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Greece: Still refusing to reform or pay it's bills.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by giblets View Post

    I meant after the crisis.
    Yeah that is quite correct


    • #32
      Busy making more money than Oerdin probably


      • #33
        that ****ing fat *** can't get laid

        anyway I'm using him to vent 'cause I have work to do and then party

        but first work

        (I'm kinda bored but it has to be done so **** him and his m......)


        • #34
          The thing is you have germans here and they are reasonable down to earth people

          You have oerdin a half bred german that swears by anglosaxon work ethic and is so fat he can't **** even a washing machine

          Is this just?

          I dont't know

          but he needs to get banned when he spews out hatred because I'm going to reply and then they are going to ban me!!

          The minority!!!!!

          There's ****ing a bazzilion americans and just one proud greek

          (you can see it it reads "proud" on my forehead)

          Ban the fucj, protect the minority or as maddona said we're going to blow up the white house
          (figuratevely speaking of course)

          BAN THE NAZI

          (leave his mother)


          • #35
            I bet he doesn't even work that much

            He has a flat and he rents it

            ****ing bourgeois sh!t


            • #36
              hey ming ban me you ****ing ****

              he insulted a whole peoples in a difficult situation

              and you're going to ban me?!!

              You're going to end up with TRUMP

              (oh wait)


              • #37
                america is a melting pot, so americans can pick and choose the most stupid and inhumane ideas from every culture if they so desire


                • #38
                  dinner picked the nazi

                  freck him


                  • #39
                    You have called the entire Western World Nazis. How does Oerdin stack up to that?

                    I want nobody banned for name calling. It's just people showing their true selves, after all.
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                    • #40
                      Oh don't hide behind the "west"

                      You're trump the west hates you


                      • #41
                        "The whole western world"

                        As if you have anything in common


                        • #42
                          You ****ing thought the UK was part of the eurozone you kansas dimwit cow



                          • #43
                            First of all dinner and you are uneducated.

                            Dinner is funny and dumb.

                            But he can't be left alone to spew hatred, that's unacceptable.

                            You talk about the "west". Who is the west? are you? you are more like the wild west

                            the ****ing president of the EU has you pinned alongside ISIS as a threat.

                            ****ing morons

                            Now Bebro is scared/concerned about Putin.

                            He shouldn't be.

                            I'll tell him that he's a bro (I'll leave out the be) and we're all OK.

                            ****, germany gets so much gas from russia I could fart all day and still not produce enough

                            But, see here's the issue

                            I'll take serb anytime of the week instead of nazis


                            • #44
                              Dinner thinks the UK and the US have enough power to take on the EU in a trade war in order to protect the UK

                              fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck the delusion is big with this one

                              bebro is sad as a result and that's just not right

                              ****ing delusional nazi dinner

                              serb nukes your little ass


                              • #45
                                and he calls greeks lazy worthless ****s

                                (WHY IS HE NOT BANNED MING?)

                                greeks. the most loveable hard working people on earth. la creme de la creme the joy of life the salt of the earth

                                the reason western civilization exists in the first place kansas cow

                                (not talking about the right wing, those are scum indeed but still better than nazi dinner)

