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Vive la France!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
    there is no deadline

    When the Greek government runs out of money that is the deadline.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #47
      And the EU is bust?


      • #48
        Nobody cares about the UK apart you.
        They are the first cousins of the europeans.

        But Greece.... that's another matter...


        • #49
          I like putting in sentimental overtones, it makes it more catchy
          It's realpolitiks under it all and what I said in my previous post stands, because of it


          • #50
            Not that this was known beforehand. You had analysis geopolitical, societal etc that pointed out to it. And it made sense. Still we are not will deprived beings on a predetermined vacuum. It made SENSE. But someone had to carry it through


            • #51
              In short

              for dinner

              Greece: undisciplined child to be "disciplined" by Germany. Completely deprived of reality

              UK: sacred **** oppressed by the EU and Germany. Completely deprived of reality too

              Still I think we got the better deal.

              But that's just because of who we are

              And the perks of the UK leaving are very tangible in my field. (still will love the music though)


              • #52
                Dinner's approach stinks of provinciality.
                American? british? bastard cherokee?
                who knows.

                Even that eastern european bebro seems to have way more sense than you


                • #53
                  Do you ever make sense? Greece is begging for money which no one else will give them do they literally have no other choice but to do as they as told. The UK is not a begger and they can simply tell the EU to **** off and we won't pay you a penny and there is nothing they can do about it unless Germany wants to lose its second largest car export market or France wants to lose its largest export market.
                  Last edited by Dinner; May 13, 2017, 01:21.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #54
                    More nonsense and very low level at that

                    Don't have time to lose at b!tchslapping you around for the moment


                    • #55
                      If you were a bit more sophisticated and less moronically predictable I would honest


                      • #56
                        But I'm sure at this point you're pissed drunk


                        • #57
                          Is that because you're fat and can't get a girl?


                          • #58
                            Serb can get two meter goddesses, you know. And he's communist


                            • #59
                              You were pulling at your giant man boobs when Greece wasn't evicted again and again from the euro (because you thought something, can't recall)

                              Now your beloved UK (they do have lots of muslims too though) is getting kicked in the ass
                              HOW DOWS IT FEEL fat girless slob?

                              It hurts

                              I'm sure

                              I can't know but I can imagine


                              • #60
                                I can give arguments about how the UK will break in three parts how irish english is now the english lanuage in the EU
                                comment on your absurd statement about cars UK is a fraction compared to a 500 million EU which can crush it at whim but all those arguments are flooded in my head and can'r come out coherent because you give moronic simple arguments that can be toppled with just a fart

