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Vive la France!

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  • #61
    **** all car industries are now leaving the UK because they fear they will be taxed out


    • #62
      And Greece has never done what "they" said because it was stupid

      and it's still in the EU


      • #63
        triple the pensions of other less fotunate pawns that did what they were told

        WHy because we are ****ing greeks, that's why


        • #64
          Wow, that is what I call a melt down.

          For the record, I was at the movies last night with a girl I have been dating for some time. I just stopped posting personal info online as insecure people misuse it. :shrug:

          Lastly, the reason it is "**** the Greeks" is because you guys still are spending much more than you make and refusing to help yourselves by liberalizing your economy. At some point it just becomes enabling bad behavior.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Dinner View Post

            For the record, I was at the movies last night with a girl

            sure... sure...


            • #66
              BTW having a 3,5% suprus is not "spending more than we have"
              Now the debt will be written off because it seems there can be a compromise and que sera, sera....


              • #67
                You seem to believe that if somene is in debt, you can dictate things to him. It doesn't work that way in sovereign nations, especially when they are tied together in supranational institutions.
                You also seem to think that the snake oil is to liberalize everything whereas I have concistently pointed out to you that this would turn as into america. You simply refuse to listen.


                • #68
                  Also Greeks are the most sexually active population on earth so chances are we boing you


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                    BTW having a 3,5% suprus is not "spending more than we have"
                    Now the debt will be written off because it seems there can be a compromise and que sera, sera....
                    You are not meeting your obligations thus why you cannot borrow on the open market and why you are, yet again, begging for bailout funds. If you don't have cash to pay your debts then, no, you don't have a surplus now do you?
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #70
                      We do have a surplus and it is 3,5%.
                      we are in a program. when we exit the program we can borrow on the open market.

                      Hell we can borrow on the open market now but that would mean exiting the program without securing a debt relief. That means unilaterally forfeiting debt. They don't want that so they keep giving us money

                      How hard is it to understand?

                      We don't necessarily want the money, we can default if they want
                      They don't, we don't and so far it seems we agree


                      • #71
                        Now there's a debt relief coming and securing a 3,5% is us saying we held our part of the deal, now your turn. Because no matter what, the economy cannot grow when there's a damoclean sword hanging above our heads with debt.
                        That's logical.

                        Either we exit and **** up the eurozone as a consequence or we do that together and everything stays intact. It's all about compromises. It seems it is working. Who knew


                        • #72
                          And all that still without eating pretzels btw
                          That must be made very clear


                          • #73
                            I must say I am proud of France. I think Macron represents a level headed choice. I did like Melenchon and despite him not endorsing Macron, most of his voters did ultimately vote for Macron.

                            BTW, Hillary won the popular vote by more than 1% lol.

                            France has a chance now to get on a proper footing. After the crushing defeats of the far right in Holland and Austria, this is an indication the far right was nothing more than a whoopie cushion. It will inflate and then lose all its hot air.

                            By the way, the GOP seems destined for major losses next year. The election in Kansas where a Democrat came close (46%) says it all.

                            I wouldn't it pass the idiocracy here in the US though to disappoint me again.

                            Europeans are smarter and see the far right as incompetent bull**** artists.

                            Take care. This is my hit and run post lol.
                            For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                            • #74
                              Actually I was reading the Independent yesterday and it was saying Austria's government is currently having trouble and may have to call elections.
                              Try for discussion and debate.


                              • #75

                                Macron appointments a right wing PM. It looks like he is aligning right and hoping to undercut the FN. Logically, if he wants to get the French economy moving again he is going to need to pass liberalization laws which the left will all oppose so moving right seems to make sense for him. I am a bit concerned about how Macron has said he wants to pass laws by decree which would seem to indicate he knows he can't get these things through the legislature.

                                That would indicate he is weaker than one would think and he knows it.
                                Try for discussion and debate.

