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Greece: Still refusing to reform or pay it's bills.

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  • Greece: Still refusing to reform or pay it's bills.

    Just kick them out already. Every bailout has been a waste of money and they are still have not made the majority of the reforms agreed to back in 2010 and 2011 yet the EU still keeps giving them more loans. It is a lost cause, the Greeks wasted your money, and it is time for them to face the music.
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    The reason this round seems worse than the last dozen or so rounds is that the Greek government has refused to do any reforms. Usually they agree to a dozen reforms, do half of one or two, then declare how they need more time and will do them if only Germany will give them billions more. Seven years these frauds have been playing this game but now they are simply refusing to do anything positive and are just demanding free money forever. Will the EU cave like it always does or will they realize Merkel wasted three rounds of bailout cash on worthless dead beats?

    Stop throwing good money after bad and just kick them out already. They had most of a decade to enact simple reforms, they are their own worst enemy, and now they need to suffer what their obstinacy has brought them. At least then they will serve as a warming to other stupid people who refuse to help themselves.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #3
      If they want to keep bailing out Greece, I'm fine with that. I'm not paying for it, and the global economy is more stable if the eurozone doesn't break up.


      • #4
        The Eurozone is already breaking up. Brexit, remember? BTW, I wonder where Kentonio will run to next if Franxit happens...
        No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


        • #5
          Oerdin: Still bashing Greece and refusing to pay it's bills.


          • #6
            kicking bad
            not kicking good

            except when playing football


            • #7
              Now time for the truth:

              IMF violated its mandate to save its skin and try to become relevant again.

              It accepted to be involved in a program of a country whose debt was unsustainable

              strike one

              EU wants to keep NOT cutting the debt despite it being not sustainable

              strike two

              Syriza managed to have far better fiscal results than its predecessors

              strike three

              EU is in a rather fragile state. ISIS/immigration, trump (some say russia)

              it needs a grexit like an ass needs a wart (wort? ward?)


              • #8
                now about the reforms, listen very carefully because this is important:

                some are done, some are not

                I think we can all agree with that


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
                  The Eurozone is already breaking up. Brexit, remember? BTW, I wonder where Kentonio will run to next if Franxit happens...

                  UK wasn't isn't and will never be part of the eurozone

                  Now it's not part of the EU either


                  • #10
                    Also once more it seems that dinner and mad monk are complete dumb, I mean really astronomically dumb when it comes to Europe


                    • #11
                      Dinner has been saying the mantra "kick out greece" since I can remember


                      the UK left the EU (he's threatening europe and hopes trump will take "the UK's side to "punish" europe

                      I mean you really are dumb dinner

                      then dinner keeps saying kick out greece

                      meanwhile US elects trump (no further compentary needed)

                      I'm saying, just saying, that maybe dinner needs to change his tune?

                      It ain't happening but other things that piss you off ARE happening

                      I think this is because you don't show love

                      show love and love you shall receive

                      show asshattery and ass hats you receive

                      think about it, makes sense

                      I'm saying these things because I'm a compassionate, caring human being
                      If I wasn't, I wouldn't


                      • #12
                        This is what dinner thinks:

                        The EU is a complete dysfunctional mess, it protects nothing other than special interests, and the more dictatorial it becomes the more people will seek to breal away. There is a massive lack of democratic accountability and the way those dirtbags claim that free trade is impossible without paying into an EU budget or getting your country flooded by welfare parasites is beyond belief. I hope President Trump sides with the UK and punishes the EU if they refuse free trade with the UK. If they want a trade war then they should get it as their weak economy will fail first especially when debt ridden EU member states are locked out of international capital markets.
                        Instead of derailing the French election thread too much, I figured I'd just spin this of to its own thread... The EU-as-it-is, that is, a political entity which values democracy, liberty, individual rights, privacy, environmental and worker right, is the only thing left that protects my way of...

                        Dinner is angry.
                        Very angry.

                        I think it's because he doesn't have a honeybunny to squeeze.
                        And being angry makes that difficult which makes him more angry in return

                        It's sad.
                        It's tragic, on an ancient greek level


                        • #13
                          Why is the UK entitled to free trade with the EU?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Braindead View Post
                            Oerdin: Still bashing Greece and refusing to pay it's bills.

                            Stupidity should be highlighted and excoriated. Wouldn't you agree?
                            Last edited by Dinner; February 11, 2017, 04:21.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              Now time for the truth:

                              IMF violated its mandate to save its skin and try to become relevant again.

                              It accepted to be involved in a program of a country whose debt was unsustainable

                              strike one

                              EU wants to keep NOT cutting the debt despite it being not sustainable

                              strike two

                              Syriza managed to have far better fiscal results than its predecessors

                              strike three

                              EU is in a rather fragile state. ISIS/immigration, trump (some say russia)

                              it needs a grexit like an ass needs a wart (wort? ward?)
                              Jesus Christ. What fantasy world do you live in? Hell, they had even spelled out a path which would lead to debt reduction and you lazy, worthless dead beats couldn't even follow that. You are truly worthless ****s and deserve everything you got and will get.
                              Try for discussion and debate.

