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Greece: Still refusing to reform or pay it's bills.

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  • #76
    The thing is that the english used former nazi collaborators to try and beat the left wing/communists.

    And they also fought themselves against greek communists (much to their own beweilderment as to why they should fight greeks - they thought it was a "hun plot" )

    No. they pretty much failed


    • #77
      the ones that didn't fail was the americans that stepped in

      unfortunately what ensued was a long period of pure terror and discrimination of anyone liberal/left wing/communist

      we defeated them as well.

      their kids are present though and are as abnoxious as ever.


      • #78
        Be thankful the yankistanians didn't have drones in those days.

        They love to use their drones, they do.

        Drone strike everything.


        • #79
          Funnily enough, the left wing has a lot more in common with the present US than the right wing,in some respects


          • #80
            I would not be afraid of american drones or their lackeys btw

            what was once done can be done again and much more complete


            • #81
              they know it very, very well


              • #82
                they are a big part of the reason Greece is in a difficult situation btw

                they are used to be backed by fascists. we used to call them german-soldiers

                they still get mad, it's hilarious


                • #83
                  but coming back to australia
                  yeah I have seen lots change their last names and they become this sort of goo. very ugly

                  not one european greek has changed his name. ever

                  european greeks love Greece with all their hearts they are connected

                  australian greeks change their last names and try in a very provincial way to make fun of europe. it's hilarious because they are considered extreme hillbilies and uncivilized


                  • #84
                    I read all of paitkis' posts as Trump tweets. Does anyone else?
                    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                    "Capitalism ho!"


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                      australian greeks change their last names and try in a very provincial way to make fun of europe. it's hilarious because they are considered extreme hillbilies and uncivilized
                      Many of our wogs have last names like Papadopolous and first names like Eleftherios.

                      These names are very Greek as I'm sure you would agree.

                      There are no skips called Papadopolous. (Skip is a derogatory term used by wogs to describe Anglo-Australians).


                      • #86
                        Greece is the only country in the world I care about anymoar.
                        Order of the Fly
                        Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by DaShi View Post
                          I read all of paitkis' posts as Trump tweets. Does anyone else?
                          No. It's just you.

                          Are you Hilary in disguise?


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                            the english went in and tried to quell a left wing/communist revolution in Greece

                            they were beaten and they left

                            then many things happened
                            Was that before or after you lost your Marbles?
                            No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                            • #89
                              It is said that a big problem of the disjointed efforts of Greece steams from the civil war scars because they were never faced.

                              What pisses me off about right wingers is not so much their beliefs (everyone is entitled in one - as I said, we won) it's that they are supposed to be liberals and **** and they still go by the same pathogenies they are themselves condemning.


                              • #90
                                btw I'm eating an orange pie, it's great

