would violate foreign souvereignty rights.
However, if they really want to go down that route it would be entirely in the hands of Saudi Arabia to just say "those infidels don't wear stuff, so we don't accept them doing business with us and they can buy oil elsewhere" - even when we don't agree with their take on this - because that is in the realm of their souvereignty.
However, if they really want to go down that route it would be entirely in the hands of Saudi Arabia to just say "those infidels don't wear stuff, so we don't accept them doing business with us and they can buy oil elsewhere" - even when we don't agree with their take on this - because that is in the realm of their souvereignty.